Price Predictability of Head and Shoulders Bottom (HSB) Patterns in Indian Stock Charts
Dr. Sajeeve V.P.,
Pages: 1-7
First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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Head and Shoulders Bottom (HSB) is one of the traditional patterns in technical prediction tool-kit claimed to be potent to foretell security prices. Price objective is the expected post-pattern price movement that the pattern is expected to achieve immediately after price has crossed the neckline. This paper examines whether the pattern achieves the expected price objective so as to consider it as a predictive tool for superior return. The study finds the non-reliability of the predictive capacity of HSB patterns.
Keywords: Technical analysis, stock market. Stock chart, Pattern, Head and Shoulders Bottom, Price Objective Achievement, Predictive Tool.
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Socio-Economic and Political Development of Women
S. Regina
Pages: 67-70
First Published: 05 Apr 2019
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In our beloved country, there is an immense upturn in awareness about women rights among all sector of society. The developmental programs and policies give priority to improving women’s social status. Instead of urbanisation and industrialisation, our culture and economy are largely agrarian and rural based. Empowering women may provide to promoting rural areas and the economy of India which could be gained through social developments. On the basis of every set of indices of development and socio-economic status, women have coped worse than men in all regions and in all layers of population in India. Women’s increased political participation has produced positive results not only for women but also for their families and communities. This study tested the unfortunate conditions of women in our country and analysed that women are imperative in national development and that unless women are empowered as partners, sustainable development will be impeded. The need to empower Indian women socio-economically and politically for progress in India became a development out of very great necessity. Thus the above entailed this paper.
Keywords: Positive result, unfortunate, imperative, impeded.
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