In the current digital era, social media's widespread presence and the growth of online purchasing platforms have had a significant impact on how consumers behave. This study explores the complex interaction between social media platform marketing for online shopping and consumer purchasing behaviour. This study aims to shed light on the degree to which social media ads affect customers' purchase decisions by conducting an extensive literature analysis and conducting empirical research. Data from a varied sample of customers across different demographics is gathered through surveys and interviews as part of an approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods.This study tries to identify patterns and trends in consumer behaviour in reaction to social media advertising by looking at things like the frequency of exposure to online shopping adverts, the products advertised, and the demographic features of consumers. It is expected that the research's conclusions would clarify how well online shopping ads influence consumers' choices, attitudes, and purchase intentions. Insights from this study could also have a significant impact on businesses and marketers who want to maximise the impact of their social media advertising campaigns in order to better connect and influence their target audience.
Key words: online shopping, advertisement, social media , customer behaviour.
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