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Employee to Entrepreneur Transition Trends and Financing of SMEs in Indian Tourism Industry
Junaid KC
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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Tourism industry includes Transportation, Accommodation, Recreation and Entertainment, Food and Beverage Services and travel services contributing 8% of total employment. This paper analysis transition trend waged employees to entrepreneurship and the challenges faced in financing tourism SMEs in India. This transition in tourism industry is found positive rate than other sectors by influence of Digital marketing, Easy financing, Government schemes, Minimum capital and labour needs. But, with some socio-economic challenges.
Keywords: Tourism, Entrepreneurship, Financial Market, Indian SMEs

1. Berger and Udell, 2006,A. Berger, G. Udell “A more complete visionary framework for SME finance” Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (2006), pp. 2945-2966
2. Hirsch, Jeffrey M. "Employee or Entrepreneur." Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 68 (2011): 353.
3. Javalgi, R. R. G., & Todd, P. R. (2011). Entrepreneurial orientation, management commitment, and human capital: The internationalization of SMEs in India. Journal of Business Research, 64(9), 1004-1010.
4. Jones, E., & Haven, C. (2005). Tourism SMEs, service quality, and destination competitiveness. CABI.
5. Josef, Jonas, and Rolf Meyer. Financial Structures of Swiss SMEs in the Manufacturing Industry: A Mixed Research Approach. GRIN Verlag, 2016.

A Methodical Study on the role of Foreign Direct Investment in Higher Education Sector in Kerala.
Reena Andrew
Pages: 6-10 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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Higher Education Sector, in fact, considered being the one of the main pillars of socio–economic progress of any country. All over the world Governments are committed to supporting excellence in education to their citizens. Unfortunately, due to exorbitant costs in the Higher Education Sector, the Government alone cannot cater to the diversified needs in the Higher Education Sector, by offering all basic infrastructure facilities. In this regard, Foreign Direct Investment in the Higher Education Sector, especially in Kerala, will offer to relieve the financial pressures of higher education, if the investment programs are properly designed and managed then a high rate of employment will achieved. Thus Foreign Direct Investment is one of the most important methods that have recently been declared as a productive solution for the problem of financing the Higher Education Sector in Kerala.
Keywords: Higher Education Sector, Kerala, Foreign Direct Investment.



A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Net Banking Service with reference to Tiruchirappalli City
Dr. K. Riyazahamed
Pages: 11-15 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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Internet Banking is the wave of the future, In India all banks need to be realized in the post-liberalization period and it is in order to continue to the viable and to deliver the top provisions to their consumers they must have the updated information in place. Irrespective of their proprietorship status overall they will give supreme importance to placement and technical developments. The usages of ATMs is in the following terms: “online collection, plastic money, payment services, (electronic fund transfer, clearing services) document management systems, smartcards, branch networking and internet banking and also the other results of their creativity of industrial upgradation”. Using a descriptive study, the data‟s are collected through primary data from 120 net banking users in Tiruchirappalli city. The respondents are selected using a simple random sampling. The result of the study found that the availability of information on net banking is the significant to adoption and use of net banking by customers.
Keywords: Internet Banking, Post-Liberalization, Customers, Initiative, Electronic Fund Transfer, Technological Development and Smartcards.

1. Dr. M. Abdul Hakeem and Y. Moydheen Sha (2015) “An Empirical Study towards Customer Satisfaction in Internet Banking services with special reference to Tiruchirappalli District”, IJSR - International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume: 4, Issue: 5, May 2015, ISSN No 2277 – 8179.
2. K. Veerakumar (2016) article titled “A Study on Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty” International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education, Vol-I, Issue-I, June – 2016. P.No.661-663.
3. Sujatha.S and Arumugam. N (2017) Customer Satisfaction in the Indian Banking Sector. International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives, 2 (1), 296 – 302.
4. Himani
5. Sharma (2011), “Bankers‟ Perspectives On E-Banking”; NJRIM, Vol.1, No.1, June © SRIMCA 71, ISSN:2249 – 0906
6. Banking Theory Law and Practice – Gordon and Natarajan

A Study on Customer Perception towards Online Marketing in Chengalpattu Town
Dr. K. Murugan
Pages: 16-23 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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The growing use of the Internet in chengalpattu metropolis provides varied opportunities for online shopping from both patron and supplier attitude. If Electronic entrepreneurs (E-Marketers) realize the elements affecting online chengalpattu city behavior, the relationships among those factors and the type of online consumers, they can besides broaden their marketing techniques to transform potential customers into energetic buyers while retaining its original consumer base. This takes a look at makes a specialty of the elements which online shoppers take into attention at the same time as purchasing online. This research will help in finding the effect of e-marketplace on clients‟ buying patterns and how their protection and private ness worries approximately online marketing affects their online buying behavior. The have a look at will besides embodying the various necessary inputs to equip the entrepreneurs for creating online marketing extra lucrative and assured utilizing including price to the present offerings.
Keywords: E-Commerce, Online Consumer Behavior, Consumer Perception, Customer Relationship.

1) Dolatabadi, H. R., & Poursaeedi, A. (2012). An Analysis of Factors Affecting on Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4 (5), 81-98.2.
2) Kannaiah, D. (2015). Consumers‟ Perception on Online Shopping.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 13, 14-20.3.
3) Khitoliya, P. (2014). Customers Attitude and Perception towards Online Shopping. Indian journal of research, 3 (6), 18-21.

A Study on Preference of Green Event Practices in Chennai City
Dr. S G. Balaji
Pages: 24-27 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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As global warming becomes unbreakable to pay no attention to, green event planning is suitable and a gradually added significant focus in the industry. When on earth a huge group of people collects, the sum of paper, food, and energy waste can be high. According to ISO 20121, maintainable event management is the procedure of joining eco-friendly and social charge problems into event preparation. On the other hand, we take stages to decrease important undesirable effects, or harm, such as solid waste. The goal of green event planning is to minimize this waste and decrease the whole carbon footprint, while still making a meaningful and exceptional involvement for attendees. The objective of this research paper is to study the first choice of green event practices in Chennai City.
Keywords: Green Events, Sustainable Events, Preference, Eco-friendly Event Practices.



Mergers and Acquisitions- A Major Prospect for Business Sustainability
Dr. S. Selvi
Pages: 39-47 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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Mergers and Acquisitions have emerged as a major force for developing financial and economic environments due to increased market competition both in domestic and international markets, excessive interdependence of companies for different products and services, etc. The entire business world is looking forward to sustainable growth and development. Sustainability issues are gaining ground in terms of business transactions due to the combined efforts of the merged business undertakings. The main objective of this research paper is to evaluate the impact of mergers and acquisitions of the companies sector-wise and to identify the factors affecting mergers and acquisitions of companies in the current scenario. For this purpose, the researcher has analyzed the mergers and acquisitions in five different sectors by considering both the pre and post-financial position of the amalgamated companies. Earnings per Share, Price Earnings Ratio, Return on Asset, and Return on Equity are calculated to depict a clear picture of the impact of a merger or acquisition on their financial position. Data are collected from secondary sources and compiled for an effective presentation.
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisition, Sustainability, Earnings per Share, Price Earnings Ratio, Return on Asset, Return on Equity

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3. Shashi K. Gupta and Arun Mehra (2017). Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting.Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India: Kalyani Publishers.
4. Amish Bharat kumar Soni(2016), M&A in India and its impact on shareholders wealth, IOSR Journal of Business & Management, 18(16), ISSN:2278-487X
5. Bijay Gupta, Dr. Parimalendu Banerjee(2017), Impact of mergers and acquisition on financial performance-Evidence from selected companies in India, International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, ISBN-978-93-85895-57-9
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8. Dr. M.Yadagiri and M.Vijay Kumar(2017), Sectorwise Analysis of Mergers and Acquisitions in India, Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce and Management ,6(7), Online ISSN-2277-1166
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11. Viral Upendra Bhai Pandya (2018), Mergers and Acquisition Trends- the Indian experience, International Journal of Business Administration ,9(1),ISSN:1923-4007.doi:10.5430/ijbav9nlp44
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Problems, Challenges and Development of Women Entrepreneurs
Dr. P. Pugazhendhi
Pages: 48-53 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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This article explores an Entrepreneur who is traditionally implicit to be a man even though altering demographics with women comprise more than 50% of creation people. The influence of total sums, status, and location in the social order should be interpreted in the socio-economic expression of the ecosphere we live. Women entrepreneurs‟ initiative worldwide professional surroundings with economic stability and strong points. The outcomes propose a substantial socio-cultural impact: one that starts with family support and spreads to the huge excess effect on the professional venture itself and on women's right to use capital and business networks. They also focus on the role that women's agency, self-confidence, and resolve are playing in cultivating the enthusiasm of local women for private enterprise and overcoming the toll of barriers. The present experimental reading aims to measure the Indian perspective of women in entrepreneurship within the area of culture and types and suggest a model for organizations to evaluate their strength in women's entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Women entrepreneurs, Barriers, Culture, Perspective, etc.

1. Annual Report (2014-15). Ministry of Medium, Small and Minor Enterprises, Government of India. Retrieved from on 09.10.2015.
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7. Kulkarni, S. R. (2010). An empirical study of the barriers to the development of women entrepreneurs in the Pune region. (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis), University of Pune, Pune, India.
8. Mehta, A., & Mehta, M. C. (2011). Rural women entrepreneurship in India: opportunities and challenges. International Conference on Humanities, Geography, and Economics (ICHGE‟2011).
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11. Setty, E. (2004). Clinical approach to the promotion of entrepreneurship among women. New Delhi: Anmol Publications.
12. Thangaraju, S. (2011). Women entrepreneurs in India: motivation, problems, and growth (with special reference to Erode district). (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
13. Thomas, S. P. (2000). Women entrepreneurs in Ernakulam district, Kerala - an analytical study. (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis), Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, India.
14. Tuschano, J. W. (2013). Women entrepreneurs in the unorganized sector: a case study of Vasai taluka. (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis), S.N.D.T. Women‟s University, Mumbai, India.
15. Umamaheswari, V. (2011). A study on the development of women entrepreneurs in Dindigul district. (Un-Published Ph. D Thesis), Mother Teresa Women‟s University, Tamil Nadu, India.

Empowering Human Capital Stock of Nation: Role of ASAP Kerala
Arya K
Pages: 52-62 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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‘Human Capital’ is considered to be the greatest resource of a nation. The major components among the two are health and education. Nowadays, mere formal education is failing to serve the purpose where there exists a gap between pursued knowledge and employment market requirements. Here comes the role of skill development programmes in the blurring of this gap. ASAP Kerala is a joint initiative of the General Education and Higher Education Departments, Government of Kerala. This initiative offers a wide variety of skill development courses in many areas such as accounting, banking and finance, fashion designing, global business process outsourcing, printing technology, emergency medical care, editing floriculturist-protected Cultivation and so on. Each course has language training with the object of building up the LSRW skills of the enrolled candidate as well as the skill programme. Each batch from a college will be guided by a Skill Development Executive (SDE) appointed by the ASAP Directorate. After the formal programme, a hands-on internship of three months is offered to the enrolled candidate to give them industry experience. The language skill package is administered by the British Council. One of the major social evils found in the Higher Education system nowadays is ‘educated unemployed’. The root cause for this issue is the inability to meet the demand of the employment market requirements. Formal education finds no link with the job specifications. Here arises the need for acquiring the necessary skills to cope with the demands of the job market. Hence, imparting such skills through some structured agency becomes inevitable. Here comes the role of ASAP Kerala to overwhelm such issues and eventually blur the gap.
Keywords: ASAP, skill equipment, human capital stock.

1. Jaisaon Paraikal Johny, (2016), International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Volume 3, Issue 1, pages 143-147, The Role of ASAP Kerala Project in Skill Development through Technology Enhanced Learning.
2. Baiju K Nath, (2015), Research Gate .net/publication/303942082, page 1-9, ‘Additional Skill Acquisition Programme in Kerala as a Promising Initiative for vocational aspirants among Students in schools and Colleges’.
3. Government of Kerala, Higher Education Department, (2015), G.O: 297/2015/H.Edu., pages 3-55.
4. World Employment and Social Outlook Report (2017), published by the International Labour Organisation.
5. Unit Record of NSS 68th Round.
6. Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011.
7. Government of India, Labour Department, ‘Employment and Unemployment’, ‘Poverty’.

Empowering Human Capital Stock of Nation: Role of ASAP Kerala
Arya K
Pages: 54-62 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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‘Human Capital’ is considered to be the greatest resource of a nation. The major components among the two are health and education. Nowadays, mere formal education is failing to serve the purpose where there exists a gap between pursued knowledge and employment market requirements. Here comes the role of skill development programmes in blurring of this gap . ASAP Kerala is a joint initiative of the General Education and Higher Education Departments, Government of Kerala. This initiative offers a wide variety of skill development courses in many areas such as accounting, banking and finance, fashion designing, global business process outsourcing, printing technology, emergency medical care, editing floriculturist protected Cultivation and so on. Each course has language training with the object of building up the LSRW skills of the enrolled candidate as well as the skill programme. Each batch from a college will be guided by a Skill Development Executive (SDEs) appointed by the ASAP Directorate. After the formal programme, a hands-on internship of three months period is offered to the enrolled candidate to give them an industry experience. The language skill package is administered by the British Council.
One of the major social evil found in the Higher Education system nowadays is ‘educated unemployed’. The roots cause for this issue id the inability to meet the demand of the employment market requirements. Formal education finds no link with the job specifications. Here arises the need for acquiring necessary skills to cope up with the demand of the job market. Hence, imparting such skills through some structured agency becomes inevitable. Here comes the role of ASAP Kerala to overwhelm such issues and eventually blur off the gap.
Key Words: ASAP, skill equipment, human capital stock.

1. Jaisaon Paraikal Johny, (2016), International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 143-147, The Role of ASAP Kerala Project in Skill Development through Technology Enhanced Learning.
2. Baiju K Nath, (2015), Research Gate .net/publication/303942082, page 1-9, ‘Additional Skill Acquisition Programme in Kerala as a promising initiative for vocational aspirants among students in schools and colleges’.
3. Government of Kerala, Higher Education Department, (2015), G.O : 297/2015/H.Edu., pages 3-55.
4. World Employment and Social Outlook Report (2017), published by the International Labour Organisation.
5. Unit Record of NSS 68th Round.
6. Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011.
7. Government of India, Labour Department, ‘Employmetn and Unemployment’, ‘Poverty’.

Opinion of Employee SMEs of on Human Resource Practices
Dr. K. P. Savitha
Pages: 63-66 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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MSMES have played an important role in our country’s economy. They have significantly contributed towards growth, manufacturing, services and export. By virtue of the fact that small enterprises are located all across the country they have helped in inclusiveness and dispersal of the benefits of the development. HR practices such as Training development, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Appraisal, Employees Remuneration and Compensation, Employees Participation in Management, Career Development and Grievance Redressal are desirable to help coping with the Increasing in complexity resulting from greater number of employee to improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness in SMEs.
KEY WORDS: Training development, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Appraisal, Employees Remuneration and Compensation, Employees Participation in Management, Career Development, Grievance Redressal, SMEs

1) S.Rathinam (2011) Impact of strategic HRM on organizational performance southern economist, February 2011, 15-16
2) P.V.Narasaiah HRD practices with special emphasis on Training and Development SEDME September 2012, 86-93
3) Aswathappa K. (2013), Human Resource Man-agement, New Delhi: McGraw Hill Educa-tion (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Socio-Economic and Political Development of Women
S. Regina
Pages: 67-70 | First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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In our beloved country, there is an immense upturn in awareness about women's rights among all sectors of society. The developmental programs and policies give priority to improving women’s social status. Instead of urbanization and industrialization, our culture and economy are largely agrarian and rural-based. Empowering women may help to promote rural areas and the economy of India which could be gained through social development. Based on every set of indices of development and socio-economic status, women have coped worse than men in all regions and all layers of the population in India. Women’s increased political participation has produced positive results not only for women but also for their families and communities. This study tested the unfortunate conditions of women in our country and analyzed that women are imperative in national development and that unless women are empowered as partners, sustainable development will be impeded. The need to empower Indian women socio-economically and politically for progress in India became a development out of very great necessity. Thus the above entailed this paper.
Keywords: Positive result, unfortunate, imperative, impeded.

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