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A Study on Online Marketing in India - Paradigm
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Internet marketing is a component of electronic commerce. Internet marketing can sometimes include information management, public relations, customer service, and sales. Electronic commerce and Internet marketing have become popular as Internet access is becoming more widely available and used. Well over one third of consumers who have Internet access in their homes report using the Internet to make purchases. 

To clarify, while internet marketing can cover any facet of online marketing as described above, current use of the term internet marketing commonly refers to the use of direct response marketing strategies, that were traditionally used in direct mail, radio, and TV infomercials, applied to the internet business space. 

These methods have been found to be particularly useful on the internet due to its tracking capabilities coupled with the ability to instantly reach the prospect, whether it is Business to Business (B2B) or Business to consumer (B2C).
This ability for careful analysis has become quite common now, which is why you will commonly see terms such as ROI, conversion rate, and sales letter commonly come up when discussing internet marketing. 

This article also reviews the literature around Internet marketing and critical issue the Consumer faced by them. It is wished that this study will be valuable to fellow researchers who are pertaining in this research area. 
Keywords— Electronic, Business, Marketing, Business to Business, Consumers. 


  1. Adesara, H. (2005) “New consumer mantra: Have money,will indulge in lifestyle spends”Indian

  2. Amoako-Gyampah, K., and Salam. A. F. (2004), “Anxtension of the technology acceptance model in an ERP
    implementation environment”, Information and Management,.41 n.6, p.731-745. 

  3. Ajzen, I., and Fishbein, M. (1980), Understanding Attitude and Predicting Social Behavior, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
    Prentice-Hall, Inc. 

  4. Ajzen, I. (1985), “From intention to actions: A theory of lanned behavior”, In J. Kuhl and J. Beckmann (Eds.), Action Control: From Cognition to Behavior, New York: Springer Verlag, 11-39. 

  5. Ajzen, I. (1989), “Attitude, structure, influence and role expectations on shopping center patronage intentions”,
    journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(3), 208218.

The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance – with Special Reference to it Sector
Pages: 6-10 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The main purpose of this paper is to study the effect of Human Resource Management Strategy on Organizational Performance in manufacturing sector. To assess this, a model with 6 latent variables has been presented in which each of the variables has been measured by other indicators. To measure the indicators of the model, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed. According to the results, Human Resource Strategy leads to human resource effectiveness because of enriching organizational performance. The topic Strategic Human Resource
management will help the organizations in Bangalore .To develop the competency skills of the personnel working in their organization. Sample sizes of 100 employees were chosen using simple random sampling technique.
Descriptive analysis is followed us research design. Inductive approach as research approach is used which help the researcher to draft the theory on the analysis and survey as research strategy is used in this study. Primary data is obtained through questionnaire and secondary data through journals, books, internet and newspapers. 
Keywords — Strategy, Human Resource, Management, Strategic plan, Competency Skills. 


  1. Anderson, (2013), IT and HRM, 6thed, New York, Prentice Hall. 

  2. Azoulay, A. and  J.-N. Kapferer. 2003. Do brand personality scales really measure Human Resources? J. Brand
    Management 11(2) 143155.  

  3. Bamberger . 200 1. Reciprocal spillover effects: A strategic benefit of brand extensions. J. Marketing 67(January) 4 -12.  

  4. Barich, H. and P. Kotler. 1991. A framework for image management. Sloan Human Resource Management Rev.
    (winter) 94 -104.  

  5. Barth, M. E., M. Clement, G. Foster, R. Kasznik. 1998 Brand values and capital market valuation. Rev. Accounting Studies 3 41-68. 

  6. Borden,(2013)Information Technology Impacts on Human Resource Management, 3rded, Sage Publications

  7. Dess,(2012),Information Technology Impacts on Human Resource Management, 4thed, Harlow Press  

  8.  Mondy, (2012), Importance of Information Technology in Managing HR Affairs, 4thed, New Age International.

A Study on Factors Influencing Employee Retention in it Sector
Dr R Raja Gopal
Pages: 10-18 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The research project entitled “A STUDY ON FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEERETENTION IN IT SECTOR” is an attempt to understand employee’s perception about the factors which are important for them to continue in
the same organization. The data were collected through well-structured questionnaires which contain closed end question. This survey is collected from the I. There search design used for this study is descriptive in nature. The descriptive study helps the researcher to find out various characteristics of the population. Snowball sampling technique was adopted for selecting sample units from the respondents. The methods of data collection for the study include both primary and secondary data. A sample data of 105 respondents helped to analyze their perception on factors influencing employee retention and provide valuable suggestions. The statistical tool used for analyzing and interpreting the opinions of the users and the tools includes hypothesis testing (chi-square and weighted average). The results were presented with the help of different charts and diagrams were drawn from the analyzing of data’s, suggestions and conclusions have been made based on the findings. The rankings of the factors were identified using weighted average method. Association between gender & factor and variance on factors with respect to work experience are identified by chi-square and ova respectively.
Keywords: Employee retention, Influencing factors, IT sectors.

Preparation of MgO Nano particles and its Characterization
Pages: 11-15 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The study on “Preparation of MgO nano particles and its characterization”is carried out by a clear study of Nano chemistry and nano particles. The unique properties of nano materials created an interest among the researchers to devise simple and inexpensive techniques for preparation of nano structures which have technical importance. The importance of nano particles in industrial and environmental fields urges us to prepare and analyse MgO nano particles. MgO nano particles are synthesized by quick precipitation route and a systematic study of the structural and morphological properties were then carried by using the images from XRD,TEM and SEM techniques.Further preparation of MgO nano particles by quick precipitation route is concluded as a promising, economic, efficient method. 
Keywords — Nano particles, MgO Nano particles, Quick Precipitation Method, XRD, SEM, TEM. 


  1.  G. Schmid, Nanoparticles: From theory to applications, WileyVCH  Weinheim, 2004.

  2. H. Itoh, S. Utamapanya, J. V. Stark, K. J.Klabunde and J. R. Schlup, Chem. Mater., 1993, 5,71.

  3.  M. Harcata, Date, M. Appl. Catal. A, 2001, 222,427.

  4. C. George Schatz and et al, J. Phys. Chem. B2003, 107, 668677.

  5. H. H.Kung, Transition Metal Oxides: Surface Chemistry and Catalysis; Elsevier: Amsterdam,1989. 

Displacement Theory
Pages: 16-18 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Displacement theory attempts to explain how an individual comes to terms between "disagreement with a liked candidate and agreement with a disliked candidate."According to Gran berg people "distort the candidate's position in the direction of their own attitude. 'When voters dealt with specific policies for the future, they node little connection between their vote for Ronald Reagan and their issue preferences. Such apparently dysfunctional reasoning could be avoided by the direct democratic model, because the representational vote and the issue votes are divided, enabling a voter to favor a candidate's character and personality as well as voting for or against Bills, as the individual sees fit. The nature of the representational system leads to this type of dysfunctional reasoning because the voter is forced to prioritize candidate and policy when casting a single vote. Judging character and personality is more intuitive and happens without effort. The individual can judge and re-judge according to manner of speaking, tone, intonation and body language. These are all valuable assessments and key elements to leadership; but, as a result of television and the lack of personal responsibility for policy decisions, this kind of judgment can predominate. A direct democratic system can balance these two assessments. 


  1.  Anderson, (2013), IT and HRM, 6thed, New York, Prentice Hall. 

  2. 122 ibid. I123 ibid. Kinder goes on to cite many studies that support this view (Denney, Hendricks and Kinder, 1980, Kindcrand Kiewit, 1981; Kinder 1981; Lowery and Sigclman, 1981; Scholzman and Vcrba, 1979, Sears cl, an Citrin, 1982; Sean, Lou, Tyler ald Allen. 1980).  

  3. 124 See Feldman (1988:417). 125 M. Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Lester G. Crocker, ed., (NewYork: Simon & (cluster, Inc.), p. Ill, John B. Armstrong University 100 See Kinder (1983), p. 397; Feldman (1988) p. 416. 118 See Kinder (1983). P. 399. 119 ibid., p.400.  

  4. 120 David Scars , Richard Lau, Torn Tyler and Harris Allen Jr.," Self Interest versus Symbolic Politics in Policy Attitudes and Presidential Voting," American Political Science Review, 74 11914 121. 

A Long Arduous Search of Indentity in Select Novels of Shashi Deshpande
Pages: 19-22 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Down the ages man is considered to be the head of the family, the protector, the guide, the provider and the moral supporter. They are no more doormats or damsels in distress at the disposal of patriarchal norms. The elements of self-constructively have freed them from he Sisyphus curse of writhing into the domestic discomforts. Women in Indian fiction, the replicas of true Indian woman are no exception. Shashi Deshpande having perceived women’s conspicuous physical and psychical changes in the modern milieu, indoctrinates within them the self constructively to seek identity in her novels Roots and Shadows, The Binding Vine, The Dark Holds No Terrors, A Matter of Time and That Long Silence. She has appropriately presented her protagonists who unlike the western counterparts seek identity in a moderate mode within the family unit not ignoring their duties with the also notion of being liberated 
Keywords: Shashi Deshpande, Domestic Discomforts, The Binding Vine, The Dark Holds No Terrors. 


  1. Pal, Adesh.“That Long Silence: A Study in Displaced Anger.” The Fiction of Shashi  Deshpande. Ed. R.S.Pathak. New Delhi: Creative Books, 1998. 119-125.Print. 

  2. Palkar, Sarla. “Of Mothers and Daughters, Of the Great Divide: Shashi Deshpande‟s The Binding Vine.” The Post Modern Indian English Novel. Ed. Viney Kirpal. New Delhi:
    Allied Publishers, 1996. 165-175. Print. 

  3. Pandey, K.M. “Tearing the Veil: The Dark Holds NTerrors.” The Fiction of ShashiDeshpande. Ed. R.S. PathakNew Delhi: Creative Books, 1998. 49-57. Print. 

  4. Pathak, R.S. “A Matter of Time: Of Human Bonds an Bondages.” Modern Indian Novel in English. Ed. R. S.Pathak. New Delhi: Creative, 1999. 155-168. Print. 

  5. Paul, Premila. “The Dark Holds No Terrors: A Call for Confrontation.” The Fiction of Shashi Deshpande. Ed. R.S. Pathak. New Delhi: Creative Books, 1998. 30-42. 

A Study on Problems of Women House Construction Workers in Tiruchengode Taluk of Namakkal District
Pages: 23-28 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The construction industry has an annual turnover of Rs 2,10,000 crores. Construction workers are the backbone of the economy as they create the infrastructure necessary for industrial growth. In a globalizing economy, is who are constructing the new economy? India’s three crore construction workers literally are the builders of modern India. About one-third of these workers are women and children. Their husbands are often drunkards or found to have other sexual partners and find themselves in debt trap; due to these factors women are unable to strengthen their skills and economic position in the industry.  The female employment in the construction industry is very high, even though they work only as the helpers or unskilled workers. The following are the objectives of the study area are to find out the major problems of women construction workers in the study area. The sample of 250 questionnaires were collected by following convenient sampling method the entire analysis is clearly in a started by means of pie diagram charts and graphs in the appropriate places. The study was conducted in Tiruchengode Taluk of Namakkal District. The study was conducted for the period from August 2016 to August 2017. This proves the hypothesis that the root cause of woman workers problems in construction industry is lack of education and vocational skills. In addition to above, the work culture, living conditions, health, social security, financial security, is better in Tiruchengode area than any other city. The cost of living in Tiruchengode area is high,but woman workers feel. 
Keywords: Construction, Women, Female Employment, Globalizing Economy, Construction Industry. 


  1.  Dr. K.A. Rajanna Socio-Economic Status of women Workers In Construction Industry, Vol.03 Issue-03, ISSN: 2321-1784, (March, 2015). 

  2. Dr. K.A. Rajanna Nature of Work, Working Conditions and Problems of Women Construction Workers, Volume 1, Issue 9, February 2015. 

  3.  Kalpana devi1 & U.V.Kiran Status of Female Workers in Construction Industry in India IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS , PP 27-30 e-ISSN: 22790837,p-ISSN: 2279-0845, Volume 14, Issue 4 (Sep- Oct.2013). 

  4. Dr. B. Ravi Kumar Gender Discrimination among Construction Workers, Journal of Sociology and Social Work
    1(1); pp. 42-53, June 2013. 

  5.  Rómel G. Solís-Carcaño*, Ricardo J. Franco-Poot Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2014, 2, 111Published Online March 2014.

  6. Guddi Tiwary, P. K. Gangopadhyay A review on the occupational health and social security of unorganized
    workers in the construction industry Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - Volume 15 -Issue 1, April 2011. 

  7. Dr. B. D.karhad study on problems of women workers in construction industry journal of international academic research for multidisciplinary, volume 2, issue 4, May 2014. 

A Study on Trees and Petrinets
Pages: 29-33 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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  A study on trees and Petri nets  ”is prepared after a deep study on certain concepts of Graph Theory. Due to the
importance of trees a brief discussion on trees is done. A Study on Tree and Petri nets deals with explanation of
Properties of trees, Enumeration and Spanning Trees. Binary Trees, Dynamic Graph Algorithms and Petri nets are explained with definitions and examples. The Tree structure in other Branches includes the Characterization of a Tree and includes few problems on Trees. 
Keywords: Construction, Women, Female Employment, Tree, Dynamic Graph. 


  1. B. Berthomieu, M. Menashe, A State Enumeration approach for analyzing time Petri Nets, Proceedings of 3rd European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, Varenna, Italy, Sept. 1982.

  2. R. E. Bloomfield, J. H. Cheng, J. Górski, Towards A Common  Safety Description Model, Proceedings of Safecomp’91, Pergamon Press, 1991.

  3. J. Górski, Extending Safety Analysis Techniques With Formal Semantics, In Technology and Assessment of Safety Critical Systems,(F.J. Redmill and T. Anderson, Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1994. 

  4. J. Górski, A. Wardziński, Formalizing Fault Trees, Proceedings of SCSS’95, Brighton, UK, (F.J. Redmill and               T. Anderson, Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1995. 

A Case Study on optimum Management of stocks in Inventory Model
Pages: 34-39 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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This paper prepared after a deep study on certain
concepts of Operation Research. It involves the inventory
management, its terminology and different types of
inventory management like basic economic order quantity
with instantaneous supply and selector inventory
management. With the help of EOQ and ABC analysis
optimum level of inventory is determined.. 
Keywords— Operation Research, Inventory


  1. Dr. Angel Raphella.S, Mr. Gomathi Nathan.S, Miss.Chitra.G Inventory management  case study International Journal of Emerging research in Management and technology   ISSN:22789359 (vol 3).

  2. Balakrishnan Anantaram, S. Pangburn Michael, and Stavrulaki Euthemia, Stack Them High, Let 'em Fly: Lot-Sizing Policies When Inventories Stimulate Demand. Management Science, 2004. 50.5. pp. 630-644. 

  3. S.P. Desselle, and D.P. Zgarrick, Purchasing and Inventory Management, Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 2nd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill Co., Inc, 2009, p. 383. 

  4. C. Drury, Management and Cost Accounting. London: International Housan Business Press.1996. 

  5. W.Harris Ford, How Many Parts to Make at Once, Operations Research. INFORMS, 38.6, pp.947-950, 1990.. 

Agricultural Scenario in India in the Aftermath of New Reforms: With Special Reference toTamilnadu state Economy
Pages: 40-49 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The 25th anniversary of the 1991 reforms is an important occasion for reflection from its different phases of Indian economy. Twenty-five years ago, India abandoned its traditional socialist policies and embraced economic liberalization and globalization, and consequently, with the passage of time, it became a miracle economy, averaging 8.5 present growths in the 2000s, and is currently the fastest growing major economy in the world. It was such a revolutionary launch that, many drastic changes took place in the Indian Economy after the introduction of reform measures in almost all fields of the economy. In an economy primarily considered as an agrarian economy, an analysis of the agriculture sector in the aftermath of new reforms is a highly relevant work. Agriculture plays an essential role in the process of economic development of India. Besides providing food to nation, agriculture releases labour, provides saving, contributes to market of industrial goods and earns foreign exchange. The present paper makes an analysis on the agricultural scenario in India in the aftermath of new reforms: An Tamilnadu economy is concerned.
Keywords: Economic reforms, Economic liberalization, Globalization, Foreign exchange, Plantation Sector, Plantation crops, Labour intensive, Agro-industrial undertakings. 


  1. Acharya, S. S. (2000). Subsidies in Indian agriculture and their beneficiaries. Agricultural Situation in India, 57(5), 251-260. 

  2. Balakrishnan, P., Golait, R., & Kumar, P. (2008). Agricultural growth in India since 1991.Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India. 

  3. Bhalla, G. S., & Singh, G. (2001). Indian agriculture: four decades of development. SagePublications. 

  4. Dantwala, M. L. (1986). Strategy of agricultural development since Independence. Dantwala, ML et al, 1-15.

  5. Government of India: Census of India, Office of the Registrar General of India, New Delhi (various years).  

Racism and Discrimination in Toni Morrison’s Paradise & Beloved
Pages: 47-50 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Racism is a code of social order and consequently it is studied in sociological perspective, because it not only determines the bond of rights and duties but also liabilities and responsibilities. Toni Morrison portrays the futility of Racism in black society at the various layers of experiences. Of all Africa American writers today Toni Morrison’s work stands out because of its variety and multidimensional approach to the black experience in white America. Her novels show that her creative vision not only reflects American social reality but also helps to shape it by highlighting the present multi racial nature of contemporary society. Her novel encourages American society to think long and deeply about its future so that attitude of both black and white American towards one another and towards each other may change for the better Morrison closely studies the black and whites psychology in her work and enables us to get a glimpse into their domestic life, married life, business activities and then effort to survive against the hostile circumstances and to save their children from the cruel clutches of the white establishment. In this work we endeavor to make a comprehensive and critical study of psycho-social analysis in the black community as conceived by Toni Morrison in her novels.We also try to present consciousness of the race at various levels in order to penetrate and portray the mode of existence of the characters drawn in the fictional world of Toni Morrison, and display a life in a social and cultural framework focusing on the actions, reactions and counteractions of the characters within the gamut of relationship and highlight the similarities and differences between them. An attempt is to be made to rationalize their action or behavior in the light of the specific context of their situations.  
Keywords: Racism, Afro American writers, African American, Communities Toni Morrison’s novel. 


  1.  Morrison, Toni The Bluest Eye (1970; London: Random House, Vintage: 1999) 

  2. Morrison, Toni Paradise (London: Random House,Vintage: 1997) 

  3. Byers, Thomas B. A City Upon a Hill: American literature and the Ideology of  Exceptionalism “American Studies in Scandinavia 29.2” 1997 76-84.

  4. Dalsgaard, Katrine The One All Black Town Worth the Pain: American Exceptionalism, Historical Narration and the Critique of Nationhood in Toni Morrison‟s Paradise- African  Critical Essay “African American Review” 2001 Summer 35 (2) : 233-48.

  5. Davidson, Rob Racial stock and 8-rocks: Communal Hisoriography in Toni Morrison‟s Paradise Critical Essay “
    Twentieth Century Literature : A Scholarly and Critical Journal”,2001 Fall 47 (3) : 355-73 Fultz, Lucille P. Toni Morrison.

A Study on Socio- Economic Problems of Silver Workers in Salem Town
Pages: 51-56 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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 The most important factor for the economic development of a country is its industrialization. In the  process of industrialization, emphasis is given to large scale industries, medium-sale industries, small-scale industries and micro enterprises. In developing countries, micro and small enterprises are important in the context of employment opportunities, equitable distribution of national income, balanced regional growth and development of rural and semi-urban areas. Micro and small enterprises provide immediate large-scale employment, offer a method of ensuring a more equitable distribution of the national income and facilitate effective mobilization of resources of capital and skill which might otherwise remain unutilized. The micro enterprises are considered an engine of growth, especially in a developing country like India due to their contribution to income generation, employment, gross domestic product and so on. Silver anklets made in Salem are sold across India and has a sizeable export market. Salem Silver anklets are made from high quality of raw material which ensures durability at its user end. These products are available in market at most economical rates. Making of silver ornaments and artefacts by hand work is an important cottage industry in Salem. Silver anklets made in Salem are popular throughout the country. There are 1200 micro and small silverware manufacturing units in Salem district. Nearly 12500 employees are working in silverware manufacturing units. The production value is estimated to be Rs.900 crores in the year 2015.  The study has the following objectives: 1.To find out the factors influencing silver workers in Salem district. 

2. To examine the problems of the silver workers in Salem district. 

3. To study the impact of silver workers on the socio-economic conditions of business owners in Salem
District. A total of 150 silver workers in Salem Town have been taken as the sample. Samples for the purpose of the study are selected systematically. It is in line with this that this study identifies the problems of the silverware
manufacturing units and come out with ways and means, which will establish and sustain the vibrancy for silverware manufacturing units so that they can play the expected vital roles as the engine of growth in the economic development. In regards to various problems, unattractive market, power cut, lack of financial assistance, inadequate subsidies and concessions, cumbersome formalities and maladministration, problems in marketing of products under capacity utilization, inadequate working capital and dependence on private parties for raw materials are the problems of silverware manufacturing units in Salem district. Effective implementation of the suggestions could lead to the growth of the silverware manufacturing units and eventually result in creation of employment as well as poverty reduction. 


  1. Marketing management by Philip kotler 9th Edition.

  2. Research methods for management by Dr.s. shajahan 2nd Edition.

  3. Principal & practice of management by L.M.prasad, 4th  Edition.

  4. Marketing research by Dr.p.ravilochanan reprint at 2012.

  5. Marketing by J.Jayasankar reprint at 2012.

A Study on the Characteristics and Competency of Software Developer in Select it Companies in Bangalore
Pages: 57-63 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Software development is growing nowadays. This industry needs most qualified and competent personnel for the development of software. Top level managers,project managers, system analyst, system designer and programmer should have adequate competency and good characteristics to perform their job efficiently and
effectively. Several research work found that practical skills, multi-skilling, computer literacy, managerial skills,
personal skills, problem solving skills and inadequate among the project managers. Among the various skills problem solving skill is most important to the project manager. Next to this analytical skill, team work skills, 
language fluency, presentation skills, communication skills and leadership skills are most important for the 
development software. Software developers are important keys to success of the software industry. In fact, as Turley and Bieman, Turley and Bieman argued that much effort has been placed in the development of engineering approaches to software development such as software tools, coding practices, and test technology. But the overwhelming determiner of software productivity and quality is still personnel and team capability argue that software developers possess unique skills or competencies to solve problems related to software engineering. Boyatzis defined competency as an underlying characteristic of a person which results in superior and/or effective performance in a job. The study of competencies can improve job descriptions, employee selection, staff development, performance evaluation and promotion. In order to analyze the above this study has been undertaken to analyze the competencies and characteristics of a software developer among the project managers, system analyst, system designer and programmer and among the top level managers in select IT companies in Bangalore city. The study used factors analysis to analyze the competency and characteristics of software developers. 

Keywords: Software Development, Competency, Managerial Skills, Problem Solving. 


  1.  Boyatzis, R.E. (1982). The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance, Wiley, New York, NY.

  2. R.C. and Roach, D.A. (1984). Theoretical approaches to communication competence: A conceptual framework, Beverly Hills, CA.

  3. R. Turley and J. Bieman. (1995). Competencies of exceptional and non-exceptional software engineers. Journal of Systems and Software, 28(1), pp. 19-38. 

  4. Lucia, A.D. and Lepsinger, R. (1999). The Art and Science of Competency Models, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, San Francisco, CA..

  5. L. and Spencer, S (1993). Competence at Work, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 

An Urgent Need of Ethical Education for Accountants and Auditors in India
Pages: 64-71 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Globalization leads to Social, political and technological changes have challenged traditional idea of professional practice by accountants and auditors. Ethics is a code or moral system provides criteria for evaluating right and wrong.The high standard of ethical behavior is expected from Professional like Accountants and Auditors. From two decades lot of Corporate scams noticed in India Bofors Scam, Enron scandal, World Com scam, Tyco scandal, Telgi Scam, The Hawala Scandal, Harshad Mehta &Ketan Parekh Stock Market Scam, Health south scandal, Freddie Mac scandal, American International Group scandal (AIG), Lehman brothers scandal, Bernie Madoff scandal, Satyam scandal, 2G Spectrum Scam, the UTI scam, C.R. Bhansali scam, Madhu Cora scam, Indian Coal Allocation Scam, Wakf Board Land Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam and The Fodder Scam appears that corporate accounting fraud is a major problem that is increasing both in its frequency and severity. The Primary cause of all frauds started from Accountants and Auditors as failure ofIt4fg corporate governance. Initially start out small with the perpetrator thinking that small changes here and there would not make a big difference but eventually growing in two million white Elephant in the room. In this context a need has been long felt to Study an Urgent need of Ethical Education for Auditors and Accountants in India to mitigate Corporate Scandals. For the purpose of study secondary data has been collected, processed and presented in the form of tables, figures and Interpreted accordingly.
Keywords: Ethics, Auditors, Accountants, Corporate Scams, Ethical Education. 


  1. Desti Kannaiah &N.S.Kumar (2009) An Urgent Need for Ethics Education for Accountants, Issues in
    Social and Environmental Accounting, Vol. 3, No. 1 June 2009, pp. 88-94.
  2. HadiKhani (2014) the Role of Professional Ethics in Accounting and Audit, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN 2231– 6345 (Online), 2014 Vol. 4 (S1) April-June, pp. 208215.
  3. Ali uyar and alihaydarGüngörmüş (2014) accounting professionals‘ perceptions of ethics education evidence from turkey, Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 61–75, 2013. 
  4. Vincent N. Onyebuchi (2011) Ethics in Accounting, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 10; June 2011.
  5. SelamiGüney (2013) the Problems and Ethical Attitudes of Accounting Professionals toward Accounting Errors and Frauds A Model Practice in City of Erzurum,International Journal of Business. and Social Science, October 2012Vol. 3 No. 20.
  6. SAKARYA.G and KARA.S (2010). ―Türkiye‘de Muhasebe MeslekEtiğine Yönelik Düzenlemelerve Meslek Mensupları Tarafından Algılanması ÜzerineBir Alan AraĢtırması‖, KMÜ SosyalveEkonomikAraĢtırmalarDergisi, Vol 12(18),pp.57-72. 
  7. Ali uyar and alihaydarGüngörmüş (2014) accounting professionals‘ perceptions of ethics education evidence from turkey, Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 61–75, 2013. 
Eco Tourism - with Special Reference to Point Calimere at Nagappattiam District
Pages: 79-82 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Today, with the sound backing of the State Tourism Board, Tamil Nadu is developing its myriad tourism products to lure visitors with its natural and cultural resources. In addition to the temple tours that are synonymous with tourism in Tamil Nadu,the board is developing niche tourist produces to promote eco-tourism. Its agenda includes specifically emphasizing the hidden treasures’ of Tamil Nadu, focusing on their core strengths and capitalizing on them. According to the state tourism department, eco-tourism is a critical component in building the ideal tourism product for the discerning international clientele. The tourism budget states,” The eco- tourism wealth of the country lies in Pitchavaram, Point Calimere, and Muthupet famous for its mangrove forests, Udhagamndalam and the Gulf of Manner noted for biosphere.” The department has proposed to develop an eco-tourism circuit Pichavaram, Point Calimere, and Muthupet. The place selected for present study is a Point Calimere also called Cape Calimere, which is located in the Coromoandel coast, in the Nagapattinam District of the State of Tamilnadu, India. It is rich in natural, beauty, surrounded by sea and shore. 
Keywords: Ecotourism, State Tourism Board, Tourism Product. 


  1. Sharma, Arunayan (2003). "First records of Spoon-billed Sandpiper Calidris pygmeus in the Indian Sundarbans delta, West Bengal" (PDF). Forktail. 19: 136–137. 

  2. Sethuraman, A and AN Subramanian (2003)."Organochlorine residues in the avifauna of TamilNadu(Southeast coast of India)". Chemistry and Ecology. 19 (4): 247–261. doi:10.1080/02757540310001596843. 

  3. Arauah A.D. (March 2005). Point Calimere Wildlife & Bird Sanctuary - A Ramsar Site. District Collectorate Campus 329, 3rd Floor, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu 611002 India: TamilNadu Forest Department, Wildlife Warden. p. 180 illus.color. 

  4.  "Welcome to POINT CALIMERE LIGHT HOUSE".Directorate General of Lighthouses and Ships. Retrieved

An Econometric Analysis of Monetary Policy Key Rates on Share Prices of Banks – A Study with Reference to National Stock Exchange
Pages: 87-95 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The focus of this research paper is to investigate empirically the relationship between key ratios of monetary policy of India with bank index and stock prices of banks. The research employed data from 2012 – 2015.  The paper
used time series analysis on changes in bank rates, repo, reverse repo, CRR and SLR spanning from 2012 – 2015. 
Using method of CAAR (cumulative average abnormal returns) an event study methodology were used to analyze
the impact of the key ratios on bank stock prices. At 5% level of significance, findings were drawn for the hypothesis. The major findings of the study were that there is a significant difference in the stock prices of major banks pre and post announcement of key ratios made by Reserve Bank of India. 
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Stock Prices, Bank Index, Caar. 


  1. Nick von Gersdorff, D. F. (2008). US mergers and acquisitions : A test of market efficiency. Journal of Finance and Accountancy , Pg 1-9.

  2. Norden, S. V. ( 1993. ). " Regime Switching in Stock Market Returns", International Conference on  Financial Market Dynamics and. Economics Department, Carleton University.

  3. Nunn kenneth, H. j. (June 1986). "Corporate bond price data sources and return/risk measurement". Journal of finance and quantitative analysis , Vol 21, No.2, 197-208.

  4. Srivastava Aman,  (December, 2010). "Relevance of Macro Economic factors for the Indian Stock Market". Decision , Vol. 37, No.3.

  5. Thorbecke, W. (June 1997). "On stock market returns and monetary policy". The Journal of Fiannce  Vol 2 II, No.2, Pg 635-654. 

Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Banking Sector in India – A Study
Pages: 96-102 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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The Indian banks have suffered from Rs.400 billion rupees loss because they have invested with many American
financial institutions. Some Indian banks had invested 410 billion rupees in American securities. In it ICICI bank had invested 234 billion. Though Indian Banking service is related with the public sector still there were 21 percent deductions in use of manpower.  The Gov t. has been providing finance under pressure; the subsidiary capital is to be created because of subsidy of farmer’s debt, petrol and fertilizers. American Federal Bank has increased her interest rate when the inflation going on.It was 1 percent before few years but in last 18, months it jumped to 5 percent. It resulted in the breakdown of real estate value and the people stopped to deposit their loan’s installments. Previously the home loans were given more than 100 percent to their basic price. Hence, the banks could get back their loans interest by even selling the mortgaged assets. Then the bank who had given home loans came down the step of bankruptcy. The Global Financial System is in a deep and unprecedented crisis. Central Banks and Governments the world over were facing several complex and compelling
challenges. There have been severe disruptions in money markets. Policy makers across the globe were responding with aggressive, radical and unconventional measures to restore the confidence and impart stability in the system.India has by-and-large been spared of global financial contagion due to the sub-prime turmoil for a variety of reasons. India’s growth process has been largely domestic demand driven and its reliance on foreign savings has remained around 1.5 percent in recent period. It also has a very comfortable level of forex reserves. The credit derivatives market was in an embryonic stage.The originate-to-distribute model in Indiais not comparable to the ones prevailing in advanced markets.There were restrictions on investments by residents in such products issued aboard and regulatory guidelines on securitization did not permit immediate profit recognition. Financial stability in India has been achieved through perseverance of prudential policies which prevent institutions from excessive risk taking, and financial markets from becoming extremely volatile and turbulent. 


  1. Clem Tisdell, Globalisation and World Economic Policies, Serials Publication, New Delhi, 2005.

  2. Arunachalam.P, Global Financial crisis: Its Impact on Indian Economy, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2010.

  3. Arunachalam.P, Special Economic Zones in India, Serials Publication ,New Delhi, 2010. 

  4. Chennappa.D, Role of FDI in Indian Telecom Industry, Southern Economist, Vol.44, No.4, June 15, 2005.

  5. Kanthakrishnan.R and Steward Jones.J.D. FDI Flow in Developing Countries, Southern Economist, Vol.42, No.1, May 1, 2003. 


A Study on Spectrum of Regular Graphs and Line Graphs
Pages: 103-109 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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A study on Spectrum of Regular graphs and Line graphs”is prepared after a deep study on certain concepts
of Graph Theory. Due to the importance of properties of regular graphs and line graphs discussion is done. For
example, if a graph is regular, then the eigen values of its adjacency matrix are bounded in absolute value by the
degree of the graph. In case of a line graph there is a strong lower bound for the eigen values. We mainly concentrate on the spectrum of regular and line graphs. The Study on Spectrum of Regular and Line graphs deals
with explanation, Properties and definitions of graph with few examples and problems. 
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Stock Prices, Bank Index,Caar. 


  1. Cvetkovi_c D. M, Graphs and their spectra,Thesis, University of Bel- grade,1971.

  2. Norman Biggs, Algebraic Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1974.

  3. R. J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Oliver and Boyd, Edin-Burgh, 1972.

  4. Norman Biggs, Finite Groups of Automorphisms, London Math. Society Lecture Notes Series, No.6, Cambridge University Press, 1971. 

  5. T. Van Aarudenee-Ehrenfest and N.G. De Bruijn, Circuits and Trees in oriented linear graphs, Simon Stevin, 28 (1951), pp. 203-217. 

Performance of real Estate Mutual Fund Investment
Pages: 110-112 | First Published: 05 Aug 2017
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Mutual funds are attracting many new investors these days. Everybody wants to invest in a good scheme or a few good schemes that will give them the best returns in five or six years. According to some mutual fund advisors, though investors place a lot of importance on ‘good schemes,’ most of them has no idea what makes a good scheme? The advisors add that instead of good schemes, investors should focus on the right schemes. The real estate related investment is very popular among the investor. This article explains the recent performance of real estate mutual fund investment.  


  1.  Chandra P (2009) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. (2nd edn.), Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. 

  2. Fischer DE, Jordan RJ (1995) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. (6th edn.), Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, p: 598. 

  3. Pandian P (2016) Security analysis and Portfolio Management. (2nd edn.), p: 35.

  4.  Mane P (2016) A Study of Investors Perception towards Mutual Funds in the City of Aurangabad. The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial and Business Management 4: 30-38. 

  5. Kothari PP, Mindargi SC (2013) A Study of Investors Attitude Towards Mutual Fund with Special Reference to Inversotrs in Solapur City. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Management Research 3: 1-12.