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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played an important role in the process of globalization during the past two decades. The rapid expansion in FDI by multinational enterprises may be attributed to significant changes in technologies, greater liberalization of trade and investment regimes, and deregulation and privatization of markets in many countries including emerging economies like India. The role of Foreign Direct Investment in an economy goes beyond simple transfer of capital between countries. FDI inflows are associated with multiple benefits such as technology transfer, market access and organizational skills. However FDI is always a controversial topic because of its exploitative practices and impact on local businesses and environment. There is no consensus on the benefits of FDI flows to a country. It is a debatable issue among corporate, political groups, academicians, pressure groups and other stakeholders in an economy. This book aims to provide the reader with various prospects, challenges, trends and problems of FDI and every attempt has been made to make the book simple, comprehensive as well as understandable of all academic backgrounds.

About the Editors

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Chinnu Mariam Chacko is Assistant Professor in Economics at St Thomas College, Kozhencherry. She has obtained Masters in Applied Economics and M.Phil from Cochin University of science and technology. She is having 6 years of teaching experience and co-authored two books on Goods and Service tax and Handbook on Microeconomics’ (M.G University Syllabus oriented book).She has published many research papers and articles dealing with the subject of Economics in reputed national and international journals. She has been teaching Microeconomics to the Undergraduate and Post Graduate students of Economics for more than 5 years. Her focus of research interest is on Development Economics, Behavioral Economics and Agriculture Economics.

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Suresh Mathew George He holds M.A Economics and M.Phil Economics from Madras Christian College, Chennai and Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation from Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Thiruvanathapuram. He started his career as lecturer in Economics at Madras Christian College and at present he is an assistant professor, Department of Economics, St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry. He teaches graduate and post graduate students and his area of specialization is Public Finance, financial markets and environmental economics. He has co-authored two books on GST and environmental economics and also published many articles and research papers on subjects like fiscal crisis in Kerala, GST, informal labour markets and financial markets.







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Chinnu Mariam Chacko Suresh Mathew George

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