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E- Human Resource Management (E-HRM): A Growing Role in Organizations
Pages: 1-8 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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The period of 1945 to 1960 is characterized by the importance of employee morale while personnel is part of operating cost but not yet mainstream operations of the organization. The computers were used in the defense industry to maintain research and development, employee selection, and payroll automation through mainframe computers. The human resource management department is considered as the most significant function in all types of organizations as it is considered greatly with intellectual skills. Information communication technology facilitates innovative and best ways of carrying on routine organizational activities in a virtual environment. Human resource management incorporates with the electronic mode of operations. Since the term e-HR first came into force in the 1990s when e-commerce started dominating the business world. Recent technological developments have made “business at the speed of a thought” and a “paperless office” every activity based on real-time with real information. e-HR refers to conducting human resource transactions using the internet technology at the inception of e-HRM. This study also provides concrete insight into how human resource management develops its function with a new technical wave called E-HRM and also a study of the framework, role, and consequences of the E-HRM process in organizations.

Keywords- Technical Wave, E-Commerce, E-HR, E-HRM

Received : 01st October 2019 

Accepted : 15th October 2019
Published : 15th November 2019



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9. Lengnick-Hall, M.L., & Moritz, S. (2003). The impact of e-HR on the human resource management function. Journal of Labor Research, 24(3), 365-379.
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The Theoretical Study of Green Marketing in India: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges
B. Patil
Pages: 9-16 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Green marketing is a phenomenon that has developed particular importance in the modern market. Increasing awareness of the various environmental problems has led to a shift in the way consumers go about their lives. There has been a change in consumer attitudes towards a green lifestyle. Increasing mindfulness on the different ecological issues has driven a movement in the way customers approach their lives. Individuals are effectively attempting to decrease their effect on nature. However, this is not widespread and is still evolving. As a result of this businesses have increased their rate of targeting consumers who are concerned about the environment. Environmental problem is the biggest problem and have to be solved to survive in this world because of this it is important to implement the green marketing concept. India is one of those countries that have started to explore more about this concept. So, this paper also describes the challenges of adopting the green marketing concept.

Keywords: Green Marketing, Environment, Green Products. Consumer; Marketer

Received : 02nd October 2019 

Accepted : 15th October 2019
Published : 15th November 2019

1. Woolverton Andrea and Dimitri Carolyn (2010), Renewable Agriculture and food systems from retrieved 12th Jan 2011from INFLIBNET data base
2. Sharma D.D. (2008), ―Marketing Research: Principle Application & Cases‖ N. Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons
3. R. Shrikanth Et al, Contemporary green marketing-brief reference to Indian scenario, International journal of social science and interdisciplinary research, vol. I, Jan.2012.26-38.
4. Dr. Sarawade W.K. Conceptual development of green marketing in India, Excel journal of engineering technology and management science, vol. I, June 2012.1-6.
5. K. Uday Kiran, Opportunity and challenges of green marketing with special reference to Pune, International journal of management and social science research,vol.I,Oct.2012.18-24.
6. Rahul Singal Et al, Green marketing: challenges and opportunity, International journal of innovation Engineering and technology,vol II,Feb.2013.470-474.

A Study on Digital Education in India Challenges and Scope
Pages: 17-24 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Traditionally education is centered on sources such as schools, teachers and print media. The learners reached the information sources by enrolling with schools, teachers nd libraries. Prior to the digital era, information was not accessible by the majority of people, and even those accessed were unable to obtain current information with respect to today’s context. The modern society wants to know the information as it happens and when it happens, and the world is moving from an information society to a knowledge society. Thus education is given the highest priority and brainpower is becoming the most valuable asset of an organization. Advances in digital technology have opened up many avenues of learning. Technology has made information accessible / transmittable from anywhere and by / to all groups of people. Education has reached most parts of the world and ICT has become an integral part of human life. This paper describes the process of generation, creation and acquisition of knowledge through the technology.
Keywords: Education System, Digital Learning, Technology, Digital Education

1. Shikha Dua1, Ms SeemaWadhawan, Ms Sweety Gupta (2016). Issues, trends & challenges of digital education: an empowering innovative classroom model for learning. International Journal of Science Technology and Management. Vol. No.5, Issue No. 05. ISSN 2394-1537


Digitization Wave in India: A Roadmap to Change India’s Future
Dr. B. Sudha
Pages: 25-29 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Change is appearing at a speed and business is changing with it. In recent years, consumers have high expectations and there is a paradigm shift in the consumer behaviour and consumption patterns. The e-commerce industry in India is growing fast, booming, and expanding at a larger rate. The concept of online shopping has attracted the Indian population tremendously. Exposure to Internet has been highly instrumental in the e-commerce success. The online shopping has become a trend and the reason behind is attractive online websites, bulky online stores with new fashion, user friendly interface, no bound on quantity & quality, one can choose the items based on size, color, price, etc. easy and secure payment methods like paypal or cash-on-delivery. In accordance with the changing times, the business has to adopt ‘digital-first’ strategy. In this backdrop, this article focuses on the digitization trend in India.
Keywords: Digitization, e-commerce, Internet

1. Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) report, June 2018
2. Sudha, B. (2011). TECHNOLOGY IN INDIAN BANKING SECTOR. clearing, 201, 0-11.
3. Sudha, B. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Impact Factor-2.262 Peer Reviewed Journal.

Financial Accounting in Digital ERA
Sunil .M .G
Pages: 30-34 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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The 21st century is sometimes referred to as the Digital Age because so much of what we do is done digitally. This includes accessing our news, information, and entertainment on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Digitalization is transforming companies and other organizations more fundamentally than the business world has ever seen. As companies are transformed, so too are their financial and accounting functions, and in turn, their financial statement audits. At the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), the council constituted the Digital Accounting and Assurance Board (DAAB) as an enabling board to proactively assess the impact of digitalization on accounting and audit. To help firms to assess the current digital competence of their firms and to build their competencies for their own growth and profession at large, the DAAB has provided the instant toolkit “Digital Competency Maturity Model (DCMM)”. To stay competitive, the firms will now have to be open to change and adopt an agile mindset. The making of the paperless office by Digitalization of accounting and administrative process, involves four solutions that can be combined to suit the particular business needs. Along with updating the business firms with the new and improved technology, in the area of financial accounting, another most important factor that needs to be simultaneously upgraded and automated is the Finance and Accounting professionals. As valued advisers to the organizations they work with and for, accountants must maintain a watching brief across a broad range of technologies and trends. Some of the recent advancements popular within the world of accounting are cloud accounting, artificial intelligence, digital service delivery, etc. More and more industries are shifting into the digital age and it is time that we embrace these changes.

Keywords: Digitization, Technology, Digital Competency, Accountants, Artificial Intelligence.

Received : 08st October 2019 

Accepted : 15th October 2019
Published : 15th November 2019

1. Mckie. S (1998) The Accounting Software handbook. Loveland: Duke Communication International
2. Carlton. C (1999a) How to select the right accounting software Journal of Accountancy, August, 67-75
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