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A Study on Financial Performance of State Bank of India
Dr. Mary J. Priyadharisini
Pages: 1-9 | First Published: 05 May 2023
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The Global boom endured to remain sluggish in every year. Weaken commercial enterprise  surroundings near stagnation in growth dynamics. According to the brand new IMF projections, the sector financial system is poised to grow at 3.2% in 2016 and select up to a few.5% in 2017. There is growing proof of subject with the aid of the SBI institution on the declining profitability of the banking device due to unsecured loans and advances. The RBI pressures on banks profitability and recommend various strategies to reduce the unsecured loans and advances, with changes inside the social and economic objective of Indian commercial banks particularly of SBI group. It will become extremely over and reveals remedial measures to reduce the profitability in the price of present day banking philosophy. The approach of policy makers towards profitability has changed, with the result that low income have end up a truth of life. Therefore, it's far a time to concentrate on evaluation of the profitability overall
performance. Hence, within the present paper a try has been made to investigate the profitability performance of SBI. The goals of the paper are to look at the profitability function of SBI and to research the profitability overall performance of SBI. The statistics series of the paper is based on secondary facts with various facts tool using R for the duration from 2008-09 to 2018- 19.
Keywords: Deposit, Advances, Net Profit, Borrowing, Investment


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A Study on Customer Satisfaction and E-Banking Practices with respect to Chennai District in Tamilnadu
Dr. Mary J Priyadharisini
Pages: 18-26 | First Published: 05 May 2023
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The banking scenario in India in the post liberalization and deregulated environment has witnessed sweeping changes. The tremendous advances in technology and the aggressive infusion of information technology had brought in a paradigm shift in banking operations. For the banks, technology has emerged as a strategic resource for achieving higher efficiency, control of operations, productivity and profitability. For customers, it is the realization of their ‘Anywhere, Anytime, Anyway’ banking dream. The banking institutions cannot think of introducing a financial product without information technology support be it customer service, transactions, remittances, audit, marketing, pricing or any other activity in the banks. Information Technology plays an important role not only to complete the activity with high efficiency but also has the potential to innovate and meet the future requirements. In the above backdrop it becomes imperative to dwell on the evolution of Information Technology in banks before embarking on the various aspects of e-banking. Information Technology came into
picture as early as in the 1980’s in banking industry through the Rangarajan Committee recommendations and banks have given utmost importance to the technology since the last 25 years.
Keywords: E-Banking, Customer satisfaction, Information Technology, E-commerce

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