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An Overview of Digital Marketing- A Study
Dr. S. Murugapoobathi
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Jan 2020
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Internet usage continues to explode across the world with digital becoming an increasingly important source of competitive advantage in both B2C and B2B marketing. A great deal of attention has been focused on the tremendous opportunities digital marketing presents, with little attention on the real challenges companies are facing going digital. Since digital media entered the business domain, many different tools and platforms have transformed the nature of business communications. This transformation has not been easy, since the journey has been accompanied by challenges from the marketers’ side against the adoption of the new platforms into the firm’s communication channels.
Keywords: Overview, Digital Marketing

1. Abed Abedniya and Sahar Sabbaghi Mahmouei (2010), “The Impact of Social Networking Websites to Facilitate the Effectiveness of Viral Marketing”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 1, No.6, pp.27.31.
2. Chi.Hsu-Hsien (2011), “Interactive Digital Advertising Vs Virtual Brand Community: Exploratory Study of User Motivation and Social Media Marketing Responses in Taiwan”, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.12, pp. 44-61.
3. Durkin. M and Lawlor. M. A. (2001), “ The implications of the Internet on the advertising agency-client relationship”, The Services Industries Journal, Vol.27, No.5, pp.90-175.
4. Gerard Broussard (2000), “How advertising frequency can work to build online advertising effectiveness”, International Journal of Market Research. 2000.
5. Kiani, G.R (1998), “; Marketing opportunities in the digital world”, Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, Vol.8, pp. 185-194.
6. Winer. S.R (2009), “New Communications Approaches in Marketing: Issues and Research Directions”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol.23, pp.108-117.

A Study on the Awareness of Cosmetic Contamination among Women in Digital ERA
S. Priya
Pages: 6-10 | First Published: 05 Jan 2020
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Cosmetics are products that are used to alter the appearance of the face or the odor and consistency of the body. To analyze their awareness of cosmetics among women in the digital era and to highlight the impact of cosmetics contamination on women in the digital era. Each day women use so many products in the name of make-up and beauty care. Skin is the largest organ in our body and absorbs chemicals directly into the bloodstream faster than if it were digested. The digestive system has a process to filter toxins naturally, whereas the epidermis acts more like a sponge. Thus there is a need to consider the ingredients that go into the making of the products.
Keywords: Cosmetic contamination, digital era

1. Nigam PK, Adverse reactions to Cosmetics and Methods of Testing, Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2009; 75 (1), 10-9.
2. Persaud L. Cosmetic Contamination awareness among adolescent females, Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Technical High School:2007.
3. Schneider G, Gohla.S.Schreiber, Kaden W, Schonrock U, Schmidt- Lewerkuhne H et al. Skin Cosmetics in Ullmann’s encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Weinheim: Wiley- VCH; 2005.

A Study on Consumer Satisfaction about Digital Banking Service with Special Reference to Kanyakumari District
S. Raja Prathiba
Pages: 11-15 | First Published: 05 Jan 2020
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The digital era could not have come at a better time for the banking industry. With bank customer loyalty and trust at a low point, the recent financial fallout, and the economic downturn, banks need a fresh start. Rising to the challenge of reconnecting with customers, rebuilding trust, and renewing the banking experience, banks are starting to explore digital technologies and solutions. Forward-looking financial services providers are seeing a silver lining in today‟s challenging market they are rapidly capitalizing on the digital wave to reestablish themselves as the bank of choice with existing and new customers.
Keywords: Consumer Satisfaction, Digital Banking Service

1. Acs. Z.J and Amoro‟s.J.E (2008), “Introduction: The startup process”, Estudios de Economıa, Vol.35, No2, pp.121–132.
2. De Clercq.D, Hessels.J and Van Stel.A (2008), “Knowledge spillovers and new ventures‟ banking”, The Banking Venture, Vol.31, No.3, pp.283–303.
3. Hessels.J and Van Stel.A (2011), “Banking Business and Economic Growth”,. Small Business Economics, Vol.37, No.2, pp.255–268.
4. Naude.W, Gries.T, Wood. E. and Meintjies.A (2008), “Regional determinants of Banking setup in a Developing Country”, Banking & Regional Development, Vol.20, No.2, pp.111–124.
5. Valliere. D. and Peterson. R. (2009), “Banking and economic growth: Evidence from Emerging and Developed Countries. Banking & Regional Development, Vol.21, No.5–6, pp.459–480

A Study on Present Scenario of Digital Entrepreneurship in Kanyakumari District
Dr. S. Rajapriya
Pages: 16-20 | First Published: 05 Jan 2020
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The term „Digital Entrepreneurship‟ refers to the process of creating a new delivered business, product or service. This definition includes both startups bringing a new digital product or service to market but also the digital transformation of an existing business activity inside a firm or the public sector. In the developed world, the emergence of utility-based cloud computing is shifting focus from technical barriers to the business environment challenges facing digital entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Present Scenario, Digital Entrepreneurship, Kanyakumari District

1. De Clercq.D, Hessels.J and Van Stel.A (2008), “Knowledge spillovers and new ventures‟ export orientation”, Small Business Economics, Vol.31, No.3, pp. 283–303.
2. Gartner. W.B(1990), “What are we talking about when we talk about entrepreneurship?” Journal of Business Venturing, Vol.5, pp.15–28.
3. Larroulet. C and Couyoumdjian. J.P(2009), “Entrepreneurship and growth: A Latin American paradox?”, The Independent Review, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 81–100.
4. Naude. W, Gries.T, Wood. E, and Meintjies. A(2008), “Regional determinants of entrepreneurial start-ups in a developing country”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol.2, pp.111–124.
5. Tominc. P and Rebernik.M (2004), “The scarcity of female entrepreneurship”, Journal for General Social Issues, Vol.13, No.–5, pp.779–802.
6. Wennekers.S, Van Stel. A, Thurik. R and Reynolds. P(2005), “Nascent entrepreneurship and the level of economic development”, Small Business Economics, Vol.24, No. 3, pp.293–309.

Gender discrimination in English language
S. Regina
Pages: 21-23 | First Published: 05 Jan 2020
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Gender discrimination is accredited as a form of inequality that is an issue for women all over the world. As said God created man first an evident for male preceding female. According to the traditional approach, coarse of physical or mental condition, females are weaker than males. This is the reason for male male-dominated society where women are struggling for their individuality. The relationship between language and culture is congenital. Languages with gender discrimination protocols are called gender discrimination languages or sexist languages. To avoid gender discrimination in languages the words that represent sexist language must be replaced by neutral words such as ‘police officer' instead of ‘police man’. The main purpose of this paper is to underline the gender discrimination in the English language and how to reduce that through the active participation of the society where women live to create a healthy and balanced atmosphere.
Keywords: Discrimination, Traditional Approach, sexist language, Neutral words.


Wolfgang, M. & Alan, D. The Wisdom of Many: Essays on the proverb, Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1994.