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E- Human Resource Management (E-HRM): A Growing Role in Organizations

Issue Abstract


The period of 1945 to 1960 is characterized by the importance of employee morale while personnel is part of operating cost but not yet mainstream operations of the organization. The computers were used in the defense industry to maintain research and development, employee selection, and payroll automation through mainframe computers. The human resource management department is considered as the most significant function in all types of organizations as it is considered greatly with intellectual skills. Information communication technology facilitates innovative and best ways of carrying on routine organizational activities in a virtual environment. Human resource management incorporates with the electronic mode of operations. Since the term e-HR first came into force in the 1990s when e-commerce started dominating the business world. Recent technological developments have made “business at the speed of a thought” and a “paperless office” every activity based on real-time with real information. e-HR refers to conducting human resource transactions using the internet technology at the inception of e-HRM. This study also provides concrete insight into how human resource management develops its function with a new technical wave called E-HRM and also a study of the framework, role, and consequences of the E-HRM process in organizations.

Keywords- Technical Wave, E-Commerce, E-HR, E-HRM

Received : 01st October 2019 

Accepted : 15th October 2019
Published : 15th November 2019



Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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