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Analysis of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Customers Perception towards Online Insurance Services
S. Abisha
Pages: 1-4 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Customer perception is a marketing concept that encompasses customer’s impression, awareness or willingness about a company. This paper aim to analyze the customers awareness towards online insurance services of ICICI prudential life insurance and to analyze the problems of customers in availing the online insurance services of ICICI prudential. There is no doubt that the online insurance services has its own stand in the economic development and also enhances the growth of online insurance services by satisfying the need of the customer. There is a tremendous change in this digitalized era that majority of the people prefer online transaction rather than then the traditional ones. So the urge of upgrading the online services, providing the proper guidance about the online services, managing customer relationship and also being innovative in meeting the customer requirements has become so vital which would definitely drop ship the growth of the company and satisfaction of the customers.
Keywords: Customer Perception, ICICI Prudential, Digital Era

1. Dr. Mahesh Raigopal, “changing perceptions of life insurance buyers-some empirical evidences from Karnataka”, ELK Asia journal of marketing and retail management, ISSN 0976-7193 (Print) ISSN 2349-2317 (online) volume 4 Issue 2 (2013)
2. Sumit Banarjee “Analysis of customers perception towards investments in ICICI prudential life insurance company”, Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce andManagement, Volume6, Issue 11 (November, 2017) ISSN-2277-1166

A Study on the Awareness of Health Tourism in Digital ERA
I. Anju
Pages: 5-8 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Health tourism comprises two terms healthcare and tourism and it involves a combination of resources of health care and tourism. The paper aims to increase the awareness of health tourism in the digital era and to highlight the pros of health tourism in the digital era. India is in an advantageous position to tap the global opportunities in the medical tourism sector. The government’s role is crucial to the development of medical tourism. The government should take steps in the role of a regulator and also as a facilitator of private investment in health care. Tax incentives to the service providers and import duty reduction on medical equipment committees to promote and foster medical tourism are some of the initiatives that can be undertaken. The tourism, health, information, and communication departments need to work in tandem for efficient patient care. This paper has recommended some of the medical tourism strategies for further promoting medical tourism in India.
Keywords: Health tourism, digital era


A Study on Information and Communication Technology in Education
S. Anu Radha
Pages: 9-13 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Information and Communication Technology can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers' professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration. UNESCO takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT in education. Access, inclusion and quality are among the main challenges they can address. The Organization's Intersectral Platform for ICT in education focuses on these issues through the joint work of three of its sectors: Communication & Information, Education and Science.
Keywords: Information, Communication Technology, Education

1. "ICT in Education". Unesco. Unesco. Retrieved 10 March 2016.
2. Blackwell, C.K., Lauricella, A.R. and Wartella, E., 2014. Factors influencing digital technology use in early childhood education. Computers & Education, 77, pp.82-90.

Digital Marketing to Develop a Modern Marketing Strategy
P. Asha
Pages: 14-19 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Digital marketing is growing in India with fast rapidity. Various Indian companies are using digital marketing for competitive advantage. The Success of the marketing campaign cannot be exclusively achieved by digital marketing only. Rather for the success of any marketing battle, it should fully harness the capabilities of various marketing techniques available within both the traditional and modern marketing. Startups that utilize digital marketing a lot of times got failed. This study shows precautions to be taken for successful implementation of digital marketing to harvest tremendous potential to increase in sales.
Keywords: Digital marketing, social network, ecommerce, online retail, start up and commandments.

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A Study on the Factors Influencing the Marketing of SHGS in Digital ERA
S. Babitha
Pages: 20-23 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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A self-help group is a voluntary association of economically backward women from a similar socio-economic background in both rural as well as urban centers. To analyze the factors influencing SHGs in the digital era. To highlight the marketing problems in SHGs in the digital era. Thus we can conclude that all Self Help Groups must opt for the right products, qualified persons for proper management, proper training for prompt production, and Government assistance for training for facing the marketing problems. It is quite necessary to train them effectively to get awareness in the marketing potential areas.
Keywords: Marketing of SHGS, digital era

1. V. Krishnaveni, Dr. R. Haridas, SHGs and its Marketing Problems, Global Journal of Human Social Science Economics, Vol.13, Issue.4, 2013.
2. R.Parthiban, Dr.P.BabaGnanakumar, “Marketing Problems Faced by Self Help Groups (SHG) in Tamil Nadu”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Vol.5, Issue.7, July 2016.

Affiliate Marketing in India
Dr. R. Sethu Ravi
Pages: 24-28 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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The digital marketing landscape that encompasses Search engine optimization, social media, content marketing and more is witnessing a dramatic shift. In the current high-tech networked era, many new digital marketing trends and strategies are evolving and businesses now need to use them to succeed in their efforts because what worked for you yesterday may not work today. Affiliate marketing is such a new trend to marketing. It is the practice whereby a digital publisher or website promotes an online retailer and earns a commission based on the sales or leads that the advertising generates for that online retailer. Online retailers like Flipkart, Amazon, and have already started affiliate marketing in India and the technique is gaining popularity in digital market. The objective of this research paper is to familiarize andgive an insight to affiliate marketing in Indian businesses.
Keywords: Affiliate marketing, online retailer.


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