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A Study on Consumer Perception Towards Digital Payment System
Harikrishnan Kv
Pages: 1-9 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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 Chennai's digital payment ecosystem stands as a beacon of success, propelled by recent policy reforms and technological innovations. The nation has experienced a remarkable surge in digital transactions, characterized by the seamless transfer of value across payment platforms using digital devices like smartphones, POS terminals, or computers, facilitated by channels such as mobile data or SWIFT. Key digital payment methods in Chennai encompass bank transfers, mobile wallets, and payment cards (credit, debit, and prepaid cards). Since the inception of IMPS by NPCI in 2010 to the introduction of UPI in 2016, the landscape has continuously evolved.
Keywords: Convience, Security, Digital Payment System.

1. Adharsh, R., Harikrishnan, J., Prasad, A., & Venugopal, J. S. (2018). Transformation towards E-Wallet Payment Systems Pertaining to Chennai Youth. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(12), 2583–2594.
2. Agarwal, S., Basu, D., Ghosh, P., Pareek, B., & Zhang, J. (2018). Demonetization and Digitization. SSRN Electronic Journal.
3. Dr. Swati Kulkarni, Dr. Aparna J Varma, D. R. P. V. . (2021). A Literature Study Of Consumer
4. Perception Towards Digital Payment Mode In Chennai. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(1), 3304–3319.
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6. Joshi, M. C. (2017). Digital Payment System: Before, During and After Demonetization. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2(December 2017), 1–14. n/331001070
7. Joshi, R., & Kumar, B. (2020). IMPACT OF DIGITAL CHENNAI ON CHENNAIN ECONOMY Cite this paper.

8. Manocha, S., Kejriwal, R., & Upadhyaya, A. (2019). The Impact of Demonetization on Digital Payment Transactions: A Statistical Study. SSRN Electronic Journal, 229–235.
9. Mate, R., & Kapdi, A. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on Digital Payment System. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(3), 4794–4799.
10. Singh, Shamsher, Rana, R. (2017). Study of Consumer Perception of Digital Payment Mode. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce (JIBC), 22(3), 1–14.
11. Pandey, S. K., & Vishwakarma, A. (2020). A STUDY ON INVESTMENT PREFERENCES OF YOUNG INVESTORS IN THE CITY OF RAIPUR CHHATTISGARH, CHENNAI. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(9), 9757-9768.

Balancing Work and Life: Exploring Coping Strategies and Well-Being Through the Lens of the Jd-R Model in Remote and Hybrid Work Settings
Dr. K. Ravishankar
Pages: 10-25 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study delves into work life balance and employee well being within remote and hybrid work setups through the JD R model. Analyzing data from 257 employees, regression analysis reveals a negative correlation between job dem ands and both employee well being and work life balance. Conversely, job resources positively impact employee well being and work life balance. Individual coping strategies serve as crucial mediators, buffering the adverse effects of job demands on employe e well being and work life balance. The findings emphasize the significance of organizational support in managing job demands and enhancing job resources to foster employee well being and work life balance.Providing sufficient resources like autonomy and social support can mitigate the negative impact of job demands, while promoting effective coping strategies among employees can further bolster their well being and facilitate a healthier work life balance. Understanding these dynamics within the JD R model framework offers actionable insights for organizational policies and practices. By prioritizing supportive resource allocation and promoting adaptive coping strategies, organizations can create environments conducive to employee well being and the seam less integration of work and personal life in remote and hybrid work settings.
Keywords : Work life balance, Job demands, Job resources, Coping strategies, Employee Wel l being, Remote and hybrid work


1. Santillan, E. G., Santillan, E. T., Doringo, J. B., Pigao, K. J. F., & Von Franci s, C. M. (2023). Assessing the Impact of a Hybrid Work Model on Job Execution, Work Life Balance, and Employee Satisfaction in a Technology Company. Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (6), 13 38.
2. Shirmohammadi, M., Au, W. C., & Beigi, M. (2022). Remote work and work life balance: Lessons learned from the covid 19 pandemic and suggestions for HRD practitioners. Human Resource Development International 25 (2), 163 181.

3. De Carlo, A., Girardi, D., Dal Corso, L., Arcucci, E., & Falco, A. (2022). Out of sight, out of mind? A longitudinal investigation of smart working and burnout in the context of the job demands resources model during the COVID 19 pandemic. Sustainability 14 (12),
4. Rohwer, E., Harth, V., & Mache, S. (2024). “The magic triangle betw een bed, office, couch”: a qualitative exploration of job demands, resources, coping, and the role of leadership in remote work during the COVID 19 pandemic. BMC Public Health 24 (1),
5. De Tiroina, S., & Mahdani, S. (2021). the Effect of Work From Home During the Covid 19 Pandemic on Work Life Balance and Its Impact on Employee Performance Ofaceh Communication, Informatics and Encoding Office. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review 4 (02), 55 63.
6. Srimulyani, V. A., & Hermanto, Y . B. (2022). Work Life balance before and during work from home in a Covid 19 pandemic situation. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia 22 (1), 31 46.
7. Yosunkaya, M. (2023, December). Hybrid Employees Approaches Toward Hybrid Working and the Work Life Balance: A Field Study. In Journal of Social Policy Conferences (No. 85, pp. 169 198). Istanbul University.
8. Ter Hoeven, C. L., & Van Zoonen, W. (2015). Flexible work designs and employee well being: Examining the effects of resources and demands. New Technology, Work and Employment 30 (3), 237 255.
9. Selim, I., & Kee, D. M. H. (2022). Using Job Demands Resources Theory to Predict Work Life Balance among Academicians in Private Universities in Eg ypt during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Information 14 (1),
10. Putri, A., & Amran, A. (2021). Employees work life balance reviewed from work from home aspect during COVID 19 pandemic. International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology 1 ( 30 34.
11. Al Riyami, S., Razzak, M. R., Al Busaidi, A. S., & Palalić, R. (2023). Impact of work from home on work life balance: Mediating effects of work family conflict and work motivation. Heritage and Sustainable Development 5 (1), 33 52.
12. Boccoli, G., Gastaldi, L ., & Corso, M. (2023). The evolution of employee engagement: Towards a social and contextual construct for balancing individual performance and wellbeing dynamically. International Journal of Management Reviews 25 (1), 75 98.

13. Mishra, R., Malik, C., Sharma, V., & Jha, M. (2023). Unravelling the Complexities of Hybrid Work Environments: A Suggestive Framework for Employee Performance in Evolving Work Environment. Remittances Review 8 (
14. Grobelny, J. (2023). Factors Driving the Workplace Well Being of Indivi duals from Co Located, Hybrid, and Virtual Teams: The Role of Team Type as an Environmental Factor in the Job Demand Resources Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4),
15. Van Gelder, M., Van Veldhoven, M., & Van D e Voorde, K. (2022). Wellbeing in line managers during mandatory working from home: How work and personal factors combine. Frontiers in psychology 13 ,
16. Radic, A., Arjona Fuentes, J. M., Ariza Montes, A., Han, H., & Law, R. (2020). Job demands job resources (JD R) model, work engagement, and well being of cruise ship employees. International Journal of Hospitality Management 88 , 102518.
17. Navajas Romero, V. V., Ariza Montes, A., & Hernández Perlines, F. (2020). Analyzing the job demands control support model in work life balance: A study among nurses in the European context. International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (8),

A Study on Impact of Online Shopping Advertisement on Social Media Platform Towards Consumer Buying Behaviour
Santhoshkumar. R
Pages: 26-34 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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In the current digital era, social media's widespread presence and the growth of online purchasing platforms have had a significant impact on how consumers behave. This study explores the complex interaction between social media platform marketing for online shopping and consumer purchasing behaviour. This study aims to shed light on the degree to which social media ads affect customers' purchase decisions by conducting an extensive literature analysis and conducting empirical research. Data from a varied sample of customers across different demographics is gathered through surveys and interviews as part of an approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods.This study tries to identify patterns and trends in consumer behaviour in reaction to social media advertising by looking at things like the frequency of exposure to online shopping adverts, the products advertised, and the demographic features of consumers. It is expected that the research's conclusions would clarify how well online shopping ads influence consumers' choices, attitudes, and purchase intentions. Insights from this study could also have a significant impact on businesses and marketers who want to maximise the impact of their social media advertising campaigns in order to better connect and influence their target audience.
Key words: online shopping, advertisement, social media , customer behaviour.


  1. Alalwan, A. A. (2018). Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase intention. International journal of information management, 42, 65-77.

  2.  Balakrishnan, B. K., Dahnil, M. I., & Yi, W. J. (2014). The impact of social media marketing medium toward purchase intention and brand loyalty among generation Y. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 177-185.  Hajli, N., Sims, J., Zadeh, A. H., & Richard, M. O. (2017). A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions. Journal of Business Research, 71, 133-141. 

  3. Pookulangara, S., & Koesler, K. (2011). Cultural influence on consumers' usage of social networks and its' impact on online purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(4), 348-354.

  4. Riegner, C. (2007). Word of mouth on the web: The impact of Web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions. Journal of advertising research, 47(4), 436-447.  Vinerean, S., Cetina, I., Dumitrescu, L., & Tichindelean, M. (2013). The effects of social media marketing on online consumer behavior. International journal of business and management, 8(14), 66.

Impact on the Role of HR in Promoting Ethical Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility with Reference to it Sector
Mr. S. Arul Krishnan
Pages: 35-43 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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Corporate ethics and social responsibility are crucial in today's business  l and scape. This study explores how human resource (HR) practices can cultivate an ethical culture and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives within organizations. It examines areas such as ethical leadership development, ethics training, codes of conduct, ethics committees, whistle blower protection, and incentives for ethical behavior.Additionally, it investigates HR's role in designing and implementing CSR programs focused on environmental sustainability, community relations, human rights, and other social issues. By integrating ethics and CSR into HR systems, organizations can mitigate risks, enhance reputation, attract talent, and improve financial performance. The study provides a comprehensive framework and real life examples for HR practitioners to develop tailored ethics and CSR initiatives.
Keywords: Corporate ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Training, Leadership, Ethical culture.


1. Patel, S., & Brown, K. (2020). The impact of HR leadership on ethical climate and corporate social responsibility: A longitudinal study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(4), 189 203.
2. Chen, L., & Wang, Q. (2019). Exploring the relationship between HR practices and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Chinese firms. International Journal of Management Studies, 15(1), 67 78.
3. Garcia, M. A., & Nguyen, T. H. (2018). HR's role in fostering a culture of ethics and corporate social responsibility: A comparative analysis of European and Asian organizations. Journal of Human Resource Management, 10(2), 87
3.Smith, J., & Johnson, R. (2016). The influence of HR practices on ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility: A systematic review. Journal of Business Ethics, 42(3), 135 149.

Analysing the Impact of Business Analytics on it Sector Performance
Ilavarasan B
Pages: 44-49 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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In this study, we explore the interplay between customer insights, visualization and forecasting, decision decision-making, and their influence on IT sector performance. Our research employed a non non-probabil istic sampling method, specifically the snowball sampling technique, with a sample size of 125. The independent variables considered encompass customer insights, visualization and forecasting, and decision decision-making, which collectively serve as the analytical backbone shaping performance within organizations. The study focuses on the impact of analytics on IT sector by analyzing intricate connections between the two. This research seeks to elucidate the extent to which analytics affects sector performance, the reby highlighting its crucial role in
contemporary organizational dynamics. The results can contribute significantly to the understanding of how analytics analytics-driven factors drive organizational effectiveness and efficiency in today’s complex business landscap e, strategic planning, resource allocation, and performance optimization.

A Study on the Influence of Employee Performance Appraisal Methods Towards Employees
K. Swetha
Pages: 50-59 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study aims to provide a thorough analysis of the influence of employee performance appraisal methods. By exploring the benefits and effects of different techniques and considering demographic factors. The method used to collect information and data to conclude is known as research methodology. The current study's investigation of the objectives is based on descriptive analysis with primary data. The primary data was gathered using a well-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling is used for the sample survey. The sample size of this study is confined to 150 employees. An organized survey has been set up to get significant data from the respondents. Data have been analyzed using statistical tools such as one-way ANOVA test, CHI-SQUARE and CORRELATION. Finally, employee performance reveals a largely satisfied workforce with peer appraisal feedback, supervisor feedback, and performance goals that are clearly defined in the appraisal process. The rating scales generally receive positive feedback.The organization can create a more transparent, development-focused, and inclusive work environment, which will eventually improve employee performance.
Keywords:Employee performance, peer appraisal, rating scale, supervisor feedback.

1. Rakeshkumarchalla (2023), A Research Paper on „Study of Employee‟s Performance Appraisal System‟ Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August/2021, Page No: 1153 1159
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3. K. Eyoun, C. Han, A. Baker, and K. Aahed (2020), “The relationship between the purpose of performance appraisal and the psychological contract: generational differences as a moderator,” International Journal of
Hospitality Management, vol. 86, no. 102449, pp. 1 8.
4. R. A. George, A. K. George, A. K. Siti Nabiha, D. Jalaludin, and Y. A. Abdalla(2016), “Barriers to and enablers of sustainability integration in the performance management systems of an oil and gas company,” Journal of
Cleaner Production, vol. 136, no. 8, pp. 197 212.
5. G. Walker and R. MacDonald (2018), “Designing and implementing an HR scorecard,” Human Resource Management, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 365 377.
6. X. Is lami, E. Mulolli, and N. Mustafa (2018), “Using management by objectives as a performance appraisal tool for employee satisfaction,” Future Business Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 94 108.
7. DeNisi, A. S., & Murphy, K. R. (2017). Performance appraisal and perfor mance management: 100 years of progress? Journal of Applied Psychology, 102 (3), 421 433.
8. Giangreco, A. Carugati, A. Sebastiano, and H. Al Tamimi (2012), “War outside, ceasefire inside: an analysis of the performance appraisal system of a public hospital in a zone of conflict,” Evaluation and Program Planning, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 161–170.
9. Paul E. Levy (2004) The social context of Performance Appraisal: A Review and framework for the Future Journal of Psychology
10. Cohen, S. G., and Ledford, G. E., Jr.(1996 ). A prescient model of self-overseeing work groups. Human Relations, 49, 643-676.  Rao, T.V. (1984), Performance Appraisal: Theory and Practice, Vikas Publishers Aima Management Series, New Delhi.s

A Study o n Student Perspectives towards MOOC Course
Venu gopal
Pages: 60-67 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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Massive open on online courses that enhance to learning the opportunities particularly in tertiary education using the information technologies. This study uses the personal of the as the learning strategies and the identify the influence student embra cing mocc the learning process. Moreover, useful perceived adoption mocc student have the randomly as the respondents. The quantitative analysis the indicates the significant of positive correlation higher student initiate the participate it should be no difficult while having more challenges become less than in the addition the more student believes that there are no obstacles using with the mooc they trend to become more surface learners. This study on demonstrates that the platforms and contents of the mocc have major influence the learning strategies and the cognitive appraisal student.
Keywords massive open online courses, learning strategies

Bergez ( 1997) characteristics of online mooc course and literacy of the learning courses towards of student perspectives 37(3),35 47
o Denzin N.K.& Lincoln ( 1998) was entering the field o f the computer massive open online courses and the apprenticeship and discourse (pp 17) thousand oaks, Ca: sage 38(4) 38 48
o Junge ( 2001) built huge massive open online courses of the evaluating online courses and the online education 32(5) 5),525 534.
o Rowley, D.J., ( 2002) strategic choices mooc course demanded among the for the higher education san Francisco Jossey bass 42(8)526 539.
o Pall off R.M. & prattk (2004) for the mooc manage realities online learners and the San Francisco Jossey 13(1)21 39.
o Harasim (2 005) mooc courses environment collective of the online learners to improve perspectives (pp36 37)
o Grabinger Rosdina & Dunlap ( 2006) mooc courses active learning huge improved by the new ideas and the learning student perspectives (pp8 38)
o Merriam (2007) m ooc value of learned new ideas discourse evaluating perform of a massive open online course (pp9 40)

A Study on the Impact of Digital Marketing on Customer Perception
Mr. S. Elangovan
Pages: 68-76 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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Digital marketing engages with people and promotes brands and products wherever it is available. Search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and other areas are all included in Digital Connect. Customer behaviour is changing due to the digital revolution, moving toward traditional purchasing networks. From this point on, the review paper supports the discussion of the important part that digital marketing plays in streamlining the company's marketing and operational procedures. This article will thoroughly examine the various ways that digital marketing benefits a company's customer perception in addition to how it aids in customer retention.This paper's goal was to examine how digital marketing affects businesses and how crucial it is for both customers and advertisers. To present an all-inclusive information flow and preserve the structure of a review paper, an additional data collection method was employed. Accurate data and information were taken from scientific publications and journals that were already in existence. The results highlighted how web consumers are changing quickly as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, and as digital marketing is reliant on the Internet, it has benefited most from this. Consumer purchasing habits have been evolving, and they are now more inclined to adopt innovative presentations as opposed to traditional forms of advertising. As the world changed, so did consumer demands and design, and consumers wants.
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Customer Perception, Digital Channels, COVID-19 Impact.


1. Algharabat, R., etal. (2019). Investigating the antecedents of customer brand engagement and consumer-based brand equity in social media. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. DoI:
2. Arora, A. S., and Sanni, S. A. (2019). Ten years of ‘Social media marketing’ research in the Journal of Promotion Management: Research synthesis, emerging themes, and new directions. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(4), pp.476-499.
3. Aswani, R., et al. (2018). Search engine marketing is not all gold: Insights from Twitter and SEO Clerks. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), pp.107-116.
4. ATSHAYA (2016). Digital Marketing VS Internet Marketing: A Detailed Study. International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics, pp.29-33.
5. Bala, M., and Verma, D. (2018). A Critical Review of Digital Marketing. International Journal of Management, IT& Engineering, 8(10), pp.321-339.
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7. Buchanan, L., et al.(2018). The effects of digital marketing of unhealthy commodities on young people: a systematic review. Nutrients, 10(2), p. 148.

A Study on Cross-Cultural Management: Challenges and Strategies for HR Professionals in Global Organizations
M. Sai Rathna Deepika
Pages: 77-88 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study examines the hurdles and tactics faced by Human Resources experts when dealing a diverse range of within global organizations. By conducting an extensive analysis of existing literature alongside empirical studies, this research delves into theories of managing cross-cultural settings, encompassing issues like cultural variety, hindrances in communication, conflict resolution methods, conforming to legal and regulatory requirements, and internal organizational dynamics. The outcomes underscore the inadequacies of conventional HR techniques in handling challenges across various cultures, emphasizing the demand for innovative approaches to boost cross-cultural comprehension, communication, and teamwork. Through an evaluation of demographic information and the application of analysis variations (ANOVA& Chi-Square), the study unveils notable disparities among the different factors By recognizing critical limitations and presenting actionable recommendations, this research seeks to assist HR professionals in formulating enhanced approaches for overseeing cross-cultural environments and advancing organizational success in the global market. Keyword: Cross-cultural management, Human Resource, Cultural variety

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