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A Study on Predominant Determinants Influencing the Purchase of Green FMCG Products among the Rural Consumers Tiruvellore District
Pages: 1-6 | First Published: 05 Feb 2023
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  The present research focused on assessing the predominant determinants influencing the purchase of green FMCG products among rural consumers in the Tiruvellore district. The demand for eco-friendly products is increasing globally, which has created a new form of consumer, i.e., green consumer. However, targeting them is very challenging for marketers because green consumers want companies to engage in various environment-friendly practices such as recycling, waste management, energy efficiency, etc. Apart from this, various factors influence their intention to purchase green products. The study established that the factors, namely benefits of green product consumption, Health consciousness, price, variety of product choices, prevention of COVID-19, and availability, are positively linked with the dependent variable, purchase intention, which means that as these variables increase, purchase intention of rural consumers also increases.

Keywords: Green products, consumer behavior, FMCG products, and Consumer buying intentions. 


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