S.No. | Title | Page No. |
1. | A Study on Digital Transformation of Business Dr.E.Mubarak Ali, Dr.D.Sulthan Basha | 01-10 |
2. | A Study on Consumer Buying Behavior in Relation to Green Products available in Pudukkottai District G.Ramadevi, Dr. M.Marimuthu | 11-19 |
3. | Navigating Prosperity: Unraveling the Dynamics of Cross-Selling Effectiveness and Financial Literacy In the Banking Landscape P. G.Rajesh, Dr. K. Vijayakumar | 20-26 |
4. | Quality of Work life construct; as antecedent and outcome: A Systematic Literature Review K .B. Jaseena, Dr. M. Habeebur Rahman | 27-40 |
5. | Factors affecting quality of work-life balance among teachers in higher education institutions Dr. L. Asid Ahamed, V.Nanthini | 41-48 |
6. | Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital Transformation: The Role of Social Media and Content Marketing Dr. S. Pradeepa | 49-54 |
7. | Analysing consumer behaviour towards purchase of Gold Jewelleries in Tiruchirappalli M.A.Michael Neil Adams, Dr S. Gopi | 55-64 |
8. | Leadership dynamics and their effect on entrepreneurial innovation and perception B. Berty Roy, Dr. S.Basheer Ahamed | 65-76 |
9. | Satisfaction Level of Health Tourists in the Malabar Region of Kerala B.K. Muhammed Juman, Dr. G. Pasupathi | 77-95 |
10. | A study on consumer perception towards eco- friendly products in Tiruchirappalli city Dr. A. Ansar Ali, S. Mohamed Imthiaz | 96-105 |
11. | Analysing the relationship between social interaction and creative performance in coworking spaces through knowledge sharing A.P. Mufeeda Sulfath, Dr. K. Halimunnisa | 106-117 |
12. | Impact of Artificial Intelligence on transformation of entrepreneurial process Dr. A. Sophia Alphonse, Dr. I. Ashiq Mohamed | 118-127 |
13. | The Impact of Search Engine Marketing in the Digital Marketing ERA K.Thanseeh, T. Fathima Najiya | 128-135 |
14. | A Comparative Study of Savings, Investment Behaviour, and Work-Life Quality among Nurses P. Prasad., Dr. G. Pasupathi | 136-142 |
15. | The Transformative power of E-commerce in chemistry based industries Dr. E. Mubarak Ali, M. Mohamed Ismail | 143-147 |
16. | Impact of social media marketing on consumer purchasing patterns in Thiruchirappalli district, Tamilnadu S. Mohammed Safi, R.Prasanna | 148-159 |
17. | An Extensive adoption with analysis of consumer buying attitude towards purchase of electric four wheelers S. Mohamed Imran Sharif, Dr. M. Balasubramanian | 160-166 |
18. | A study on financial performance of MRF Tyres limited A. Asma Banu, Dr. S. Gopi | 167-172 |
19. | Consumer attitudes and preferences in online shopping of gadgets A.S.Minhaj Begum | 173-182 |
20. | Digital Transformation for Entrepreneurial Success in the Modern Business ERA Dr. P. Arivazhagan, Dr. J. Mohamed Sharif | 183-189 |
21. | A study on recovery chances for knitwear industry’s post covid-19 at Tirupur district, Tamilnadu K.P.Maheswari, Dr. M.Hema Nalini | 190-205 |
22. | An Analysis on the operational efficiency of select impact investing automobile companies B. Sumaiya Sherin, Dr. K. Vijayakumar | 206-211 |
23. | Study on digital marketing and its impact on the consumer behaviourin Tiruchirappalli district Dr. V. Gunasekaran | 212-217 |
24. | A study on employee engagement in theoretical perspective. M. Jasmine Fairose, Dr. S. Maris Shinia Clarissia | 218-228 |
25. | Empowering the Future: A Comprehensive Education and Skill Development Initiative Dr. S.Latha Maheswari, Dr. S. Sivakumar | 229-241 |
26. | The Challenges and Opportunities for Green Entrepreneurship in India S. Roofina Banu | 242-249 |
27. | A Study on How AI Improves Learning and Time Management for Students Globally Dr. N. Sabrin, M. Ayesha Farveen | 250-259 |
28. | A study on the impact of culture on organizational performance with reference to automotive industry Dr. U. Jahir Hussain | 260-265 |
29. | Assessment and assortment of projects using hybrid MCDM technique under Fuzzy environment based on economic factors S.Umamageswari, Dr. M. Balasubramanian | 266-276 |
30. | A study on customer awareness towards e-mandate Registration with reference towards Tiruchirappalli district Dr. K.Indumathi, Dr. S.Dhilshathunnisa | 277-285 |