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Research Assessment of Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH) During 2007 to 2021: A Scientometric Study
S. Ravi
Pages: 1-12 | First Published: 05 Feb 2023
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The present study aimed to analysis of publications of the Indian institute of technology (IITH) during 2007 to 2021, using various quantitative Scientometric indicators, viz, year wise- document types, ratio growth, exponential growth rate, countries, BRICS, institutions, and keywords. This study was taken a period of 15 years. the year 2007 to 2011with 97 (3.8%) of research output and total local citations (186) and Global citations (2111), followed by 2012 to 2016 with 989(39%) of research output; and total local citations (2070) and global citation (22915), 2017 to 2021 with 1454 (57.2%) of research output, but this year local citation low (871) and global citation is high (40090), According to type the researcher’s output was in the form of journals with 2347(92.4%), followed by Article proceedings paper 63 (2.5%), reviews with 56 (2.2%) and so on. Year-wise percentage of growth of Ratio (RoG) is calculated using the prior years as a base for expressing percentage change from one year to the next year. The growth rate was 1 for found in the duration of 2008 with 2 publications followed by 28 for found in the duration of 2010 with 28 publications, the county India with 2533(99.7%) publications, followed by the USA 407 (16%), The Czech Republic published the least number of publications 62 (2.4%). India was a clear leading the Publications. Indian institute of technology, Hyderabad 1544(60.8%) with and local citation score of 1751 and a global citation score of 40316 publications .it is followed by Stanford University 156(6.1%). Local citation score 128 and global citation score 20924 publications. Ohio State University published the least number of publications 98(3.9%), The IIT, Hyderabad was a leading institution.

Key Words: Scientometric, IIT, Relative Growth Rate, Exponential growth rate.etc.

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