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Study of Awareness and Use of Web Resources by the Researchers of Indian Veterinary Research Institute (Ivri), Izzatnagar, Bareilly
Divya Pandey
Pages: 1-11 | First Published: 05 Mar 2021
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The primary motive of the present paper is to explain the level of awareness and use of Web Resources by the researchers of Indian Veterinary Research Institute (I.V.R.I), Izzatnagar, Bareilly, (U.P), India. Further the main purpose of this study is to focus the problem faced by the researchers of I.V.R.I, while retrieving the Web Resources. The data required for the study was collected through a well structured questionnaire. A total no. of 50 filled questionnaires was return back from the researches. Current study displays that the Web Resources were very useful for the researchers of I.V.R.I for their regular research work or any other purpose and Google is the widely used search engine in the I.V.R.I. Popular publishers E-Journal database consulted by the researchers were PUB-MED and Science Direct. Further the study also examines the use, importance, reliability and satisfaction on Web Resources over Print Resources.
Key Words - Awareness, Use, Web Resources, Researchers, IVRI, E-books, E-journals, Websites, Problem, Questionnaire

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Library System and Services During Covid-19 Outbreak Throughout the Globe: Issues, Challenges and Strategies
Sk Abdul Gaffar
Pages: 12-19 | First Published: 05 Mar 2021
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This assessment includes the distinctive library system and organizations during Coronavirus scene. Its also sees the help work that library system and organizations are taken up. Its thoughts the amount of automated organizations stage open rest of the world. It moreover progresses the impact and use of casual correspondence districts. The library structure and organizations are support the entire the neighborhood their scholarly activities. The central piece of library and library organizations is to thought down information as indicated by the customer responsibility, task as an information disseminator and relationship of data through the distinctive information gadgets. The library structure and organizations are show their knowledge with the guide of execution despite the various capacities is need of the customers. The library organizations can give E-Journals, E-books, E-substance, information joins and their customer organizations. Similarly as the outcome of library structure and organizations describes the whole neighborhood strategy for the accept care of position and gets precise information in the during Coronavirus pandemic condition. The assessment helps the library customer and staff to improve their endeavor set by the difficulties and serve the information like a careful bunch of the country.

Keywords: Library organizations; pandemic; far away library organizations; online organizations; social distance; progressed organizations

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3. Neatrour, A.L., Myntti, J. additionally, Wittmann, R.J. (2020), "Documenting contemporary commonplace history: the Utah COVID-19 progressed combination", Digital Library Perspectives, Vol. before print No. before print.
4. Guo, Y., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Liu, Y.Q., Bielefield, A. also, Tharp, G. (2020), "The course of action of supporter organizations in Chinese educational libraries responding to the COVID-19 pandemic", Library Hi Tech, Vol. before print No. before print. 5. Fritz, S., Milligan, I., Ruest, N., and Lin, J. (2020). Building social class at distance: A datathon during COVID-19. Electronic Library Perspectives, before print(ahead-of-print).
6. Mr, K. C. (2020). Occupation of LIS Professionals to give solid information sources during COVID-19 a Pandemic crisis. 20.
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10. Fritz, S., Milligan, I., Ruest, N., and Lin, J. (2020). Building social class at distance: A datathon during COVID-19. Progressed Library Perspectives, before print (before print).
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Online Teaching-Learning During Lockdown Period for Covid-19 Pandemic in Sri Krishna Arts and Science
Dr. R. Moorthy
Pages: 20-23 | First Published: 05 Mar 2021
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The whole informative structure from fundamental for high level training has been collapsed during the lockdown season of COVID-19 Pandemic. This examination is the assessment of web training Learning modes got by the SKASC for the teaching learning measure. Advantages and Demerits of Online learning stage are furthermore analyzed.
Keywords: Online Teaching-Learning

1. Dr. Pravat Kumar Jena, "Online Learning during Lockdown Period for Covid 19 in India", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education Research, Vol.9 No.5 (8), May 2020, ISSN :2277-7881,
2. Lokanath Mishra, Tushar Gupta , Abha Shree , "Web training learning in high level training during lockdown season of COVID-19 pandemic", International Journal of Education Research Open, Vol.1, 2020,100012, Elsevier.
3. Google pursuit. Best Free Video Conferencing Tools. Recuperated on April 15, 2020
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8. The e-learning stage has explored the learning connection through online stage for the understudies by partner them with comparative people around the globe. The stage in like manner gives content rich material and interfaces with the understudies to learn in an unpredictability free online media. The is used by the labor force for moving activity plan, address notes, PPTs and evaluation sheets for the understudies' utilization. M-learning is moreover available in the school through Google applications. The headway in the errand work is seen by the helpers through timesheet in

Library Services Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Adjusting to the New Normal
Medinat Dolapo Kwara State College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies, Ilorin, Nigeria,
Pages: 24-27 | First Published: 05 Mar 2021
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The incidence of COVID-19 pandemic impacted greatly on library services, their mode of operations and job ethics. The pandemic pushes for transformation of traditional library services into digital information services and as such, library work pattern that adhere to the COVID-19 laid down protocols. This paper discusses library services during COVID-19 pandemic as well as how libraries can adjust to the new normal. It was concluded that libraries need to adopt a new system of library services that would improve their visibility on the web or cyberspace. Recommendations were given that library staff should be train and retrain on new technological tools for effective information dissemination in an online environment, measures must be put in place that guaranty the safety of library staff and users. Links to reliable information sources should be provided on the library website.
Keywords: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Library Services, Pandemic, Social Distancing, The New Normal.

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Hi-Tech Library With Rfid Automation System
Pages: 28-35 | First Published: 05 Mar 2021
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Before long a day, RFID is associated with the upkeep and security parts of the assets of the libraries. This paper considers the different bits of RFID Technology. Computerization has reevaluated the systems for libraries utilized by the partners and made consent to information and data less troublesome and speedier. RFID improvement is considered as top level progression being utilized in cutting edge's libraries. In the post-COVID-19 period, RFID changes into the extraordinary decision for chiefs as equipment like Gate, Kiosk, Book Drop and handheld Readers are basically important. This paper also uncovers the issues looked by the guardians.
Keywords: Radio Frequency Identification Technology, RFID, partners, Tags, Kiosk

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