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A Review on Role of Organizational Support on Stress-Satisfaction Connection
Mrs. G. Mahalakshmi,
Pages: 1-4 | First Published: 05 Aug 2024
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The present investigation examined the connection between progressive push and business satisfaction level of an individual and whether Perceived Organizational Support coordinates the association among each. The results shows negative association between's legitimate push and occupation satisfaction level among laborers; considered various leveled to be as a skilled judge decreases proportion of tension experienced and thusly prompts higher work satisfaction.
Keywords: Organization, satisfaction and Labour

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A Study on Women Empowerment Through SHG’s in Various Countries
Mrs. J. Shanthi
Pages: 5-8 | First Published: 05 Aug 2024
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"Strengthening" suggests giving power. As demonstrated by the Global Reference book (1999), control infers having the utmost and the best approach to guide one's life towards needed social, political and monetary goals or status. Reinforcing gives an increasingly critical access to data and resources, progressively self-administration in essential authority, increasingly conspicuous ability to organize lives, more command over the conditions which effect lives, and opportunity from conventions, feelings and practices. Fortifying of women a goal in itself, just as key to all overall headway destinations. Fortifying is a unique multidimensional methodology to engage women to comprehend their character and power in all circles of life.
Keywords: Strengthening, SHG.

[1] Ritu Jain, (2003), “Socio-Economics Impact through Self Help Groups”, Yojana, 47(7), pp.11-12
[2] Lalitha N & Nagaraja B.S.( 2002) “ Self Help Groups in Rural Development “Dominant Publishers and Distributers , New Delhi,
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[4] Vinayagamoorthy “A Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups: A Case Study in the North Tamil Nadu”.

Service Quality Perception and Awareness of E-Banking in Public and Private Sector Banks in Chennai District
Dr. N. Leela
Pages: 9-18 | First Published: 05 Aug 2024
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The banking and financial industry has the country overall by supplying the necessary funding for various economic sectors. Since this is a service industry, employee productivity affects the calibre of services provided. The primary focus of this study is the awareness of the Chennai district's customers of public and private sector banks. This study's primary objectives are to ascertain customer expectations about bank service, as well as how consumers view the quality of service and service quality caps offered by the two sector banks in the Chennai region. The SERVQUAL method's fundamental structures were used in the observed approach to gauge banks' service quality. Respondents were chosen using sampling techniques from among clients of two commercial (Axis and ICICI banks) and two public (SBI and Indian Bank) banks in the Chennai district. To keep their market share in Chennai, public sector banks, in particular, need to perform better.
Keywords: Customer awareness, SERVQAL, banking industry, and service quality, among other things.


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3. B.V. Surabhi Singh and Renu Anora (2011) A comparative study of Banking services and customer awareness in public, private and foreign banks, Journal of Economics, 2(1) 45-56.
4. Taylor S.A. Sharland, A. Lmonin A.A. Jr. and Bullard W. (1993) Recreational Quality in the international setting. International Journal of Service Industries Management, 4(4), 68-88. 

5. S. Babitha (2019) A Study on the Factors Influencing the Marketing of SHGS in Digital ERA Emperor Journal of Economics and Social Science Research [EJESSR] - ISSN No. 2581-8643 Volume - I Issue - 6 June - 2019DOI -

6. R. Mayakkannan (2019) A Study on Green Marketing Practices in India, Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929, Volume-V Issue-4 April -2019; p.p 1-5;;
7. Thiruchelvam, C., & Mayakkannan, R. (2011). An Empirical Study of Indian Individual Investor's Behavior. Singaporean Journal Scientific Research, Vol.4, No.2, pp.315- 322. 

8. R.Mayakkannan (2018) Investment Pattern of Investors in Chennai- An Empirical study, Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research; ISSN:2395-5929; Vol 4, Issue 2, Feb 2018, Pp 1-10 

9. Junaid .K. Divya .N.VMohamed Riyas Kozhikkattil (2019) Employee to Entrepreneur Transition Trends and Financing of SMEs in Indian Tourism Industry; Emperor Journal of Economics and Social Science Research [EJESSR] - ISSN No. 2581-8643 (O)Volume - I Issue - 4 April – 2019 DOI -

 10. Tanaya Majumder(2019) Tourism in the Digital ERA; Employee to Entrepreneur Transition Trends and Financing of SMEs in Indian Tourism Industry; Emperor Journal of Economics and Social Science Research [EJESSR] -ISSN No.2581-8643 Volume-I Issue - 6 June – 2019.DOI -
11. R. Mayakkannan (2019) A Study on Green Marketing Practices in India; Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research; ISSN:2395-5929, Volume-05 Issue-04 April-2019; DOI -

Globalization and Securities Market Development in Tamil Nadu: Trends and Challenges
Dr. A Shanmugam, Rubavathi K,Dr. N. Manoharan
Pages: 21-28 | First Published: 05 Aug 2024
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Globalization has significantly transformed financial markets worldwide, including the securities market in Tamil Nadu, one of India’s most industrialized states. This study examines the trends, opportunities, and challenges in the development of Tamil Nadu’s securities market in the context of globalization. Key findings highlight a steady increase in retail and institutional investor participation, driven by technological advancements and foreign investments. The emergence of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups as active market participants underscores the market's growing diversity. However, challenges such as low financial literacy, particularly in rural areas, regulatory complexities, and market volatility hinder equitable and sustainable growth.

            The study emphasizes the need for policy reforms, improved financial literacy programs, and technology-driven solutions to bridge the urban-rural divide and strengthen market infrastructure.

 By addressing these challenges and fostering inclusive participation, Tamil Nadu’s securities market can position itself as a key driver of economic development while navigating the complexities of a globalized financial ecosystem.

Keywords : Globalization, Securities Market, Tamil Nadu, Financial Literacy, Investor Participation, Foreign Institutional Investment (FII), Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)



  • Globalization of Securities Market: Effects & Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  • Worldwide Journals. (2015). Securities Market Trends and Challenges in India. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, 4(4). Retrieved from

  •   International Capital Market Association. (n.d.). Trends in Market Liquidity and Investor Protection. Retrieved from

  • The globalization of securities markets has enabled increased international capital flows, impacting regional markets like Tamil Nadu's. Improved access to foreign investments has bolstered market liquidity and encouraged the development of new financial instruments.

  • Advancements in electronic trading and big data analytics have revolutionized securities trading, providing smaller markets like Tamil Nadu opportunities to integrate better with global capital markets.