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Customers’ Perspective on Adoption and Usage of Internet Banking
Dr. Rajasree .P .S
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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The banking sector plays an important role in the economic development of a nation. The Indian banking sector has undergone many positive and significant transformation and development in recent years. The internet banking is changing the banking industry and is having the major effects on banking relationship. Internet banking involves the use of internet for delivering of banking products and services. It enables a customer to perform basic banking transactions through PC or laptop, located anywhere in the globe. The present study is aimed to analyze the usage and role of internet banking among the customers in Thiruvananthapuram District. For this purpose the study made use of both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from 100 customers and these are analyzed with the help of statistical tools. The study found that the most of the customers preferred internet banking because of convenience. The customers are highly affected by the network problem. It is recommended that the bank should keep at least one employee at every bank who is a specialist in internet banking and it will help to clear the doubts of customers.

Keywords: Internet Banking, Customers, Convenience, Transactions

1. Agarwal, O.P (2007). Modern banking of India. Himalaya publishing house. New Delhi.
2. Rochdi, Keffla Mhamed. (2010). Barriers to the adoption and usage of internet banking by Tunisian customers. SSRN.
3. Sudeep. S (2008). Internet banking and customer acceptance- Indian scenerio. CUSAT. Unpublished Theses.
4. Uppal R.K and Mishra Bishnupriya. (2009). Modern banks in India- dimensions and risks, New century publications. New Delhi. 2009.

Digital Banking in India-Challenges and Opportunities
Dr . M. Sumathy
Pages: 6-11 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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Nowadays the world has changed to a digital world. India has also tried to follow
the digital banking. Digital cash and online transactions in the current market scenario have
an important effect on digital banking . The digital bank represents a virtual process that
includes online banking as an End–to–end platform. Digital banking means more than just
going paperless. Leading players are offering a new and improved Customer experience,
Delivering faster and more efficient services. It includes the evolution of digital transformation
in the modern banking era. Digital banking plays an important role in the present banking
system. Most people in the banking sector agree that digital banking is the wave of the
future with highly safe and secure. However, it has included some of the challenges and
opportunities of digital banking in India. The paper further tries to discuss some major
aspects of digital banking.

Keywords: Digital banking, services, opportunities, and challenges

Received : 03st November 2019
Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019




1. Sharma, Gaurav. "What is Digital Banking". VentureSkies. .
2. Kelman, James (2016). The History of Banking: A Comprehensive Reference Source &
Guide. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN 978-1523248926.
3. Locke, Clayton. "The irresistible rise of digital banking". Banking Technology.
4. Bourque, André. "12 Top Fintech Companies to Watch". Entrepreneur.
5. Muhn, Julie (June 1, 2018). "Personetics Accommodates Digital-Only and Challenger
Banks". Finovate.

Exploring the Effects of Media Formats Emotions on Impulse Buying Tendency in the Digital ERA
Pages: 12-17 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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The consumer is pulled in by the method for the charm of an item. Buying is tied in with
captivating, by influencing consumers to picture the item. In the bustling quickly changing
existence of this time, Impulse buying is a wonder that has gotten significant consideration
from promotion. Impulse buying guarantees to be a predominant buying conduct in the
exceptionally helpful condition of developing markets like India. Innovation makes buying
quicker, more astute, and increasingly helpful for consumers, and supplies unlimited open
doors for impulse buying. One method for creating income from broadband media content
rests upon the suspicion that multi-media substances may trigger a more prominent purpose
to purchase items and administrations indiscreetly. Digital media that accentuates the
reconciliation of enthusiastic and psychological handling and of related plan factors, and
portrays a subsequent for the investigation of passionate structure. This investigation looks
for and audits key site use factors (site correspondence style, education, convenience, and
stock engaging quality and deals limited time exercises) on incautious buying conduct
through web perusing in an online setting. In this way, it is prescribed that electronic trade and
advertising chiefs investigate inventive methods for incorporating visual and verbal media
designs to inspire a compelling consumer reaction.

Keywords: Web site communication style, stimuli and in informativeness, merchandise
attractiveness , emotional content , and sales promotional activities.

Received : 05st November 2019
Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019



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E- Learning-A Study on Intellectual Status of Youth in the Digital ERA with special reference to Mercy College, Palakkad, Kerala
Jency Baby
Pages: 18-25 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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E-learning has brought out a significant revolution in the history of education in the
present digital era. Whether one is an adult, a minor, an individual, an organization, an
establishment, or whatever it is, one makes use of digitalized technologies in one way or the
other. Today the impact of e-learning is increasing day by day. Officials, experts, students,
research scholars, professionals, etc. make use of this in an unlimited manner. It has
flourished in such a way that it cannot be avoided in any context. It has attained importance
in the minds of the majority of people in our society. Along with a lot of positive effects that are
found from the side of e-learning, there are some ill effects too, which cannot be wiped out
in any manner as a substitution for classroom teaching. Never can we fully replace e-learning
in the place of physical teaching. We can still find people who are reluctant to use the same,
who wish to have normal and physical teaching practices that are adopted in our schools
and colleges. Also under e-learning one will focus only on that area which he or she needs
from the website i.e., pinpoint searching. There is no in-depth reading which in turn
reduces wider subject knowledge which one used to secure from reading large quantum of
books for reference. The present study analyses the approach of the students at Mercy
College, Palakkad on e-learning with the advancement of digitalization and how they react
towards the same and it is scrutinized that e-learning is effective in the present context. But there will be certain ill effects in the form of demodulation in the character of children who
come from different family backgrounds as they are not able to understand with what
happens in our society. Also, the study focuses on the quantum of e-learning that is
necessary in the present scenario, the taste of students towards hard copy and soft copy
readings, and correspondingly their attitude towards the society as a whole.

Keywords: E-Learning, Students, Digitalization, Physical Teaching, Ill Effects

Received : 08th November 2019

Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019




1. Rosenberg, M.J. andMcGraw-Hill, E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge
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A Study on Consumer’s Attitude towards Green Marketing
Dr. M. Vidya
Pages: 26-35 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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The last few decades have witnessed the growing importance of the concept of green
marketing. Green marketing has an important impact on consumer purchasing behaviour. This
research paper is an endeavour to analyse the consumer buying behaviour towards the green
market products in Chennai city. The main objective of this study is to analyze the attitude
and behaviour of consumers towards green products. The data was collected from 100
respondents. Secondary data was collected from the available literature sources. The core
idea of green marketing is to create awareness among people on the environmental issues
and how consumers would help the environment if they switch over to green products.
Thus green marketing aims to provide more information to people and also gives consumers
more choices to change over to a green lifestyle.

Key Words: Green Marketing, Consumer Awareness, Consumer Purchasing Behaviour.

Received : 12th November 2019
Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019

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A Pragmatic outlook on Pedagogical Didactics for and Ragogical Haptics in the Domain of Engineering English
B. Mohana Priya
Pages: 36-48 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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“Engineering is not merely knowing and being knowledgeable like a walking encyclopedia, but refining the art of aligning the dynamics of technological change.”
– Gordon S. Brown
Seeing the panorama of an escalating rapidity in the technological revolution, the emergent intricacy of engineering culture, and exigency for ingenious engineering in the visage of universal race, engineering institutes global-wide are beleaguered to cultivate industrialized competencies amongst potential, acclimatized, imaginative engineers. These competencies should be versioned as constructive in any engineering profession, i.e. manifestation of running with prospects, triggering and administrating conceptual and empirical resources amid indeterminate risks to inflate multi-disciplinary extensiveness in the engineering graduate supplementing their technical knowledge and proficiency. Intensifying such competencies in engineering graduates entails a swap in the mode of how the engineering is skilled, and how curricula are designed and evaluated. This educational modernization has been documented as a discrete fragment of study, which hooks up engineering education with exclusivity. The nascent erudition has promoted the progressive engineering strategy consisting of activating the action, and venture projects, functioning with authentic issues, and visualizing new-fangled proposals through edifice and alliance with corporatists. It reverberates on academic contemplations concerning the educational configuration in professional engineering research, where expedient learning has been the ultimate pedagogy for professional competence advancement. Succinctly, the experimental andragogy accentuates focusing only on student-centered projects, engrossing the student’s whole commitment and employing pertinent teaching-learning processes in line with tangible applications of real life. As the engineer should be an intermediary between the logician and the artisan like an exponent between two aliens by assimilating the dialect of both, pragmatically and ideally, this paper explores and explicates a concomitant pedagogical ethics in respect of facilitating the progress of professional competencies and skills of andragogy in the specialty of Advanced Engineering English.

Received : 20th November 2019 

Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019




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"HR competencies on Organizational performance in IT/ ITES companies in Chennai"
Dr. G. Sivabalan
Pages: 49-58 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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This study investigates the relationship between HR competencies and organizational performance by adapting the Ulrich HR Role Model. The study also examines HR competencies such as strategic positioner, credible activist, culture & change champion, Technology and media integrator, Strategic positioner, Paradox Navigator, Human Capital Curator, Total rewards steward, Analysis designer & interpreter, and Compliance Manager. The HR outcomes: turnover, absenteeism, and Job satisfaction are measured against their relationship with organizational performance. An empirical survey was conducted based on competency and its effect on HR outcomes of organizational performance. The research is based on the survey responses by 140 HR professionals from different IT /ITES companies in Chennai. The results will give us the details of HR influence from an HR perspective on organizational performance.

Received : 22nd November 2019 

Accepted : 25th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019


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A Study on Factors Influencing Consumers Impulse Buying Behavior with reference to Chennai
S. Lavakumar
Pages: 59-66 | First Published: 05 Dec 2019
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Marketing is the business procedure of making associations with and fulfilling clients. With its attention on the client, advertising is one of the chief segments of business the executives. Today’s competitive world is unpredictable about the future, thus to cope up with the drastically changing environment it’s necessary for every seller to attract their valuable consumers. To attract consumer it becomes essential for sellers to understand the consumers behavior. Consumer behavior is how one potential buyer reacts to the particular situation of buying products with the available money consumer also considers other factors such as discounts, offers and other factors that become essential for decision making. This project helps to find out the most influencing factors that makes consumer to opt for impulse buying behavior. It also provides with valuable suggestions to the sellers to make their business to work effectively and efficiently and to gain maximum benefit. This research is carried on with primary data. To make analysis of the current trend prevailing in the market questionnaire is distributed among various class of people based on age, income level and other demographic factors. To analyse the data various statistical tools .The research is of descriptive nature. Based on the respondents the analysis is carried out and the findings are derieved.
Keywords: Marketing, Consumers, Impulse , Buying Behaviour, Product.

1. L.Natrajan, Marketing Management, Margham Publications.