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Impact on Consumer Behaviour Towards Selected Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Thiruvallur District
Dr. S. Praveen Kumar
Pages: 1-8 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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The liberalization of the Indian economic system consumed top-notch moments, which commanded to the access of worldwide merchandise in the Indian markets. FMCG items are men and women that get exchanged inner a yr. FMCG normally incorporates a huge form of frequently bought client merchandise which include toiletries, cleaning soap, cosmetics, enamel cleansing merchandise, shaving merchandise, and shampoos, as properly as other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods. The surroundings are continually changing though, and social networking sites would possibly have a larger effect on the clients’ perception within the future.

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A Study on Identifying the Reasons for Absenteeism among the Workers in Textiles (Trippur)
Dr. Fabiyola Kavitha
Pages: 9-13 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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In the creation procedure Human Resources assumes a fundamental part. This is a result of its ability to control and facilitate the other two resources to be specific material, cash. The most essential interesting element of the labor is that it is the main live segment. Thus the nonattendance of work power has a huge effect in the generation procedure. Because of absenteeism, profitability may lessen and it might unfavorably influence the security of the association. The issue of absenteeism influences the business as well as the employees and their families. Here it ought to be noticed that in the created nations Industrial absenteeism is not that extreme issue predominantly on account of motorization and computerization yet in the underdeveloped nations like India Absenteeism is one of the major issue, the primary concern is that Indian modern area is generally rely on upon labor. This study investigations the reasons for absenteeism in the material.

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A Study Occupational Stress and Burnout on Employee Job Performance: A Study of Nurses in Clinics of Kanchipuram District
Dr. Kannan .J
Pages: 14-18 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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This study was conducted to assess the impact of stress and burnout on performance of registered nurses in the primary healthcare facilities of Kanchipuram district. The examination of the writing on nurses reveals that although a great deal of research has been carried out relating to occupational stress and burnout , little has been written about the impact of stress and burnout on performance of nurses in rural setting in Tamilnadu. In carrying out the study, a random sample technique was used to select 200 registered nurses from 50 primary healthcare facilities. A quantitative, descriptive and correlation research design was employed in this study to collected Information through questionnaires. The impact of occupational stress and burnout on performance of registered nurses only at Kanchipuram district. After gathering relevant data, a descriptive and correlation analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between stress and performance, as well as burnout and performance. The findings of the study revealed that job stress and burnout do not impact registered nurses job performance. Keywords: Occupational Stress, Employee Job, Nurses, Clinics, Kanchipuram District

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Performance of Public and Private Sector Banks in India
Jhoncy .A
Pages: 19-23 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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1. Salam Abdus and kulsum umma (2004), “Saving behavior in India : An empirical Study”. The Indian Economic Journal. Vol.50, No.1, PP.26-38.
2. M.Syed Ibrahim (2009), “Credit Deposit Ratio and Net Interest Margin (NIM) of Indian commercial Banks – An Analysis”. SMART journal of Business Management studies. Vol.5, No. 2, PP.26-39.
3. Haresh Rarot (2010), “ Impact of financial reform on banking sector – evidence from India”. International Journal of research in commerce & management. Vol.1, No.8,PP.120-125.
4. K.V.N.Prasad, Dr.D.Maheswara Reddy and Dr.A.A.Chadri (2011), “Perormance Evaluation of public sector banks in India : An Application of camel model”. International Journal of Research in commerce & management. Vol.2,No.6,PP 96-99.
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Impact on Teacher’s Work Motivation on the Level of Aspiration of Students
Pages: 24-29 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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 Work motivation is done by owners, managers and other employees of a company, complimenting and encouraging employees. Work motivation gives employees the initiative to want to perform well. It also keeps employees interested in their jobs. The main objective of the study is to know the effect of teachers work motivation on level of aspiration of the students. This paper helps to boost employee morale by encouraging and influencing them in a positive way. When employees' morale is high, they perform their job duties more efficiently which lead to high productivity and job satisfaction.

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5. Pajares, F., & Miller, D. (1994). Role of self-efficacy and self-concept beliefs in mathematical problem solving: A path analysis. Journal of EducationalPsychology, 86, 193-203.