The corporation is owned by its equity shareholders collectively, and equity capital is a symbol of ownership capital. The most romantic seem to be the stock shares. The majority of investors are more interested in stock shares, even if fixed income investment alternatives may be more significant to them. The potential benefits and drawbacks of stock shares make them a compelling, even thrilling, idea. The authorized capital is the maximum amount of capital that a business is permitted to issue under the terms of its memorandum. The sum that the business makes available to investors is referred to as issued capital. The portion of the issued capital to which investors have subscribed is referred to as the subscribed capital.
Keywords: Stock share, Memorandum and Corporation
Prasanna Chandra, “Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Companies, 3rd Edition
J Made Gowda – Advanced Cost Accounting, Himalaya Publishing House
C. R. Kothari – Research Methodology – Methods and Techniques, Second Revised Edition, New Age International Publishers.
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