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A study on the crash of Expressive cleverness on Job Recital of Banking Segment Recruits
S. Aaradhya
Pages: 1-18 | First Published: 05 Nov 2022
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Emotional inteligence basicaly describes the ability to combinemotions and reasoning efectively, using emotions to promote rational thinking and reasoning about emotions. This research focuses on how emotional inteligence afects thejob performance of themployes in the banking industry in Chenai city. Self-awarenes, self-management, social awarenes, and social skils were the dimensions of emotional inteligence. The data were colected through scheduled questionaire; data was colected from a comfortable sample size of 10 employes in the Chenai banking industry. The research was based on descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings of the study agre with earlier studies which suporthe perception that emotional inteligence is related to the job performance of themployes working in banking industry. 

Keywords: Emotional inteligence, banking employes, self awarenes, self management

Impact on Enrolment and Selecetion Development in Motorized Hinges Restricted
V. Anushree
Pages: 19-24 | First Published: 05 Nov 2022
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Successful recruitment and selection practices are key yardsticks in achieving competiveness in industry. Robust recruitment and selection strategies are very prominent in attaining organizational goals. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the recruitment and selection procedures adopted by AAL. The data was collected through well-structured questionnaire. The source of data was both primary and secondary. Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs, pie charts, bar diagrams etc.
Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Candidates, AAL, Interview, Performance, Position,

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Worldwide Emphasis on Justifiable Progress: An Summary
M. Rakshan
Pages: 25-32 | First Published: 05 Nov 2022
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Renewable Energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, increase social equity and environment. Renewable energy is also basic needs of humans. The demands of world are increasing and sources are diminishing. It is impossible for sustainable growth without energy. Today‟s demand is bringing down energy levels drastically, hence we require more renewable energy. According to Fang, an increase of renewable energy consumption by 1% drives a growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) by 0.12%, GDP per capita by 0.162% per capita annual income of rural households by 0.444% and per capita annual income of urban households by 0.368%. The future of earth hangs in the balance and there is no planet B. There are two types of energies renewal and non-renewable energies. It is impossible to develop without energy. Renewable energy is a right choice for sustainable growth renewable energies are harmless. Biomas has the biggest contribution with 50%, followed by hydroelectricity at 26% and wind power at 18% , geothermal energy is generated by harnessing the earth‟s natural heat. It provides job opportunities recently to million people work and more than 5,00,000 new jobs are added. Renewable energies have potential to give security and economic stability. It is easy, affordable, eco-friendly, healthy, unlimited. It increases green growth, maintain cleanliness, reduce pollution and control greenhouse emission. This paper focus upon renewable energy, sustainable growth, the renewable energy drives to sustainable growth, countries that are stepping forward for sustainable growth through renewable energy, the various type of energy to use, necessities to adopt renewable energy for sustainable growth.
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy, Non-renewable Energy, Green Growth.

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“Go-Green”-A Stage Near Green Maintenance
K. Dharshan
Pages: 33-42 | First Published: 05 Nov 2022
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Environmental issue is a blistering theme nowadays as almost every country‟s government and society has started to be more aware about this issue. Green marketing is the way to promote environmental friendly goods and services. Most of the companies are upgrading into green marketing because of the following reasons: In India, around 86% Indian consumers surveyed and placed faith in energy efficient products and appliances, followed by recyclable packaging (79%), Global Online Environment and sustainability, survey by Nielsen has said, least impact was given to products and fair-trade products (44%). Green marketing is in process to become even more favourable to the society as majority people are becoming anxious with environmental issue and deciding that they want to spend their money in a way that is favourable to the planet. It assimilates a broad range of activities, including product upgradation, updates in the production process, feasible packaging, as well as customised and creative advertising. This type of marketing can be profitable due to the increase in demand. Green environmental and eco-friendly marketing are part of the new marketing approaches which do not just refocus, adjust or enhance existing marketing thinking and practice, but seek to challenge those approaches and provide a sustainably different perspective. This paper also focuses upon the eco-friendly practices followed by major sector in India.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Eco-friendly marketing, Green livelihood, Green Environment.

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