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A Study on Employee Wage and Salary Administration
T. Revathi
Pages: 1-6 | First Published: 05 Mar 2022
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We are living in a knowledge economy in which ideas are the currency contributing to wealth generation. Research and development, inventions and innovations are the prime determinants of success and all these happen through human knowledge. Therefore, human resources are today considered as the most important contributors for the growth and success of organizations. Organizations are engaged in a war for quality human resources and for members of the top management, talent management is a prime focus area. An organization requires qualified, skilled and motivated employee to achieve its objective efficiently. Employees to be compensated suitably for their efforts. Compensation is the sum of all rewards provided by an employer to his employees for their efforts. It plays an important role in motivating employees towards better performance. Wage and salary administration is the group of activities involved in the design, implementation and maintenance of a compensation system. It is a systematic approach to ensure that employees are paid in a fair, logical and equitable manner. A good wage and salary administration should be able to attract and retain employees in an organization. Since employees moral, motivation, productivity and their relationship with the management more or less associated with the compensation management system.

Keywords: Administration, Compensation, Remuneration
 Received : 11th February 2022       Accepted: 23th February 2022      Published: 26th March 2022     


  1.  Human Re source Management By MIRZA-S - Saiyadain  Tata Mcgraw Hill Co.

  2. Human Resource Management by chitra Atmavam books PVT limited, Chennai.

  3. Human Resource Management by P. Jothi and D. N.Venkatesh, Oxford University Press, Chennai.

  4. Human Resource Management by K. Aswathappa-Tata Megrew Hill Co. 

  5. Human Resource Management by Biswajeet Pattanayak,PHI learning India private limited. 

  6. Human Resource Management by SK.Sharma Globl India Publications PVT limited, New Delhi.

  7. Introduction to human resources management Human Resource Management by Paul  Banfield and Rebecca Kay-Oxford University press, Chennai. Managing human resources by Wayne. F Cascio, Tata Mcgraw Hill Co.

  8. Advanced Human Resource Management by SC Gupta, ANE Books, Chennai.

  9. Human Resource Management is practice, Srinivas R. Kandula PHI learning India private limited.

  10. Strategic Human Resource Management by Nayantara-Atlantic Publishers private limited, Chennai.

A Study on Work Stress in Organization
Dr. D. Chandru,
Pages: 7-17 | First Published: 05 Mar 2022
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Stress is normally an unavoidable part of everyone’s life living in this world. It portrays a negative notion that can have an impact on one’s mental and physical well-being. This paper is aimed at helping members to understand the signs of stress and to develop strategies to deal with it, as well as building up their own personal resilience. This study provides practical advice on how to deal with work stress. This paper implies that Work-related stress occurs when there is a mismatch between the demands of the job and the resources and capabilities of the individual worker to meet those demands. Subjective and self-reported evaluations of stress are just as valid as ‘objective’ data, such as statistics on accidents or absenteeism. It is intended that employers, managers, and trade union representatives use this booklet as part of an initiative to educate on the management of work stress. Discussed are the nature of stress at work, the causes and effects of stress, as well as prevention strategies. Also discussed are the roles of the organizational culture in this process and the resources to be drawn upon for managing work stress. 

Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary

Received : 15th February 2022 

Accepted : 23th February 2022 

Published : 28th March 2022


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