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Journal Issues

Role of False Aptitude in Advertising and Marketing
Nisha M,
Pages: 1-38 | First Published: 05 Feb 2022
Full text | Abstract | Purchase | References | Request permissions

In the last 20 years, artificial intelligence has flooded the advertising market by helping to scale operations. AI is now more accessible than ever, allowing brands both big and small to benefit from the insights and automation options it provides. It used to be that only big businesses with plenty of budget where able to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for marketing. However, the technology has come so far and has become a lot more affordable, meaning that today, even smaller companies can access AI.Any company that operates online is now able to apply publicly-available algorithms to their site or make use of off-the-shelf machine learning services. This means that it is easier than ever to gather useful insights and create prediction models based on the behaviour of their customers.This paper captures the Role of AI in Marketing since 1998 to date with case studies & a glimpse of the future briefly.
Key Words: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Advertising

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Interfacial electronic properties of Tetrapyrrole complexes thin films on metallic substrates
Abhishek Kumar
Pages: 9-25 | First Published: 05 Feb 2022
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Self-assembled adlayers of conjugated organic molecules on metallic substrates have gained considerable attention due to promising applications in optoelectronic devices based on conjugated molecules. The performance of molecular electronic devices is significantly influenced by interfacial electronic properties at metal-molecule interfaces. The review summarizes significant findings of photoemission spectroscopy together with low energy electron diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy utilized to characterize electronic properties at the metal-molecule interfaces, providing vital information about the charge transfer and charge injection barriers. The adsorption of transition metal complexes on surfaces with and without graphene buffer layers is another crucial issue for their interconnection between electromagnetic properties. Therefore, fine characterization of these interfaces is mandatory in their applications. Recent results of phthalocyanines deposited on ferromagnetic metal surfaces and graphene buffer layers revealed a substrate-molecular coupling mechanism, which shows a delicate interaction between long-range as well as local chemical bonds. 

Keywords: summarizes significant findings of photoemission spectroscopy


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2. Heiko Peisert, Johannes Uihlein, Fotini Petraki, Thomas Chassé, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 204 , 49–60 (2015)
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10. Lorenzo Massimi, Simone Lisi, Daniela Pacilè, Carlo Mariani and Maria Grazia Betti ,Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 308–312.
11. F. Petraki,H. Peisert,U. Aygu, F. Latteyer, J. Uihlein,\ A. Vollmer,and T. Chasse J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 10106−10112

12 V. M. Karpan, G. Giovannetti, P. A. Khomyakov, M. Talanana, A. A. Starikov, M. Zwierzycki, J. van den Brink, G.Brocks, and P. J. Kelly, Graphite and Graphene as Perfect Spin Filters. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007. 99, 176602.
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Role of False Aptitude in Advertising and Marketing
Nisha M,
Pages: 28-38 | First Published: 05 Feb 2022
Full text | Abstract | Purchase | References | Request permissions

In the last 20 years, artificial intelligence has flooded the advertising market by helping to scale operations. AI is now more accessible than ever, allowing brands both big and small to benefit from the insights and automation options it provides. It used to be that only big businesses with plenty of budgets were able to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for marketing. However, the technology has come so far and has become a lot more affordable, meaning that today, even smaller companies can access AI. Any company that operates online is now able to apply publicly available algorithms to its site or make use of off-the-shelf machine learning services. This means that it is easier than ever to gather useful insights and create prediction models based on the behavior of their customers. This paper captures the Role of AI in Marketing from 1998 to date with case studies & a glimpse of the future briefly.
Key Words: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Advertising

[2] 523186/
[4] http://8-ways-ai-can-enhance-your-marketing-strategy-today/207092/
[5] intelligence-will-revolutionize-marketing-by-2020/#d15c1a31a73d
[6] marketing/#
[8] Https://Pdfs.Semanticscholar.Org/2e10/6c56d34d8301c521673ac7a7a80a02021772.Pdf
[10] file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/2704-1-2686-1-10-20190403%20(1).pdf

Performance Appraisal
Dr.S.Fabiyola Kavitha,
Pages: 40-42 | First Published: 05 Feb 2022
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A performance appraisal is a timely monitoring of the work done by employees to enhance the employee's morale and also to contribute to the growth of the organization. In performance appraisal, the holistic growth of the employee is kept into account by taking into consideration the skills, talents, potential, and productivity of all employees. Performance appraisal recognizes the contribution of each employee. It helps to manage the most important resource in the organization – the Human Resources. The utilization of all resources in an organization ensures smooth functioning and guarantees maximum productivity.


• Adler, R. W. (2006). Why DCF capital budgeting is bad for business and why business schools should stop teaching it. Accounting Education. An International Journal, 15(01), –10.
• Akalu, M. M. (2003). The process of investment appraisal: The experience of 10 large British and Dutch companies. International Journal of Project Management, 21(5), 355–362.
• Anand, M. (2002). Corporate finance practices in India: A survey. Vikalpa, 27(4), 29–56.
• Andor, G., Mohanty, S., &Toth, T. (2011). Capital budgeting practices: A survey of Central and Eastern European firms. Word Bank, 1–45.

Classification and Viewing of Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria from Expired Tablet Dumped Garbage
Pages: 43-46 | First Published: 05 Feb 2022
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Microbes play a significant role in soil structure and fertility. It enhances the decomposition of organic matter, a beneficial role in returning nutrients to their mineral forms, which plants can take up again. Agriculture depends heavily on the ability of certain microbes for growth and production. These kinds of bacteria and other useful micro-organisms are killed by dumping expired toxic tablets in the soil. This continuous dumping of expired
tablets in the soil will affect the plant growth and killing of soil microbes in an ecosystem. These will also contaminate the groundwater. So safe disposal of pharma waste is very important otherwise it will create a major problem in the future.
Keywords: Microbes, soil, tablets, dumping.

1. Weller, pseudomonas aeruginosa, as biocontrol agents of soil-borne pathogens looking over 30 years, Phytopathology,2007, 97,250-256.
2. Walker,T.S .Bais,H.P .Deizd,H.Schweizer, H.PRahme L.G, Fall, R.and J.M. Vivanco, pseudomonas aeruginosa plant root interaction, Pathogenicity, biofilm formation and root exudation, Plant Physiology,2004,(134)320-331.
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5. Sylvia K Green, Milton N,Schroth,JohnJ.Cho, Spyros D, Kaminos and VilmaB,Vitanza Jack,Agricultural plants and soil for reservoir of, pseudomonas aeruginosa,Appl.Microbiol.,1974,28(6):987-991.
6. Martha-Vives-Florez, Diana Garnica, Comparison of virulence between clinical and environmental pseudomonas eruginosa isolates. International microbiology,2006,9:247-252.
7. SchobertM, John D, Anaerobic physiology of pseudomonas aeruginosa, in cystic fibrosis, Int.J. Med.Microbiol.,2010,300(8):549-556.
8. Kang CI, Kim SH, Park WB, Clinical features and outcomes of patients with community-acquired pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia, Clin.Microbiol. Infections,2005,11..,415-418.
9. Mukherjee K, Tribedi K, Chowdhury, Rav.T. joardas. A, Giris, Sli A.K, Isolation of pseudomonas aeruginosa strain from soil that can degrade polyurethane Biodegradation,2011,22(2): 377-378.
10. HH Chang, Origin and proliferation of multidrug resistance in bacterial pathogens, Microbiology and Molecular reviews2015, 79,1,101-116.
11. Joel Manyahi, Mecky, Isolation and characterization of multiple drug resistance bacterial pathogens from wastewater in hospital and nonhospital environments, in Northwest Ethiopia, BMC Research Notes,2014,7:215.