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Innovation Management & Employee’s Performance of Hotel Industry with Reference to Star Hotels in Mysuru

Issue Abstract

The growing competition in the hotel industry is one of the main challenges of this era,  which increasingly depends on the ability to innovate. The aim is to analyze the impact of innovation management on the performance of employees and hotel organizations. This is a quantitative study using a structured questionnaire (using Likert scale 1 to 5 point scale) given to the employees in the hotel located in, Mysuru. The result helps us to find out the relationship between the factors of innovation (Empowerment, Teamwork, Work environment, and
leadership,) and the performance of employees and hotel organizations. Results show that the factors of communication, leadership, and strategy directly influence the performance of the employees.

Keywords: Innovation, Employee Performance, Hotel Industry, Management, Factors of Innovation
   Received  : May 2022                    Accepted  : May 2022       Published : June 2022      

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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