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Effectiveness of Financial Inclusion on Banking Services through Information and Communication Technology

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This research study has found that there is an association between the employees’ frustration with the job and dealing with the team. This research study could also highlight that there is a significant relationship that exists between Compensation and Leave Benefits offered by the organization. The findings of the research study concluded that there is a positive correlation that exists between the flexibility of work hours and the convenience of time schedules provided for employees. Finally, I appreciate the respondents who were willing to share their experiences. It was a privilege to meet the respondents personally and get the questionnaire filled out. The author is very grateful to the Vels Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies (VISTAS) for the successful completion of this research work. Finally, we are thankful to the Mayas Publisher for publishing our research work.

Dr.S.Vasantha is working as a Professor in the School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies. She has 25 years of experience in the field of Teaching and 10 years of research experience. She has produced 10 M.phil Scholars and 9 Ph.D. Scholars. She has developed a course material on the topic called “Advanced Capital Structure Theories”. She has received Seminar grant aid of Rs, 200,000 from ICSSR for a National Conference entitled “Achieving Millennium Development Goals - Challenges and Future”. She has also received a partial seminar grant from the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology for the National Conference on “Technology Enabled Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”. She has completed the project titled “A study on lifestyle trends influencing processed food and impact on health among school-going children” grant amounts to Rs.407,000 from the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology for 2 years. She has published about 56 research papers in Scopus Indexed Journals, 75 papers in other indexed journals, and published 4 books

Dr.M.Bhuvana is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai, India. She has published 8 articles in Scopus Indexed Journals, 5 Articles in Indexed Journals, and published 2 books in ISBN Number. She received the Best Young Researcher award in 2018 by the Prestigious IRDP Group of Journals. She received the best paper award at the 4th International Conference in Management, Theme: Innovations in Business and Management for the paper titled “An Outlook of Banking Technology for Attaining Financial Inclusion in Rural India”, in Jeppiaar Engineering College (MBA) on 23rd March 2018. She has participated in 2 International and 5 national Conferences, 5 Workshops, and 4 Faculty Development Programmes. She is the Editorial Board member for the journal JResLit Journal of Business Administration and Management, United States.





Mayas Publication




Human Resource




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Dr. M. Bhuvana Dr. S.Vasantha

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