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The Theoretical Study of Green Marketing in India: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

Issue Abstract

Green marketing is a phenomenon that has developed particular importance in the modern market. Increasing awareness of the various environmental problems has led to a shift in the way consumers go about their lives. There has been a change in consumer attitudes towards a green lifestyle. Increasing mindfulness on the different ecological issues has driven a movement in the way customers approach their lives. Individuals are effectively attempting to decrease their effect on nature. However, this is not widespread and is still evolving. As a result of this businesses have increased their rate of targeting consumers who are concerned about the environment. Environmental problem is the biggest problem and have to be solved to survive in this world because of this it is important to implement the green marketing concept. India is one of those countries that have started to explore more about this concept. So, this paper also describes the challenges of adopting the green marketing concept.

Keywords: Green Marketing, Environment, Green Products. Consumer; Marketer

Received : 02nd October 2019 

Accepted : 15th October 2019
Published : 15th November 2019

Author Information
B. Patil
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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