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Employees’ Perception on Training and Development (A Study with Special Reference to Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Tamilnadu, India)
Pages: 66-72 | First Published: 05 Jun 2015
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Employees become efficient after the training and development. Efficient employees pave the way for the growth of the organization. Training makes employee versatile in their work. This makes the employee adapt to any job, when he is moved on job rotation, within or outside the department in the organization, flexibility is ensured within the workers due to proper training. Only well-trained employee contributes maximum effort to their organization, training is an act of increasing the knowledge and skill of employees for doing a particular job. These have constantly stifled the growth of the industrial sector and sent negative signals to investors. Training and development help employees ease stressful situations and improve the morale of the organization which brings in harmonious relationships. Hence the present study analyses the drawbacks found in the present training process implemented in NLC Ltd and also suggests significant measures to improve the existing training programmes more effectively by incorporating various technological aspects of training which leads to the development of the organization.
Keywords - Training, development, NLC (Neyveli Lignite Corporation)


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