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Challenges and Prospects of Micro Women Entrepreneurs in Tiruvallur District of Tamilnadu
Dr. N. Vijayakumar
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Indian women have come a long way from being just a homemaker to business, inventions and leading new ideas.In India “Entrepreneurship” is very limited amongst women especially in the formal sector, which is less than 5 percent of all the business.Women entrepreneur is any women who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business. As women enter the workforce in ever-greater numbers, they gain professional experience, and managerial skills, both necessary to be successful entrepreneurs.This study analyse challenges faced by micro women entrepreneurs in Tiruvallur district of Tamilnadu.
Key Words: Women Entrepreneurs,Challenges, Prospects, India

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A Study on the Awareness of Cosmetic Contamination among Women in Digital ERA
S. Priya
Pages: 6-9 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Cosmetics are products that are used to change the presence of the appearance or the odor and consistency of the body. To analyze their awareness of cosmetics among women in the digital era and to highlight the impact of cosmetics contamination on women in the digital era. Each day women use so many products in the name of make-up and beauty care. Skin is the main structure in our form and fascinates substances directly into the bloodstream higher than if it was digested.
Keywords: Cosmetic contamination, digital Era

1. Nigam PK, Adverse reactions to Cosmetics and Methods of Testing, Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2009; 75 (1), 10-9.
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A Study on Present Scenario of Digital Entrepreneurship in Kanyakumari District
Dr. S. Rajapriya
Pages: 10-13 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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The term ‘Digital Entrepreneurship’ denotes the procedure of making a new provided business, goods, or service. This definition involves each startup carrying new digital goods or facilities to market but also the digital change of prevailing commercial activity inside a firm or the public segment. In the advanced world, the presence of utility-based cloud computing is unstable determination from technical obstacles to the commercial surroundings tests facing digital entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Present Scenario, Digital Entrepreneurship, KanyakumariDistrict.

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3. Larroulet. C and Couyoumdjian. J.P(2009), “Entrepreneurship and growth: A Latin American paradox?”, The Independent Review, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 81–100.
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6. Wennekers.S, Van Stel. A, Thurik. R and Reynolds. P(2005), “Nascent entrepreneurship and the level of economic development”, Small Business Economics, Vol.24, No. 3, pp.293–309.

A Study on the Impact of Digital ERA on Education in Nagercoil Town
M. Saranya
Pages: 14-17 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Educational knowledge is a methodical and controlled procedure of applying contemporary technology to develop the value of education. The study aims to know the influence of the digital era on the classroom level, to know the impact of the digital era on the teaching process, to analyze the role of teachers in education due to the impact of the digital era, and to track the effect of digital era on education role of students. For these institutions to remain pertinent and develop, newer learning approaches need to be applied. The digital classroom solutions are pre-created by service providers.
Keywords: Education, Digital Era

1. Alessi S.M and Trollip S.R (2001), “Multimedia for learning: Methods and development”, Ally and Bacon (3rd ED).
2. Biswajit Saha (2005) “Knowledge Management: Strategy, Technology, and Application”, Proc.ofIntl.Conf. on Information management (INCIM) in a knowledge society, PP.684-694.
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6. l approach of central library. IIT Bombay, Intl. conf. on digital libraries, vol.2, PP.1081-84.

Digital Transformation of Accounting in India
Dr. Dilshad Begum
Pages: 18-22 | First Published: 05 Nov 2019
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Digitalization plays a pivotal part in the economic growth of the country. In the present scenario, digital transformation in accounting is one of the important segments to witness revolutionary changes in the world. Digital accounting means introducing aspects with technology. This article tries to present that how technology brought up changes in recent times through traditional methods once characterized by manually sitting through hour-long gradation without any visual presentation. The study investigates the status quo and developmental trends of digitalization in accounting, the responsibilities for implementation, and any obstacles to the digitalization of accounting, which may have already emerged. Building on this, a maturity level model was developed that assigns companies to defined clusters and reflects the current status of digi¬talisation in their accounting systems.
Keywords: Digitalization, Accounting, Blockchain, Fibre connectivity, Cloud Accounting, Artificial

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