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Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Job Satisfaction on Bank Employees with special reference to Nagaland
Keneide-Ù Lerù-O
Pages: 1-9 | First Published: 05 Apr 2023
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The present study aims to test the influence of emotional intelligence on employees’ job satisfaction. Since both variables are multidimensional constructs, it is needed to compare the dimensions of emotional intelligence and dimensions of job satisfaction. . Exploratory Factor analysis was used to develop the dimensions involved in emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling was adopted to find out the relationship between and dimensions of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, test the hypothesis. The study revealed that emotional intelligence has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction. It shows that employee with high emotional intelligence is more likely to have high job satisfaction.

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Higher Education – Issues, Challenges and Suggestions
Dr. P. Balagurusamy
Pages: 10-15 | First Published: 05 Apr 2023
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Although there have been challenges to higher education in the past, these most recent calls for reform may provoke a fundamental change in higher education. This change may not occur as a direct response to calls for greater transparency and accountability, but rather because of the opportunity to reflect on the purpose of higher education, the role of colleges and universities in the new millennium, and emerging scientific research on how people learn. These disparate literatures have not been tied together in a way that would examine the impact of fundamental change from the policy level to the institutional level and to the everyday lives of college and university administrators, faculty and students. Now the time has come to create a second wave of institution building and of excellence in the fields of education, research and capability building. We need higher educated people who are skilled and who can drive our economy forward. When tirunalveli can provide skilled people to the outside world then we can transfer our country from a developing nation to a developed nation very easily and quickly.

Keywords:   Higher educational tool, innovation in education


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A Study on Demographic Profile of the Policyholders in Kanchipuram Town
Dr. G. Sivabalan
Pages: 16-20 | First Published: 05 Apr 2023
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The study conducted by the researcher is categorized into two parts: the major heart of Kanchipuram town and other parts of the town, depending on the researcher's convenience. Indian policyholders show a range of opinions because to the country's enormous geographic variety in terms of climate, religion, geography, language, way of life, educational attainment, and economic standing.
Keywords: Climate, Religion and Language

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