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A Review on conceptualization of non-profit marketing
Dr. Karthikha
Pages: 1-4 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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A survey of the genesis of these standards uncovered that option standards were disregarded in the sociology writing. In view of a subjective examination and basic hermeneutic methodology an updated conceptualization of philanthropic promoting was proposed which joined the standards of correspondence, the elements of a possibility decision framework model of formal associations, furthermore, collectivistic interest inspiration. A reconsidered meaning of charitable advertising is offered taking into account these standards.
Keywords: conceptualization, nonprofit marketing


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A Study on Recruitment & Selection Process with Reference to Madras Cements Limited.
Dr. S. Ramachandran
Pages: 5-10 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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Better recruitment and selection practices are key factor of the entry point in Human Resources in any organization. Effective recruitment method leads the company in a profitable way. The main objective of the paper is to find the practices that are used in the organization for recruitment and select employee4. The data was collected through well structured questionnaire the source of data was both primary and secondary and the Sample size was 100. Data analysis has been done with statistical tools

Keywords: - Recruitment, selection, Hiring


 Recruitment and Selection Dominic Cooper, Ivan T. Robertson, Gordon Tinline
 C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology, Wishva Prakashan, New Delhi, (2001).
 Essential of human resource management and industrial relations, subbarao Mumbai, Himalaya publishing house, 1996. .
 Achieving Excellence in Human Resources Management: An Assessment of Human Resource Functions Edward E. Lawler Iii; John W. Boudreau. Stanford Business Books, 2009
 Reinventing Human Resources Management: Challenges and New Directions ,Ronald J. Burke; Cary L. Cooper. Routledge, 2005
 Understanding Human Resource Management ,Ken N. Kamoche. Open University Press, 2001 [5] Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management Ronald R. Sims. Quorum Books, 2002
 How to Develop Essential HR Policies and Procedures ,John H. McConnell. AMACOM, 2005

A Study on Effectiveness of Training Program in Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Ltd
G. Santhoshkumar
Pages: 11-18 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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Analyzing the job satisfaction of the employees plays a vital role. The performance of employees would be fluctuating because of external and internal factors influencing the performance of employees. Working provided by management for its employees to perform better and also the level of satisfaction had been the major objective of the management. Human resource management is very essential one in every organization. This Human Resource Management will lead to the growth of an organization with the utilization of human resources

A Study on Estimation of Workers towards Safety Measures
J. James
Pages: 19-24 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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The investigation of Occupational Health and Safety in Textile industry looks at to elevate Health and safety to the specialists. The Hazards and risk required in the material business is high contrasted and different commercial ventures and minimum significance given to material commercial ventures. The majority of mishap don't go to the legal formalities. The People don't know about Health and safety is because of the laborers are uneducated and administration not given significance because of advance OHS in Textile industry turns into an obstructions in executing OHS. The real dangers happen are physical, synthetic, ergonomically and physiologically risks alongside these some of things which can make perils are all the more working hours, uncalled for ventilation.
Keywords: occupational health safety, Hazards, risk, legal formalities, working hours, RPN.


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4. Gueskiewcz, K, M et al (2010). Recurrent concussion and risk of depression in retired professional footballers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercises, 39: 903- 909.
5. Kombo, D. A. & Tromp, D. L. A. (2006). Proposal and Thesis Writing. An Introduction. Nairobi: Panlives Publications Africa.
6. Orodho, L. A. ( 2005). Elements of Educational and Social Science Research. Nairobi. Mazola Publishers.
7. Quaye, P. T. (2009). Review of the first draft Strategic/National Policing Plan, 2006-2010. Retrieved on September 20, 2012 from
8. Mbiba, B. (2010). Burial at home? Dealing with death in the diaspora and Harare. In: J McGregor, Primorace (Eds,): Zimbambwe’s new Diaspora: Displacement and the Cultural Politics of Survival.
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10. Republic of Kenya (2009). Kisii Central District Development Plan (2008 – 2012), Nairobi. Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030.

Socio-Economic Summary of Community Livelihood with Hiv/Aids Disease in Dharmapuri District of Tamil Nadu
Dr. M. Janagam
Pages: 25-37 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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HIV is the contraction of Human Immune Deficiency Virus. An individual impure with HIVF is medically recognized as an HIV constructive individual. AIDS stand for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Acquire mean neither other than transmit after single diseased person to another. Resistant is the body’s scheme of shortage. Deficiency earnings not operative to the suitable grade. Condition means a collection of symbols and symptom. The Human Immune Virus widespread is an undoubted figure of the equilibrium among the control of discipline and the humanism of contemporary medication. The widespread was too grave that between of 1981and 2010, 21.8 million public have expired of HIV/AIDS. Each and every one patient with HIV contagion attendance Government. Dharmapuri Medical College and Government Clinic, throughout the learning dated were assessed for the circumstances which might change the Socio-economic then establish thus they remained excepted after the learning. The analysis and correction between World Health Organization staging and socio- economic revealed statistically significant relation only with anemia.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, WHO, ART Centre Dharmapuri


  1. Patrick Igulot and Monica A.Magadi (2018), Socioeconomic Status and Vulnerability to HIV Infection in Uganda: Evidence from Multilevel Modelling of AIDS Indicator Survey Data, Hindawi AIDS Research and Treatment Volume 2018, Article ID 7812146, 15 pages

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  6. National AIDS Control Organization Annual Report NACO 2015-16

  7.  WHO and UNAIDS (2014): AIDS Epidemic Update, December 2014

Financial Performance on Commercial in Selected Banks Using Camel Model
Dr. V. Lakshmipathy
Pages: 38-47 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyse the performance of public and private sector banks using CAMEL model. For the purpose of research, 8 banks have been chosen from the Indian banking industry. In this research, The CAMEL Model (Capital adequacy, Asset utilization, Management quality, Earning quality, Liquidity) has been applied which uses various ratios to analyse the performance of organisations. The finding of the study shows that ICICI bank has topped among the sample set in overall performance during the study period. The
results of the study show that private banks have out-performed public banks in the past five years.
Keywords: CAMEL Model, Performance, Analysis, Public Banks, Private Banks


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A Comparative Efficiency Analysis of Public and Private General Insurance Companies in the Post Liberalisation Period
Dr. Rajeev.M
Pages: 48-59 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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Indian general insurance sector has undergone major structural changes during the post liberalisation period. Opening up of the insurance industry to private players create high competition and efficiency challenges to the existing public sector companies in the market. The existing four public sector companies face tough competition from newly entered private sector companies. The existing companies are competing with each other and with the private players also. So, they have to improve their efficiency in order to exist in the market. Efficiency refers to the
insurers ability to produce a given set of out puts with the use of inputs. To compare the efficiency of the public and private sector general insurance companies in India, secondary data are collected from 12 out of the 34 general insurance companies (4 from the public-sector and 8 from the private-sector) were selected. The efficiency of the general insurance companies is evaluated company wise using the non-parametric method viz. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Efficiency is evaluated trilaterally- Technical Efficiency, Pure Technical Efficiency and Scale Efficiency. The hypotheses pertaining to efficiency parameters are tested by using Mann-Whitney U Test. 
Keywords: - Efficiency, General Insurance, Technical Efficiency, Scale Efficiency 


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