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Journal Issues

Prevalence Theory Approach in Dharmapuri
Pages: 1-7 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
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The panelists also discuss ideas to improve the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS as well as future worries and uncertainties. Through in-person interactions, this has aided in firsthand knowledge acquisition. Those who receive an HIV diagnosis have a difficult time adjusting to the fact that there is now no therapy for the illness and that access to it is restricted in many regions of the world. After receiving an HIV diagnosis, the majority of respondents (81.7%) were unable to accept that they were infected with the virus, whilst the remaining 18.3% were able to accept their infection. Additionally, encouraging print media such as newspapers and magazines to run awareness-raising efforts to lessen stigma, prejudice, and harassment.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Stigma


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Consumer Approach towards Credit Cards -with reference to Chennai
Pages: 8-11 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
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This essay attempts to utilize an empirical investigation of the responses and attitudes of credit card users towards credit cards in order to understand consumer attitudes towards credit cards. To comprehend consumer credit card use trends; To pinpoint issues that credit card customers have while utilizing their cards; The research employed a basic random sampling methodology. There were 200 responders in the sample. The findings of the Chi Square test were determined to be statistically significant.
Keywords: Investigation, Credit card and Methodology


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  7. Neural Network Basics Datasheet, IBEX Process Technology Inc, July 2002.

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  9. White Paper on Efficient Risk Management for Online Retail, Clear Commerce Product Management, Clear Commerce Corporation, September 2002.

  10. Van Leeuwen. 2002. A Surge in Credit Card Fraud, H. Financial Review.


Demographic Factors of the policy holders in Tamilnadu
Mrs. G.Subhasri
Pages: 12-17 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
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The study conducted by the researcher is categorized into two parts: the major heart of Thanjavur town and other parts of the town, depending on the researcher's convenience. Indian policyholders show a range of opinions
because to the country's enormous geographic variety in terms of climate, religion, geography, language, way of life, educational attainment, and economic standing.
Keywords: Climate, Religion and Language


  1. Currie D A, Monetary and Fiscal Policy and the Crowding out Issues in MJ Artis and MH Miller (Ed), Essays in Fiscal and Monetary Policy 1981.

  2. Ray R M, Life Insurance in India ,Indian Institute of Public Administration ,New Delhi -1982.

  3. Acharya Ravindra Prakash, Promotional Activities of Industrial Undertaking in India’ 1984. 

  4. P. M. Mathew, Relations between Governments and Development Finance Companies, Anmol Publications, 1986.

  5. Douglas Gustafson, Promoting Broader Ownership of private securities in the low income countries, 1986.

  6.  YaswanthGururao, ZillaParis hadFinace- A case study of Nasik ZillaParishad ,Ph.D thesis, Pune University, 1986. 

Impact on CRM Practices in the Services Sector
D. Hemalatha
Pages: 18-22 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
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In the corporate world today, customer relationships and customer relationship management are at the forefront and are becoming more and more well known in the management field. Academics and business people
have always depended on connections to succeed. But only recently have contemporary marketplaces begun
to adopt a trend. A good many of them fell short.  Numerous research were done on this, and several causes and remedies were identified. This made it necessary for businesses to reflect on the benefits they had anticipated from CRM and customer interactions. Further research is necessary to determine the true benefits of customer connections and their management, or CRM practices, as well as the anticipated benefits like customer happiness, customer loyalty, repurchases, and good referrals. Research is required from both the organizational (strategic and functional) and consumer perspectives, as it is the latter that ensures the organization's expectations are met. The
current investigation aims to investigate these domains.
Keywords: Customer relationship, CRM practices and Current investigation.


  1. Adele   Bernadette,   Fricke   Herbst,   Linde   Roux “Implementing   a Customer   Relationship   Management   Programme   in   Emerging Market”, Journal   of  Global  Business   and  Technology,   Volume1 Number 2 ,Fall 2005.

  2. Imothy  Bohling  ,Douglas  Bowman,  Steve  LaValle,  Vikas  Mittal, Das Narayan das, Girish Ramani Rajan, Varadarajan “CRM Implementation  :  Effectiveness  Issues  and  Insights,”  Journal  of Service Research, volume 9 2006.

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  5. Ed Peelen , Rob Beltman , Kees Van Mont fort ,Arnold Kerklx , “ A Study into foundations of CRM’s success”, Journal of services research,volume1,issue1,  ,2006, pg 3-27.

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  8. Kristol De Wulf, Gaby Odekerken Schroder & Dawn Lacobucci, “Investments  in  Consumer  Relationships:  A  cross  country  and Cross   industry   Exploration”, Journal   of  Marketing,   Volume   65 October 2001, pages 33-50.

  9. Paul  Richer,  James  Cornford  and  Lag  McLaughlin,  “e-Citizen  as talk,   as   text   and   as   technology:   CRM   and   e-Government”, Electronic Journal of eGovernment, Volume 2 Issue 3, 2004.

  10. A.K   Mishra   and   Pahlavi, “Brand   Marketing   through   Customer Relationship Management ”, Indian Journal of Marketing, J anuar y 2007. 

  11.  Shireesha Devaraj and Mr Vishwanath Kokanda, “Customer Relationship Management-An   Analysis”,   Business   vision,   April- June, volume 4 Number 2, 2008.

  12.  Lior Arussy,“The economics   of  customer   relationships”,   Indian Management, April 2005.

  13. Michael Torgler, “The Functionality and Usage of CRM Systems”, International   Journal   of   Social   Sciences,   volume4,   number   3, 2009.

  14. Paul O Harrigon, Dr Eliani Ramsey, and Dr Patrick Ebotson, “The nature  of  eCRM in Irish SMEs-: comparing international and domestic firms”, Institute for Small and Business Entrepreneurship, November 2009, Glassgow, Scotland, pg no 79.

  15. Bryon Foss  and  Merlyn  Stone  Yuskel  Ekinci,  “What  makes  for CRM   system     Success     or     failure”,     Journal     of     database marketing and customer strategy management, online June 9, 2008 (15), pages 68-78.

  16. Ranjan Gu l a t i  a nd  James  B.  Oldroyd,  “The  Quest  for  Customer  Focus”, Harward business review, April 2005.

  17. William  Boulding,  Richard  Stealin  Michael  Ehret  and  Wesley  .J .Johntson, “A Customer Relationship Management Roadmap: What is Known, Potential Pitfalls and Where to go”, Journal of Marketing, October 2005.

  18. Olef Wahlberg,  Christyl Standberg  , Haken Sundberg and Karl. W. Sandberg, “Trends, Topics and researched areas in CRM Research- A Literature review”, International Journal of Public Information systems, Volume 3, 2009, Pg 191-208.

  19. Christopher Meyer and Andre Schwager. “Understanding Customer Experience”, Harvard Business Review South Asia, February 2007.

  20. Tom  Griffin  Tamilla  Curtis  and  Donald  Barrare,  “CRM  in  Russia and  U.S:  A  Case  study  from  U.S  Financial  Service  Industry”, Journal of Technology
    Research, 2008, Pg 2-15.


Risk and Return on Equity Markets adopted by Beta Analysis
Dr. B.Balamurugan
Pages: 23-28 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
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The corporation is owned by its equity shareholders collectively, and equity capital is a symbol of ownership capital. The most romantic seem to be the stock shares.  The majority of investors are more interested in stock shares, even if fixed income investment alternatives may be more significant to them. The potential benefits and drawbacks of stock shares make them a compelling, even thrilling, idea. The authorized capital is the maximum amount of capital that a business is permitted to issue under the terms of its memorandum.  The sum that the business makes available to investors is referred to as issued capital. The portion of the issued capital to which investors have subscribed is referred to as the subscribed capital.  
Keywords: Stock share, Memorandum and Corporation


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