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An Empirical Study on Labeling Awareness of FM CG Products among the College Students of Tamil Nadu
Dr. S. Vijay Anand
Pages: 1-13 | First Published: 05 Feb 2022
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“Labeling” is the great a part of advertising because it allows to seize the eye of a consumer and additionally allows to exaggerate, perceive and differentiate diverse merchandise.  On the alternative hand, it allows to unfold focus most of the clients approximately the object and it have to display the best facts approximately the product. This quantitative study is to evaluate the attention and delight toward labeling most of the university college students in Tamil Nadu and for this purpose, sixty five college students have been interviewed approximately the truth and the opinion obtained from them have been analyzed via percent evaluation. The end result discovered that maximum of the scholars have been having focus in analyzing the labeling of FM CG merchandise earlier than shopping and that they have completely happy with the content material of the FM CG product labeling besides with a few troubles like absence of ASSAIL certificates and amount.  It is obligatory for every FM CG entrepreneurs to offer good enough facts via labeling for his or her betterment with inside the marketplace.

Keywords: Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Product Label, Students, Satisfaction. 


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