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Journal Issues

Impact on Customer Relationship Management Practices in Services Sector in India
Dr. G. Sivabalan
Pages: 17-22 | First Published: 05 Oct 2020
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In the corporate world today, customer relationships and customer relationship management are at the forefront and are becoming more and more well-known in the management field. Academics and businesspeople have always depended on connections to succeed. But only recently have contemporary marketplaces begun to adopt a trend. A good many of them fell short.  Numerous research were done on this, and several causes and remedies were identified. This made it necessary for businesses to reflect on the benefits they had anticipated from CRM and customer interactions. Further research is necessary to determine the true benefits of customer connections and their management, or CRM practices, as well as the anticipated benefits like customer happiness, customer loyalty, repurchases, and good referrals. Research is required from both the organizational (strategic and functional) and consumer perspectives, as it is the latter that ensures the organization's expectations are met. The current investigation aims to investigate these domains.

Keywords: Customer relationship, CRM practices and Current investigation.

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