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A Study on Customer Perception towards Online Insurance Service with reference to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
Gowtham Chakravarthy .C
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Customer perception is a marketing conception that includes consumer’s impression, consciousness or willingness about a company. This paper aim to analyze the customer’s awareness towards online insurance services of ICICI provident life insurance and to evaluate the problems of customers in availing the online insurance services of ICICI prudential. There is no doubt that the online insurance services has its own stand in the economic development and also enhances the growth of online insurance services by satisfying the need of the customer. There is a tremendous change in this digitalized era that majority of the people prefer online transaction rather than then the traditional ones.So the urge of upgrading the online services, providing the proper guidance about the online services, managing customer relationship and also being innovative in meeting the customer requirements has become so vital which would definitely drop ship the growth of the company and satisfaction of the customers.

[1] Dr. Mahesh Raigopal, “changing perceptions of life insurance buyers-some empirical evidences from Karnataka”, ELK Asia journal of marketing and retail management, ISSN 0976-7193 (Print) ISSN 2349-2317 (online) volume 4 Issue 2 (2013)
[2] Sumit Banarjee “Analysis of customers perception towards investments in ICICI prudential life insurance company”, Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume6, Issue 11 (November, 2017) ISSN-2277-1166

Application and Evaluating of Modernity of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in HRM - A Case Study
Ramamoorthy .R
Pages: 6-12 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Industry analysts have identified the scope of Automation everywhere and anywhere. The recent 
development in the field of automation is the Robotic Process Automation or RPA. These are in attribute
which is designed to replace human workforce as a virtual workforce. RPA is an approach which is
software-based process automation which coordinates the HR functions and actions through capturing
and interpretations of existing applications and process. It acts as a virtual workforce which operates on a
software which is used to reduce or replace the human interruption in the monotonous or ceaseless
assignments and tasks. RPA can be employed to interact with existing practice and appliances without
changing the current IT-panorama. The research topic forwards to learn and understand the past RPA
projects and its implementation for attaining a competitive edge. This study focuses on the effectiveness
of implementing RPA in HR department of the company through the circulation of questionnaires in
order to obtain the response from the employees of all the departments in the organization. 
Keywords: Appraising modernity and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) 


  1. Kukerja and Nervaiya (2016), Study of Robotic Process Automation, Volume 4, issue 6, 434-437

  2. Pall Jensson (2018), Robotic Process Automation: Dynamic Roadmap for Successful Implementation, School of Science and Engineering Reykjavík University

  3. Professor Mary Lacity (2016), Robotic Process Automation: The Next Transformation Lever for Shared Services, paper 16/01 



Impact of Consumer’s Attitude towards Green Marketing with special reference to FMCG in Chennai City
Gowtham Aashirvad
Pages: 13-17 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Last few decades have seen growing importance on the perception of green marketing. Green marketing is important impact of consumer purchasing behaviour. This research paper is an effort to study the customer purchasing performance near the green market products in Chennai city. The leading detached of this research is to study the approach and behaviour of purchasers near green goods in FMCG The information was composed from 100 respondents. Secondary data was composed from the obtainable literature bases. Therefore green marketing goals to offer high data to people and also provides customers high decisions to change over to green lifestyle. 

Keywords: Green Marketing, Consumer Awareness, Consumer Purchasing Behaviour

[1] Aggrawal, Artee, Chaudhary, Richa and Dr.Gopal(2010) ,”Green Marketing in India – Way Ahead to Sustainability”, SIES National Research Marketing Conference, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.23-29.
[2] Ali, A., Khan, A.A., Ahmed, I. &Shahzad, W. (2011), “Determinants of Pakistani Consumers‟ Green Purchase Behavior: Some Insights from a Developing Country”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, 217 - 226.
[3] Bhattacharya, Sourabh (2011), “Consumer Attitude towards Green Marketing in India”, The IUP Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 62 – 70
[4] Dahlstrom, Robert (2011), Green Marketing Theory, Practice, and Strategies, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, pp.16-17.
[5] Ghoshal, Moloy (2011), “Green Marketing – A changing concept in changing time”, BVIMR Management Edge, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 82 – 92.
[6] Joseph &Korlekar, Rupali (2012), “Green Marketing Practices – An Indian Perspective”, Expressions – Unity CSR Foundation Magazine, Vol. 2, issue – 2, pp.12 – 15.

Tourism in the Digital ERA
Dr. S. Praveen Kumar
Pages: 18-23 | First Published: 15 Aug 2019
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Digital innovation in the contemporary era of global capitalism has successfully changed the ecosystem of many industries. Tourism industry is one of the industries in which digitization has left no stone upturned. With increased digitization, literally in every field of life, the travel experience has a complete radical shift from what it was a few decades ago. Technological inventions and innovations have made travel affordable, accessible and convenient. Different age group of people with different tastes and preference is feeling more satisfied today with digital tourism like never before. Indians also are not lagging behind in utilizing the digital platform to enhance their travel experience. This paper will study the recent developments made in the tourism sector using the digital platform and with the help of secondary data will try to show the growth of use of the digital platform across the globe.  

Keywords: Digitization, tourism, travelers, internet, online websites 

Received: 7th July 2019      Accepted: 15th July 2019       Published: 25th August 2019      



  1.  Airbnb Report, 2016, “The rise of millennial travel” (, accessed on 08.01.2019 at 9am).
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    accessed on 09.01.2019 at 9.45 am)
  3. Hadžić. O. 2004. Tourism and Digitization of Cultural Heritage, NCD.5.p 74-79
  4. McCrindle, M. Wolfinger, E. 2009. The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations,University of New South Wales Press, Sidney. pp. 1-22.
  5. Sheldon. P. 1997. “Information Technologies for Tourism”, CAB International, Oxford. 
  6. World Economic Forum. 2017. Report on “Global Travel and Tourism competitiveness” ( on 08.01.2019 at 4.50 pm)
  7. World Travel and Tourism Council. 2018. “Travel and Tourism Economic Impact 2018” (, accessed on 08.01.2019 at 12.34pm).
  8. Anonymous Sources:
    a. accessed on 07.01.2019 at 21.16hrs (accessed on 07.01.2019 at 5.46 pm) 
Awareness of Digital Currencies on Digital ERA in Chennai District
Dr. D. ArunKumar
Pages: 24-28 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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Digital currency and digital payment mode is so vital and inevitable in this computerized era. It emphasizes the usage of internet and reduces the burden of the users. This paper aims at knowing the awareness of digital currencies and digital payment system and lays efforts to highlight the advantages of digital currencies and to bring out the problems in the implementation of digital compensation scheme. The study reveals that more concentration should be laid on the awareness of digital money and its payment mode since it also has its own
cons too. It is the responsibility of the media, researchers, banking and government authorities to create a proper awareness on frauds and change breaks and also on the vulnerability of cyber criminals. This will protect the users and induce them to utilize the services rather more than ever. 

Keywords: Cyber Criminals, Digital Era, Digital Payment
Received: 10th July 2019         Accepted: 15th July 2019        Published: 25th August 2019                                

A Study on the Role of Ecopreneurship in Sustainable Development
Dr. R. Sethu Ravi
Pages: 29-33 | First Published: 05 Aug 2019
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1. A Framework for ecopreneurship – Shin, Rudy (Professor at IIM Ahmadabad)
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3. Lober, D.J. (1998) „Pollution Prevention and Corporate Entrepreneurship‟, Journal of Organizational Change Management.
4. Pastakia, A. (1998) „Grassroots Ecopreneurs: Change Agents for a Sustainable Society‟, Journal of Organizational Change Management
5. Tibor, T., and I. Feldman (1996) ISO 14000: A Guide to the New Environmental Management
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