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Buoyancy after storm: Behavioural changes in the organisation after a downfall “Changes the only constant in Life” (Heraclitus)
Anubala .S
Pages: 1-6 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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 People have a storm of emotions towards any unseen circumstances in life and business. Yet human behaviour has constancy and change. It is multi-dimensional and a long lasting process. People get adapted to changes over a period of time. This article highlights the psychological flexibility with people and how it can be inculcated among
people. Organisations try hard to bring out resilience with finance; even harder with people. Additional motivation, learning’s from past experience and removing the stress would be the functional responsibility of the organisation. The bottom line of the article is to review the organisational behaviour with reference to human resource management at times of resilience.  
Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary
 Received  : July 2022               Accepted  : August  2022         Published : September  2022      


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Branding in Marketing
S. Swedha
Pages: 7-10 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Women Entrepreneurs has been another worry. In this New Economic World, 
monetary advancement of a nation absolutely depends upon the commitment of women in the
provincial improvement of a country. Women finance managers recognizes exceptional task to
meet her own nee and become monetarily free. In India, there are around 8,000,000 women
business visionaries in which Tamilnadu having the most significant rate. Anyway the amount of
women business visionaries extending, still they are managing various issues from various
sources. The current paper includes the Socio Economic Conditions of the women business
visionaries in Paramathi Velur and Tiruchengode squares of Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu.

Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary
Received  : September 2022        Accepted  : September 2022       Published : September 2022       


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  3. Jyothi. (2015) Women Micro Entrepreneurs-Issues & Challenges. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 3(7), 343-348. 

  4. Senthilkumar, Vasantha and Varadharajan, (2012), “Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Perambalur District (Tamil Nadu)”, Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, 1(1). 

  5. Sathyasundaram, I (2004) Encouraging Women’s Entrepreneurship, Social Welfare, 50(12): 13-15. 

  6. Veena. Rao, Venkatachalam, A. & Joshi, H.G. (2012). Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs Running Micro, Small and Medium Scale Fashion and Apparel Business: A Study on Fashion and Apparel Enterprises in Coastal Karnataka. International Conference on Trade, Tourism and Management, 21-22.