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Miniature Kerala Model of Development via Urbanisation
D. Retnaraj
Pages: 1-11 | First Published: 05 Jan 2021
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The small state of Kerala, which occupies only 1.27 percent of the geographical area of India has been a model state for even advanced countries because of its social development and quality of life. In his magnum opus Book, India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Sen1 tried to popularize Kerala’s achievements through public action. It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that Kerala’s tremendous social development draws the worldwide attention. The strong social development paved the way for the emergence of the Kerala model of Development. The Social Development indicators often used in the context are Education, health care, high life expectancy, low infant mortality, and low birth rate. It may be noted that irrespective of Urban – the urban-rural split-up, the thesis of the Kerala Model of Development has been discussed in the last three decades. Because, Kerala's Economy was Characterised by Neither rural Nor Urban2. However, the state witnessed a different picture of the Kerala’s economy, in which there was an unprecedented Urban growth. Accordingly, the structure of Kerala's economy was undergoing a lot of changes, which was in line with the modern and Western world.

Received : 03rd December 2020 

Accepted : 15th December 2020 

Published : 25th January 2021