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Marketing Strategies for Admissions of Management Institutes in Maharashtra
Vijay R. Uttarwar,
Pages: 15-20 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
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The management institutes in Maharashtra state have tremendous competitions among these B schools. The management institutes prefer the marketing practices to be adopted for getting admissions. The management institutes always look for strong marketing practices so as to attract the more and more students for admissions, hence the marketing makes an impact on admissions in management institutes. Here in this research paper, researcher made an attempt to study whether there is an impact of marketing on admissions of management institutes in Maharashtra. Through the data analysis, it is found that Management Institute in Maharashtra State assumed the impact of marketing and its content could assist to get admissions done in their institutes.
Keywords: Marketing Strategies, Admissions and Management Institutes


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Industrial Relation and Institute Industry Interaction of Management Institutes in Maharashtra
Dr. Gajanan P. Mudholkar,
Pages: 21-30 | First Published: 05 Mar 2024
Full text | Abstract | PDF | References | Request permissions

Industrial Relations is a multidisciplinary field that studies the employment relationship. Industrial relations is increasingly being called employment relations or employee relations because of the importance of non-industrial employment relationships, the industry institute interaction involves the interaction or MoU or Relationship of management institutes with the corporate industries. Here in this research paper, researcher made an attempt to study Industrial Relation of Management Institutes and Institute Industry Interaction in Maharashtra and its impact on marketing strategy. It is found that Industry relations and industry institute interaction a part of public relation had NOT persuaded on Management Institutes marketing strategy in Maharashtra State.
Keywords: Industrial Relation, Institute Industry Interaction, Marketing Strategy and Management Institutes.


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7. Assael,H., Consurner Behaviour and Marketing Action, Kent Publishing Company, Boston, 1987.
8. Balachandran, S., Customer - Driven Services Management, Response Books, A Division of Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1999.
9. Berry, L. L and Parasu ram an, A., Marketing Services: Competing Through Quafik Free Press, New York, 1991.
10. Booms, B.H. and Bitner, M. J., Marketing Strategies and Organisation Structures for Services Firms, in Donnelly, J.H. and George, W.R. (Eds.), Marketing of Services, American Marketing Association, 1982.

11. Burnett, John, J., Promotion Management, A.1.T.B.S Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1998.
12. Cannon, Tom, Basic Marketing - Principles and Practice, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, London, 1980. 13. Mayakkannan (2019) Customer perception on service quality towards retail banking in Chennai; retailing: trends in the new millennium, 2019; MJP Publisher 14. Sumathy, KP Vipin (2017) Digital payment systems: Perception and concerns among urban consumers; International Journal of Applied Research: volume 3 issue 6 Pp 1118-1122 15. Mayakkannan (2017) A Study on Employee Perception on Public Sector Banks in Chennai City; International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research; Volume 15 Number 21 (Part 2) PP 29-40 Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
16. Carmines, E.C. and Mclver, J.P. (1981). ‘Analyzing models with unobserved variable’, In Bohrnstedt G, W. and Borgatta, E.F (ed). Social Measurement: Sage, Beverly Hills. , New Delhi, 1999.
17. Berry, L. L and Parasu ram an, A., Marketing Services: Competing Through Quafik Free Press, New York, 1991.
18. Booms, B.H. and Bitner, M. J., Marketing Strategies and Organisation Structures for Services Firms, in Donnelly, J.H. and George, W.R. (Eds.), Marketing of Services, American Marketing Association, 1982.
19. Burnett, John, J., Promotion Management, A.1.T.B.S Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1998.
20. Cannon, Tom, Basic Marketing - Principles and Practice, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, London, 1980.