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Journal Issues

Usage of Teaching Approach in Commerce Education Before and During COVID 19 pandemic in Maharashtra.
Rupali D. Gundale (Mudholkar)
Pages: 8-14 | First Published: 05 Jul 2022
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The present online teaching learning process has transformed the face to face education. Now the concept of open and distance learning has been undertaken by the regular Universities as students now became the learners and teachers became the facilitator or instructor in this era. Hence it is essential to study the impact of COVID Pandemic on Teaching Learning Process of Commerce Education. This is measured through the comparison of previous face to face classroom teaching learning process verses online teaching learning process. The objective of
the present study is to assess the impact of COVID Pandemic on Teaching Learning Process of Commerce Education as now teachers have to give online lectures instead of regular classroom sessions. Hence only online education is the solution for teaching learning process during COVID pandemic. Hence it is suggested that blended mode of teaching should be given in the Commerce Education to enhance the learning ability of Commerce Students.

Keywords: Mode of Teaching, Face to Face Education and Online Education etc.



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