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Journal Issues

Impact of Work Performance and Job Stress of Women Employees in IT Companies with special reference to Nagaland
Vetanule Demo
Pages: 1-12 | First Published: 05 Apr 2023
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In most organizations today, Information technology is a critical component in their strategic and operating plans. There is a growing reliance on the IT sector to support all aspects of organizational work. The new era of the digital economy is being shaped not only by the development and diffusion of computerization but also by much cheaper and rapidly increasing electronic connectivity. This proposed study would be useful for determinates of stress and its impact on the work performance of women employees in IT Companies in Nagaland. These proposed studies are important because it helps to identify the work performance of women employees and its impact on the work performance of women employees. The reason is the work performance of women employees in IT Companies to have their full involvement and commitment for determinates of stress and its impact on the work performance of  stress and its impact on the work performance of women employees in IT Companies in Nagaland
Keywords: Work Performance, Women Employees and Job Stress.



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Existentialism in the Novels of Ruskin Bond
Vetanule Demo
Pages: 13-16 | First Published: 05 Apr 2023
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Existentialism is an important aspect of modernism in art and literature and as conceived today,
it is basically a philosophy of existence which was pioneered by Nietzsche and Kiekegaard and
later disseminated by Sartre etc. In the 20th Century, existentialism became identified with a
European cultural movement. It implies „quest‟ of an individual for the assertion of „self‟,
despite his failures and limitations. Amidst grim facts of life, existentialism presents a philosophy
of hope, ecstasy and exultation. It stresses on choice of responsibility and freedom for
consequences of one‟s acts. It is a representation of rejection of all abstract thinking and insists
that philosophy should be connected with an individual‟s own life and experience. Ruskin Bond,
the renowned Indian author of British descent has interminably been categorized as an
inspirational writer. His books have the capacity to bring in a fresh breath of air into the lives
whose existence has become dull and meaningless. Every time he takes up a different issue,
which is common to all, envelops it up in a wonderful philosophic story thus, showing the
readers a ray of hope. The impact it has created, have made his novels time and again the
international best seller. Bond, while motivating his readers considers the existential questions,
the ones that are debated by philosophers and counsellors. This paper of mine intends to talk
over Ruskin Bond as an existential author as he discusses various problems in his two famous
novels A Room On The Roof and  Vagrants In The Valley moulded in the form of beautiful
Keywords: Ruskin Bond, novels, existentialism. 


  1. Bond, Ruskin. The Room on the Roof. New Delhi: Penguin Publishers, 1993. Print.

  2. Bond, Ruskin. Vagrants in the Valley. New Delhi: Penguin Publishers, 1993. Print.


  4. Nothingness

  5. Humanism

  6. Abrams M.H..1993. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 6th ed. Bangalore, Prism Books.