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Introduction to the Solar neutrinos
Kanwaljeet Singh Channey
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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The main sources of information in the current universe are neutrinos. Weather it is extra dimensions or anything beyond the standard model. The main source of information is the neutrino. The all three type of neutrinos offer opportunity to study how matter interact with the neutrinos. Neutrinos also can act as the probe of standard solar model as predicted by Behcall, a sensitive search for new physics phenomenon, and a probe of solar formation and solar system structure. This paper review some of the great achievements of the neutrinos which came from sun as proposed by the solar model and how they can overwhelm the modern scientific knowledge.
Keywords: Neutrino masses, Neutrinos, neutrino oscillations, massive neutrinos.

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Simplification in Superfluity Manufacturing – A Budding Investigative Study
A. Thanigaiselvi
Pages: 10-18 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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Luxury industry has been around for a long time and its origin could be traced to early 18th century, it is mainly established in Italy around the region in Europe, the main companies are controlled by families and mostly by the fifth generation. The main problem faced by this industry in Asia is its difficulty to adapt to the customers who have a high desire but lacking sufficient income to purchase their products. The main objectives of this study were: i) to examine the developments, problems and various challenges faced by the luxury Industry ii) to explore the adaptation of the Industry to the changes in the customer tastes and preferences, iii) to identify the generational change of Gen X to Millennials in preference for luxury goods and iv) to find out the association between demographic variables and frequency of purchase of luxury goods. In order to fulfill the objectives, the primary data was collected from 181 respondents from different age groups in and around Bengaluru city in state of Karnataka using convenient sampling method. The secondary data was collected from the financial statements of three companies that have global existence between 2009 and 2019. This research will help comparison of the luxury Industry in Europe with the rest of the world; it will also be useful for companies to help develop their strategies so as to achieve a competitive edge within the industry.
Keywords: developments, generalization, gen X, luxury Industry, millennials.

1. Chase Buckle, (1st April, 2019), in his article the luxury market in 2019: What brand should know, Retrieved from week/luxury-market-2019/
2. Claudia D‟Arpizio, Federica Levato, Filippo Prete, Elisa Del Fabbro and Joëlle de Montgolfier. Bain & Company, (2019), The future of Luxury - A look into tomorrow to understand today, Retrieved from in_digest__luxury_goods_worldwide_market_study_fall_winter_2018.pdf
3. Deloitte (2019) Global Power of Luxury Good –Bridging the gap between the old and the new, Retrieved from
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Numeral Investment Scheme – A Solution
S. Vasudevan
Pages: 28-36 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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Despite having had a so much of disparity in life the mankind which overcomes all constraints with the help of the repository of knowledge. Now being at the apex in terms of scientific technological development. The history of banking dates back to 2000 BC when. In Assyria and Babylonia, the first prototype, of merchants in the ancient world made grain loans to farmers and traders who carried goods between cities. Later during the ancient Greece and Roman Empire, lenders in temples made loans and undertook two important activities of a bank, viz; accepting deposits and making loans. Similarly, archaeological evidence from India and China showed that India and China both were engaged in lending activity.The Banking Regulation Act,1949, defines bank as ‘a banking company which transacts the business of banking in India, accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public. Interest income is the primary source of revenue at a traditional commercial bank, but it is supplemented by the fee income that the bank earns by providing noninterest financial services to its relationship banking customers. They were the original financial intermediaries to offer  checking accounts. They owned the big buildings with marble pillars outside and oodles of cash stashed in vaults inside. They had the word "Bank" in their titles. Automatic Teller Machines enables the customer to draw cash even during non-banking hours with the help of a plastic card provided by the bank. Based on the inputs of Digital Cards, the machine verifies promptly after it transactions are being made through the internet and the real time transactions is notified digital adoptions is welcome by one and all for the speedy transactions.
Keywords: Customers opinion – Relationship – Facility – Growth – Acceptance – Speedy operations

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3. Banking Theory, Law & Practice – Sundaram and Varshney, Sultan Chand Company, New
4. Delhi
5. Banking Theory, Law & Practice, E. Garden and N. Natarajan – Himalaya Publication.
6. B. Santhanam, “Banking Theory Law & Practice”,Margham Publications, Chennai.

Quality of Work Life Balance of Male Teachers in Arts and Science Colleges in Nagaland an Empirical Study
Keneide-Ù Lerù-O
Pages: 37-46 | First Published: 05 Dec 2022
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In the modern world work and stress are inevitable in our day-to-day lives. We struggle to balance work and life on the same scale is very difficult and frustrating. People particularly male teachers have over-stress to sustain the balance of both, they continuously try to manage the work-life balances, depending upon the environment around them. This study enriches the various proportions and exhibits the various findings and suggestions for the quality of work-life balance of male teachers in Nagaland. It is purely psychological issues-oriented, however, this study concludes with how to improve work and life satisfactorily.
Keywords: WLB, Stress oriented issues, Psychology, and job enrichment.

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16. R.Mayakkannan(2022) Livestock in nutrition and food security in India; IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences; ISSN PRINT 2319-1775 Online 2320-7876 Research paper © 2012 IJFANS Journal Volume 11,S Iss 3, Dec 2022
17. R.Mayakkannan(2022) Growth performance of food grains- an economic analysis in Tamilnadu; IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences; ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876 Research paper © 2012 IJFANS Journal Volume11,S Iss 3, Dec 2022