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Journal Issues

Impact of Goods and Services Tax on Indian Economy
M. Karuppasamy
Pages: 1-4 | First Published: 05 Jun 2022
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  GST Stands for Goods and Services Tax (GST). The GST Act was passed in the Lok Sabha on 29th March, 2017 and came into effect from 1st July, 2017. It was termed as One Nation One Tax. The major impact of introducing GST in India is the transformation in the fiscal structure of the Indian federal setup. The fiscal right of the states and centre to deal with goods and services independently will be taken away and both the Governments have to depend
on each other’s for managing the so called goods and services tax in future. This paper is to study about the notion and ideas of goods and services tax (GST) and it’s judicious of introduction in India. The study additionally aims to grasp its edges and impact on Indian economy.

Keywords: Goods and Service Tax, Indian Economy, Tax system in India

Received  : April 2022                 Accepted  : May 2022            Published : June 2022      


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Innovation Management & Employee’s Performance of Hotel Industry with Reference to Star Hotels in Mysuru
Pages: 5-11 | First Published: 05 Jun 2022
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The growing competition in the hotel industry is one of the main challenges of this era,  which increasingly depends on the ability to innovate. The aim is to analyze the impact of innovation management on the performance of employees and hotel organizations. This is a quantitative study using a structured questionnaire (using Likert scale 1 to 5 point scale) given to the employees in the hotel located in, Mysuru. The result helps us to find out the relationship between the factors of innovation (Empowerment, Teamwork, Work environment, and
leadership,) and the performance of employees and hotel organizations. Results show that the factors of communication, leadership, and strategy directly influence the performance of the employees.

Keywords: Innovation, Employee Performance, Hotel Industry, Management, Factors of Innovation
   Received  : May 2022                    Accepted  : May 2022       Published : June 2022      


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Integrated Dimension on barriers of CRM among Staffs of Star Classified Hotels.
S.Senthil Kumar
Pages: 12-16 | First Published: 05 Jun 2022
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Customer relationship Management is a most attractive word to acquire, treat and retain customers. In the recent times without CRM, companies can’t able to with stand the competitiveness.  On the other hand companies are attempting to develop and keep up their CRM practices with in their organization. This study analyses the significant barriers that are facing by the star classified hotels to execute and maintain the Customer relationship
management. This elucidating study has been carried out random sampling method and the sample size was 69. The key findings include the major challenges faced by the star hotels as well as the suggestions to overcome the barriers.

Keywords: Star hotels, Barriers, Customer relationship Management, challenges.

Received  : April 2022                Accepted  : May 2022      Published : June 2022      


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