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Digital Transformation of Accounting in India

Issue Abstract

Digitalization plays a pivotal part in the economic growth of the country. In the present scenario, digital transformation in accounting is one of the important segments to witness revolutionary changes in the world. Digital accounting means introducing aspects with technology. This article tries to present that how technology brought up changes in recent times through traditional methods once characterized by manually sitting through hour-long gradation without any visual presentation. The study investigates the status quo and developmental trends of digitalization in accounting, the responsibilities for implementation, and any obstacles to the digitalization of accounting, which may have already emerged. Building on this, a maturity level model was developed that assigns companies to defined clusters and reflects the current status of digi¬talisation in their accounting systems.
Keywords: Digitalization, Accounting, Blockchain, Fibre connectivity, Cloud Accounting, Artificial

Author Information
Dr. Dilshad Begum
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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