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A Study on Customer Statification towards Lever Ayush Products
Ms. B .Deepika,
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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“A Study on Impact of Social Media Marketing in Consumer Behaviour in Tiruvannmalai District”
Ms .M. Kanmani
Pages: 6-12 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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      The goal of this paper is to research empirically the role of social media in consumers' decision-making processes. A quantitative survey investigates up to what degree experiences are altered by the use of social. Customer sentiments on items and administrations are currently progressively overwhelmed by outsiders in advanced spaces, which thusly impact conclusions in the disconnected space. Results show that social media usage influences consumer satisfaction in the stages of information search and alternative evaluation, with satisfaction getting amplified as the consumer moves along the process towards the final purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation. People use social media to share their experiences, reviews, information, advice, warnings, tips, and any kind of issues that are interesting to their “connection” or friends. Social media is used as advertising for the marketer. 

Keywords: social media, consumers, and marketing.


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