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Correlates Between Work Life Balance and Factors Causing Work Life Imbalance Among Women Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs of Schools in Puducherry

Issue Abstract

Work life balance is affected by certain factors both positively and negatively. In order to test the relationship between work life balance and factors having negative impact on it has been discussed in this study. So, certain factors such as multiple role conflict, poor work atmosphere, low quality of life, excessive job demands and excessive family demands were considered as the factors causing work life imbalance. For this purpose, data were gathered from 100 women teaching and non-teaching staffs working on various schools in Puducherry region has been analyzed. Correlation and regression were used for statistical analysis. The study has found out that except family demands has a negative relationship with work life balance and it is the highly influencing variable over work life balance. Suggestions to remove these work life imbalance factors were also provided accordingly. Keywords: Work life balance, factors causing work life imbalance, multiple role conflict, work atmosphere, quality of life, job demands, family demands.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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