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Buoyancy after storm: Behavioural changes in the organisation after a downfall “Changes the only constant in Life” (Heraclitus)

Issue Abstract

 People have a storm of emotions towards any unseen circumstances in life and business. Yet human behaviour has constancy and change. It is multi-dimensional and a long lasting process. People get adapted to changes over a period of time. This article highlights the psychological flexibility with people and how it can be inculcated among
people. Organisations try hard to bring out resilience with finance; even harder with people. Additional motivation, learning’s from past experience and removing the stress would be the functional responsibility of the organisation. The bottom line of the article is to review the organisational behaviour with reference to human resource management at times of resilience.  
Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary
 Received  : July 2022               Accepted  : August  2022         Published : September  2022      

Author Information
Anubala .S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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