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Factors Affecting the Productivity of the Construction Industry in Ernakulam
Ajith Kumar .K
Pages: 1-10 | First Published: 05 Apr 2020
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Building industry faces difficulties with respect to profitability related issues and the issues are commonly connected with work proficiency. Numerous development organizations have confronted constant issues, for example, lacking wellbeing, unsatisfactory working conditions and inadequate effectiveness. These issues have been portrayed as components influencing the effectiveness of development and influencing the yield of the organization. The objective of this examination is to recognize factors impacting development profitability in Ernakulum locale dependent on polls gave to laborers and representatives. At that point, the survey examination is performed by esteem file and positions the factors as indicated by the worth list. This paper classifies efficiency factors into four gatherings:, 2.quality, force factors, variables, 5. Spot, materials and factor-related assets, 6. Configuration related elements and 7.external variables. The polls are flowed to top administration and mid-level administration. This exploration will be created as an underlying examination of Ernakulum development industries more top to bottom investigation.

Keywords:Factors affecting Productivity, Productivity Lose in construction industry.

1. A.A. Attar, A.K Gupta, & D.B. Desai (2012), ‘A study of various factors affecting labour productivity and methods
to improve it.’ IOSR-JMCE.,vol. 18, pp.11-14.
2. Abdulaziz M. Jarkas & Camille G. Bitar (2012), ‘Factors Affecting Construction Labour Productivity in Kuwait.’
J.Constr.Eng.Manage.,vol. 138, no.7, pp. 811-820
3. Abdul Kadir, W.P. Lee, S.M.Sapuan & A.A.A. Ali (2005), ‘ Factors affecting construction labour productivity for
Malaysian residential projects.’ Structural survey, vol. 23, no.1, pp.42-54.
4. Sudharsan, N,& Sivalingam, K. (2019). Potential utilization of waste material for sustainable development in
construction industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3435–3438.
5. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2016). Experimental Investigations on the Properties of Coal-Ash Brick Units as
Green Building Materials. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 36(6), 318–325.
6. Adna Enshassi, Sherif Mohamed, Ziad Abu Mustafa & Peter Eduard Mayer (2007). ‘Factors Affecting Labour
Productivity in Building Projects in the Gaza strip.’ J.Civil.Eng.Manage., vol. 13, no.4, pp.245-254.
7. Sudharsan, N, & Saravanaganesh, S. (2019). Feasibility studies on waste glass powder. International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 1644–1647.

8. Arun Makulsawatudom & Margaret Emsley, (2001), ‘Factors affecting the productivity of the construction
industry in Thaliland:The project managers perception’, Association of Researchers in Construction Manage., vol.
1, pp. 281-290.
9. A.Soekiman, K.S.Pribadi, B.W.Soemardi,& R.D Wirahadikusumah (2011), ‘Factors relating to labour productivity
affecting the project schedule performance in Indonesia.’Science Direct., vol. 14, pp.865-873
10. Mostafa E.Shehata & Khaled M.El-Gohary (2012), ‘Towards improving construction labour productivity and
projects performance .’Alexandria Engineering Journal.,vol.50, pp.321-330.
11. Richard L.Tucker (1986),‘Management of construction productivity’,J.Constr. Eng.manage.,ASCE, vol.2, no.3,
12. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2014). Study on the flexural strength of coal ash brick masonry wall
elements. Journal of Structural Engineering (India), 41(4), 410–419.
13. N. Sudharsan, T. Palanisamy, S. C. Yaragal, (2018), Environmental sustainability of waste glass as a valuable
construction material - A critical review. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24 pp. S331–S338.
14. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2013). Study on properties of bricks manufactured using fly ash and pond
ash. Pollution Research, 32(2), 405–409.

Strength and Durability Test on Partial Replacement of Cement by Glass Powder in Self- Compacting Concrete
Aravindan K
Pages: 11-15 | First Published: 05 Apr 2020
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Self-compacting solid that can stream under its own weight and complete the shape work, even within the sight of thick
support, without requiring any vibration while saving homogeneity. ). SCC can likewise be utilized in circumstances where
mechanical compaction for new cement is troublesome or difficult to utilize, for example, submerged cementing,
projecting in-situ heap establishments, machine bases and sections or dividers with clogged fortification The piece of SCC
is like that of ordinary cement but to accomplish self-stream admixtures, for example, fly debris, glass filler, calcareous
powder, The various properties of the materials in the exploratory program were resolved. Glass Powders qualities and
the benefits of utilizing them with concrete were examined. An exhaustive investigation on glass powder concrete was
likewise directed. Concrete will be supplanted by 5 percent, 10%, 15 percent, 20%, 25 percent, concrete weight. The
solid shapes, chambers and crystals were projected 150x150x150 mm, 150 mm x 300mmhigh, 700x150x150 mm. Utilizing
swamp cone test, super plasticizer will be included for improved usefulness and ideal measurements was determined.
Distinctive quality and continuance tests will be performed.

1. Jin Tao, Yong Yuan and Luc Taerwe, Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete during High Temperature
Exposure ASCE
2. M.A Hossain and M.Lachemi,ǁBond Behaviour of SCC with Mineral and Chemical Admixturesǁ Cement and
Concrete Research
3. Sudharsan, N, & Saravanaganesh, S. (2019). Feasibility studies on waste glass powder. International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 1644–1647.
4. M.Valcuendeand C.parra―Natural Carbonation of Self Compacting Concrete Construction and Building
5. Philippe Turcry, Ahmed and Khalil, Cracking Tendency of Self Compacting Concrete Subjected to Restrained
Shrinkage ASCE
6. YoungHoonKimandMaryBeth,ǁShearCharacteristicsandDesignforHighStrength Self Compacting Concrete―ASCE
7. J.MKhatib―PerformanceofSelfCompactingConcretecontainingFlyashConstruction and Building Materials
8. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2013). Study on properties of bricks manufactured using fly ash and pond
ash. Pollution Research, 32(2), 405–409.
9. Sudharsan, N., & Palanisamy, T. (2018). A comprehensive study on potential use of waste materials in brick for
sustainable development. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24, S339–S343.
10. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2014). Study on the flexural strength of coal ash brick masonry wall elements. Journal
of Structural Engineering (India), 41(4), 410–419.
11. Sudharsan, N,& Sivalingam, K. (2019). Potential utilization of waste material for sustainable development in
construction industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3435–3438.
12. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2016). Experimental Investigations on the Properties of Coal-Ash Brick Units as
Green Building Materials. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 36(6), 318–325.
13. N. Sudharsan, T. Palanisamy, S. C. Yaragal, (2018), Environmental sustainability of waste glass as a valuable
construction material - A critical review. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24 pp. S331–S338.

Project Planning & Scheduling
Sudha P B
Pages: 16-20 | First Published: 05 Apr 2020
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Broad Planning is a general concept that sets a simple road map to a destination. The word was used at various levels to imply different items. Planning involves splitting the project into definable, observable and recognizable tasks / activities and then defining the interdependencies between them. These plans include four main steps: breakdown of the project's work items into tasks. Identifying the correct sequence to perform the operations. Representing events. Estimating individual activities' resources , time, and expense. The planning team needs rigorous effort. A planner should know the various categories of work and the language and information used in general practise. Planning tem should also seek professional opinion including real building experience. This helps create a practical strategy and later on-site prevent issues.

1. “Basic Introduction to Project Planning & Scheduling” by Jackie Gilliland emphasis - which the Project planning,
scheduling and control and project management is explained in Detail.
2. “Project Planning & Scheduling” by Gregory T Haugan did the Studies and makes all planning methods and tools
available to project managers at all levels easy to understand... and use.
3. “Project Planning, Scheduling & Control” by James P Lewis - Thoroughly updated to encompass the tremendous
technological and workplace changes of the past decade--with exceptional illustrations and graphics to illuminate key
points--this clearly written, applications-oriented project management blueprint reveals easy-to-follow.
4. “Planning, Scheduling , Monitoring & Control” by Simon Addy manin his book offers practical guidance on all planning
aspects of preparing to undertake a project, executing a project, controlling its delivery to budget, time and quality,
and delivering it safely.
5. “Construction Planning& Scheduling” by Andrew Baldwin & David Bordoli -presents the key issues of planning and
programming in scheduling in a clear, concise and practical way.
6. “Construction Project Scheduling & Control” by Saleh A Mubarak – The study provides a comprehensive examination
of the analytical methods used to devise a reasonable, efficient, and successful schedule for construction projects of all
7. “ Maintenance , Planning, Coordination & Scheduling” by Don Nyman & Joel Levitt - Based on real-world experience
this invaluable guide and reference tells the whole story of maintenance planning from beginning to end in a concise
and easy-to-follow manner.
8. “Project Scope Management “by Jamal Moustafaev describes how to elicit, document, and manage requirements to
control project scope creep. It also explains how to manage project stakeholders to minimize the risk of an evergrowing
list of user requirements.
9. “ Effective Work Breakdown Structures “By Dr. Gregory T. Haugan clearly states that WBS is a foundational building
block to initiating, planning, executing, and monitoring and controlling processes used to manage projects. Resource
Breakdown Structure (RBS) describes the project's resource organization, and can be used with the WBS to define
work package assignments.
10. “ Practice Standard for Scheduling” By Project Management Institute provides the latest thinking regarding good and
accepted practices in the area of scheduling for a project. In this new edition of the practice standard, you will learn
to identify the elements of a good schedule model, its purpose, use, and benefits.

Determination of Mechanical Properties of Industrial Ash Brick
Vidhya K, Thamarai selvan R,
Pages: 21-27 | First Published: 05 Apr 2020
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Standard sort mud blocks need to make more topsoil domains, and there is a lousy situation for headway. Materials from "Fly Ash and Pond Ash" are used to decide the above issue and limit discharges. Sand is displaced by quarry dust in light of worth thoughts. Wads of fly particles, now and again supplanted by lake particles and sand, are replaced by quarry dust in this examination. Properties of the squares with coal debris.


Pondash, fly ash, quarry mud, power of compression, water absorption, efflorescence, density of weight


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3. N. Sudharsan, T. Palanisamy, S. C. Yaragal, Environmental sustainability of waste glass as a valuable construction
material - A critical review. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 24 (2018), pp. S331–S338.
4. Vidhya, K., & Kandasamy, S. (2014). Study on the flexural strength of coal ash brick masonry wall elements. Journal of
Structural Engineering (India), 41(4), 410–419.

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sustainable development. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24, S339–S343.
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Strength Assessment and Restoration of RC Structures by Structural Health Monitoring Techniques
G.Buvanesan, Vidhya K
Pages: 28-34 | First Published: 05 Apr 2020
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Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Cement by Metakaolin in Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Karthik Prabu .P
Pages: 35-41 | First Published: 05 Apr 2020
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Concrete is a sufficiently fragile material when introduced to standard loads and effect loads. The adaptability of cement is around one 10th of its compressive quality. As requirements are for these qualities, legitimate dependable individuals couldn't keep uploads and adaptable loads that happened on solid bars and pieces. Trustworthy individuals are fortified with consistent continuing bars to withstand flexible squares and make up for the nonappearance of flexibility and quality. The presentation of strands is consistently taken as a reaction to stirring up its flexural and inflexible nature. Fiber braced cement (FRC) is concrete made of concrete concretes, totals, and discrete stimulating fiber. Strands appropriate for propping concrete have been passed on from steel, glass, and ordinary polymers (created filaments). Exactly when substantial parts, oneself emphatically masterminded strands begin working, get break headway and causing, and improve quality and pliability.

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