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Self-Determination of Expression: A Study on Helon Habila’s Quantifying Time
Vetanule Demo
Pages: 8-13 | First Published: 05 Aug 2022
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A narration is a demonstration of one or more events by a narrator. Writers employ numerous narrative techniques in their work. Nigerian writers are concerned with issues that are modern and topical. The third generation writers of Nigeria (1988 to the present) have witnessed many literary eruptions.  The  writing  style  of  third  generation  writers  difers  from the former generation writers. Helon Habila, the third generation writer is appreciated greatly for his imaginative aptitude. The novel Measuring Time stands out by deploying several literary techniques. It brings out the reality of Nigeria, which is considered as dark country. And it also shows the bright side of the country. The people of Nigeria even in gruesome situations they never lose hope, they fight against the cruelty to get their freedom. The study  evaluates  the Different  techniques  used  in  the  novel  give  richness  to the work. And it also discusses the energy of the Nigerian people which is well portrayed through the use of a range of techniques in the novel Measuring Time. 
Keywords: Narration, Third generation, Hope 


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