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A Study on Agriculture Credit by Commercial Banks in Thiruvallur District
Pages: 1-12 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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The present study proposes to highlight the agricultural credit extended by the commercial banks in the Thiruvallur District and analyze the repayment performance of the borrowers. The commercial banks aim at intensive coverage of selected areas for meeting the priority sector credit needs, especially the agricultural credit requirements, and ensuring effective supervision over the use of loans. Thiruvallur district has several villages and possesses large areas of agricultural land. Agriculture is the main occupation of the rural population in the district. So, an in-depth analysis of these problems and issues becomes essential. This is the reason for selecting commercial banks to provide agricultural credit in the Thiruvallur district.
Key Words: Crop loan, Commercial bank, Agriculture lands. Etc.,


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Fish Marketing Problems in Tamilnadu Coastal Area
Pages: 13-24 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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Implementation of Visual Cryptography for Biometric Image with Hashing and Steganography for Secured Authentication
Pages: 25-32 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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Visual cryptography schemes suffer from the drawback of large pixel expansion of shared images and bad visual quality of the recovered image. To provide secrecy, we go for pixel expansion and increasing the number of shares, this causes the bad visual quality of the recovered image. In this paper, we construct (n, n)-VCS and OR and XOR operations are used for share creation and stacking process, which proves better in contrast and pixel expansion. The proposed method uses an additional matrix to increase the secrecy of the message in XOR operation. The use of visual cryptography is explored to preserve the privacy of an image by decomposing the original image into two shares (known as sheets) that are stored in separate database servers (one with user and one with server) such that the original image can be revealed only when both are simultaneously available; the individual sheet images do not reveal the identity of the original image. Once the original image is revealed to the user it can be used as the password.


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Human Resource Adopted by Textile Industries with Special Reference to Coimbatore District-Case Study
Pages: 33-44 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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A Study of Governance Styles in Selected Industries in Chennai District
Pages: 45-53 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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An Emperical Study on Stress Management of Women Constables of Tamilnadu Police with Special Reference to Chennai City
Pages: 54-62 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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The review of literature has highlighted a variety of workplace problems, such as racial and gender bias and lack of influence over work activities, as influences on police stress. Additional explanations for police stress include community conditions, for example, high crime rates, and size of the community within the police organization, and lack of family and coworker support for work-related activities. In a large-sample, descriptive study, this research examined the workplace problems that were hypothesized to predict stress. It also determined whether community conditions and lack of social support explained additional variance in police constables ‘stress levels. Lack of influence over work activities and bias against one’s race, or gender. Interventions to redesign jobs to afford greater influence and to reduce within-department bias are approaches that could reduce police officers’ stress.


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A Study on Customer Awareness Towards Broandband of the Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited with Special Refernece to Thanjavur, Tamilnadu
Pages: 63-71 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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This is the era of the internet. It has opened a new way in everyone's life. It has created an entertainment environment as well as attractive business opportunities in all fields. The BSNL has to face stiff competition in the internet service providing market. Many private service providers have entered the market. So, the BSNL has to be very careful and it should design a marketing plan. The present survey was carried out on a limited scale in Thanjavur Telecom Circle. This study helps to explain some important issues on the internet services of the BSNL. The study concludes that it is not meant for mere communication and entertainment service but it is the appropriate technology to fulfill informational needs in the era of Information Technology. The customers should have adequate awareness of the full usage of the BSNL broadband services.
Keywords: Broadband, internet, awareness.


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Health Status and its Impact on Health Care Awareness among the People
Pages: 72-77 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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Perspicacity on Value for Money Paid at Amma Unavagam (Worthiness) at Trichy
Pages: 78-88 | First Published: 05 Oct 2016
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