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"HR competencies on Organizational performance in IT/ ITES companies in Chennai"

Issue Abstract

This study investigates the relationship between HR competencies and organizational performance by adapting the Ulrich HR Role Model. The study also examines HR competencies such as strategic positioner, credible activist, culture & change champion, Technology and media integrator, Strategic positioner, Paradox Navigator, Human Capital Curator, Total rewards steward, Analysis designer & interpreter, and Compliance Manager. The HR outcomes: turnover, absenteeism, and Job satisfaction are measured against their relationship with organizational performance. An empirical survey was conducted based on competency and its effect on HR outcomes of organizational performance. The research is based on the survey responses by 140 HR professionals from different IT /ITES companies in Chennai. The results will give us the details of HR influence from an HR perspective on organizational performance.

Received : 22nd November 2019 

Accepted : 25th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019


Author Information
Dr. G. Sivabalan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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