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Opinion of Employee SMEs of on Human Resource Practices

Issue Abstract

MSMES have played an important role in our country’s economy. They have significantly contributed towards growth, manufacturing, services and export. By virtue of the fact that small enterprises are located all across the country they have helped in inclusiveness and dispersal of the benefits of the development. HR practices such as Training development, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Appraisal, Employees Remuneration and Compensation, Employees Participation in Management, Career Development and Grievance Redressal are desirable to help coping with the Increasing in complexity resulting from greater number of employee to improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness in SMEs.
KEY WORDS: Training development, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Appraisal, Employees Remuneration and Compensation, Employees Participation in Management, Career Development, Grievance Redressal, SMEs

Author Information
Dr. K. P. Savitha
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) S.Rathinam (2011) Impact of strategic HRM on organizational performance southern economist, February 2011, 15-16
2) P.V.Narasaiah HRD practices with special emphasis on Training and Development SEDME September 2012, 86-93
3) Aswathappa K. (2013), Human Resource Man-agement, New Delhi: McGraw Hill Educa-tion (India) Pvt. Ltd.