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Impact on the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance of Banking Sector Employees
P. Ravi
Pages: 1-8 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Emotional intelligence essentially describes the capacity to mix feelings and reasoning effectively, the usage of feelings to sell rational questioning and reasoning approximately feelings. This study specializes in how emotional intelligence impacts the job overall performance of the personnel inside the banking enterprise in Chennai town. Self-recognition, self-control, social recognition, and social talents have been the scale of emotional intelligence. The information had been accumulated through a scheduled questionnaire; information became accumulated from a snug pattern length of a hundred personnel inside the Chennai banking enterprise. The studies became primarily based totally on descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the examination believe in advanced research which guides the belief that emotional intelligence is associated with the process overall performance of the personnel running in banking enterprise.

Keywords: Self-recognition, self-control, social recognition, social talents.

Received : August 2022 

Accepted : August 2022
Published : September 2022


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